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of the Mist
Male ♂
Elezen (Duskwight)
East Shroud (13,22)
Quest NPC

Foulques is an Elezen in East Shroud.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Dangerous Proposition Class quest 15 Ywain
Proof of Might Class quest 30 Ywain


Zone Coordinates Level range
East Shroud (X:13, Y:22)
North Shroud (X:15, Y:27)

Additional Information


Foulques was a Lancer that held the Lancer's Guild in contempt, believing they were cowards, and the only way to truly hone the skills necessary to be an excellent Lancer is to be forged in the heart of battle. This is in opposition to Ywain's beliefs, that one must remain calm and composed in order to master the Lance. He once thrust his blade directly into the Warrior of Light's face, but when they didn't even react, he decided they may have promise.

Foulques regularly interferes with the guild's training missions and methods, such as hiding the Stone of Courage, a sacred artifact, deep within Spirithold, requiring the Warrior of Light to fight through masses of Voidsent. However, Foulques has been shown to not be as stout of heart as he leads others to believe, cowering when attacked by the Lord of the Bramble Patch and being saved by the Warrior of Light, who did not shy away from the danger. This did nothing more than shake Foulques, humiliating him and further deepening his grudge against the guild.

Later, in a fit of rage and madness, Foulques released a pack of ravenous Lindwurms on a group of novice Lancers who were out training in the Central Shroud, claiming it would "temper their courage" and resulted in severe injuries. The Warrior of Light tracked him down, and learned the truth of his hatred for the Lancer's Guild: He and his friends were once members of the guild, but were suffering due to poverty. They robbed the guild's coffers, but he soon felt guilty for his crime. Though his friends promised to confess alongside him, they pinned the entire thing on Foulques, resulting in him being the only one to be punished. He cursed himself for being too weak to make them confess, and upon his release, swore to temper his courage anew, by entering into monster's lairs soaked in blood and slaying their children to drive them mad. Through this he believed himself to be the greatest Lancer to ever live. However, when he crossed spears with the Warrior of Light, he was found wanting. In his fear and madness, he accidentally backed off a cliff, where he fell to his death.