Give It to Me Raw

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Give It to Me Raw

Quest giver
Drunken Stag
Western Thanalan (X:26.2, Y:18.2)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests
Required items
2 Raw Nashachite Icon.png  Raw Nashachite
Experience 3,420
Gil 0
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestSupply and Demands
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Perfect Swarm

Main Scenario Progress: 11 / 968 (1.1%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 11 / 241 (4.6%)


Drunken Stag needs someone to retrieve the raw Nashachite he dropped outside the mines.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Now that the haul of raw Nashachite has been secured, a timely delivery to Dadanen may prevent his impending fall into destitution.


Drunken Stag: The “product” you heard Dadanen going on about is a valuable gemstone known as raw Nashachite. I managed to dig up a goodly amount just before the mines were closed off, actually.

Drunken Stag: Packed it up and hauled it out, even. But then them Twelve-damned coblyns came along. Not like any coblyns I'd seen before, and hungry only for the good rocks. They had eyes for my gemstones, so I had no choice but to oblige.

Drunken Stag: The Stone Torches had their hands full evacuating the mines, so they ignored the beasts. Even now, they're only concerned with keeping people out. Please, friend, if you're willing to face the coblyns, would you bring me my Nashachite?

Drunken Stag: How did you fare, friend? Did you find the raw Nashachite?

You hand over what you could find of the raw Naschalite.

Drunken Stag: Beautiful, isn't it? Rarer than many stones, and more expensive than most. They say the green is the same as the eyes of Nanasha Ul Nasha, who once ruled as the sultana.

Drunken Stag: This should save Dadanen from his troubles...if there's enough left. There's far less here than what I found. I reckon those coblyns made a meal of the stuff. Bloody waste...