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This anthropoid mandragora modified by aetherochemical experimentation was cultivated to be a charismatic leader to its troops. Too charismatic, perhaps, as its enhanced intelligence inspired it to devise a revolution against its overlords, which led to its subsequent banishment to Eureka Orthos for purposes of “reeducation.”

Gancanagh Card description

Gancanagh is a boss in Eureka Orthos (Floors 1-10).

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Delve into Myth Feature quest 81 Koh Rabntah


Zone Coordinates Level range
Eureka Orthos (Floor 10) Unknown 85


Gancanagh's arena is a 3x3 grid, with each square containing a Pachypodium mine.

Authoritative Shriek: Gancanagh activates a random set of mines, which will then cast Mandrashock. Mandrashock is a telegraphed point-blank circle AoE that deals damage and Vulnerability Up if it hits.

Mandrastorm: Proximity AoE on Gancanagh, get away.


  • Authoritative Shriek
  • Authoritative Shriek
  • Mandrastorm
  • Mines activate in rows/columns marked with 1, 2 and 3 dots, and explode in that order. The middle set is always the first set to explode; stand at set 3 and move to set 1 after it explodes


Unfortunately, Gancanagh and pachypodium mines are two forms of weaponry that were never developed past the prototype stage before the empire collapsed.

The intended purpose of the mines was to lie in ambush beneath the soil and take unwary enemies by surprise. Individually they were quite ineffective, but with Gancanagh's leadership, they could be as terrifying as a legion of hardened troops.

Researchers determined that designing them to resemble plant life would best enable them to blend into their surroundings. Their sensors had to be calibrated as precisely as possible to enable accurate readings from deep underground.

Alas, they will ever be in a state of imperfection. As they are, they are far from the picture of well-oiled killing machines. One might even say they appear quite charming─until the explosions start, that is.

Koh Rabntah