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“A hard-scaled freshwater fish native to southern Eorzea.
[Suitable for printing on large canvases.]
— In-game description
Basic Information
- Recommended Fishing Level: 48
- Fish Type: Lakes
- Aquarium Type: None
- Sizes: Smallest - ??im, Largest - ??im
A hard-scaled freshwater fish native to southern Eorzea. The garpike is mentioned in the famous Raimdelle Codex, where it is described as a thirty-yalm monstrosity with two score hundred teeth and arms like a goobbue's. Fortunately for us, the garpike of Raimdelle's time is no more.
Purchased From
Dropped By
Fishing Log: Bluefog
- Location: Northern Thanalan (x24,y25)
- Hole Level: 40
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched From: Silverfish or Common Sculpin
- Condition:
- Weather:
Fishing Log: Moondrip
- Location: Western Thanalan (x17,y6)
- Hole Level: 45
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched From: Silverfish
- Condition:
- Weather:
Fishing Log: Singing Shards
- Location: Mor Dhona (x28,y10)
- Hole Level: 45
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched From: Silverfish
- Condition:
- Weather:
Used For
- See also: Large Angler's Canvas
Crafting Ingredient
Class: Culinarian
Potential Results:
- Fine Sand x1
- Allagan Bronze Piece x1
- Water Crystal x1
- Brown Pigment x1