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Gone Like the Morning Dew

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Gone Like the Morning Dew

Quest giver
The Doman Enclave (X:7.8, Y:6.4)
Quest line
Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 10,800
Gil 970
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestGosetsu and Tsuyu
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestFruits of Her Labor

Main Scenario Progress: 522 / 968 (53.9%)


Stormblood Progress: 143 / 162 (88.3%)


Though his face betrays little sign of panic, Hien is plainly desperate to find Yotsuyu before something terrible happens.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



There are no journal entries for this quest.



Alphinaud: Without Tsuyu, I cannot see how the prisoner exchange─or indeed the peace process at large─can proceed. We have to find her, and soon.  
Alisaie: Her memory must have returned. Why else would she run? 

Accepting the Quest

Hien: It seems Tsuyu has gone unrecognized thus far, but kami help us if someone catches a clear view of her face. I must find her before that happens. 
Hien: The responsibility for her disappearance─for all of this─lies with me. But I would ask for your aid nonetheless. 
Alphinaud: We are at your service, Lord Hien, now as before. Let us make the crossing and begin our search. 
Alisaie: You go on ahead. Someone should let Yugiri know what we've learned. I'll join you on the other side. 
Hien: We have no way of knowing where Tsuyu is headed, so we had best divide our forces. I will take Kusakari and its surrounds; Alphinaud, if you would take the road to Castrum Fluminis? 
Hien: [Forename]─forgive me, but could I ask you to interrogate the residents of Yuzuka Manor? One of the Namazu may well have seen our quarry.
Hien: If everyone is in agreement, let us board the skiff, and hope the kami smile upon our efforts!

Questioning residents of Yuzuka Manor

Gyosan: Welcome to Yuzuka Manor. Yes, yes. If there is anything you care to know, you need only─ Hm? A pale-skinned woman? 
Gyosan: I have seen no such traveler, I am sorry to say. Most sorry. Scaly-skinned Namazu, on the other hand, we have in abundance! 
Gyosan: No, no. Still no pale-skinned females here. Only grey. 
Gyoku: ...Unusually pale skin? Yes, yes! I saw this woman on the way back from my fishing trip. 
Gyoku: She had just crossed the shallows east of here, and was headed in a northeasterly direction...for the most part. Her steps did not seem certain. If you hurry, you might still catch her. 
Gyoku: I thought you would be on your way by now. Did you lose interest in finding your friend?

Searching for signs of Yotsuyu

System: You see no sign of Yotsuyu to the north. Perhaps she is somewhere farther off to the northeast...

Searching for signs of Yotsuyu

System: Still no sign of Yotsuyu. Perhaps she is yet farther to the northeast...

Searching for signs of Yotsuyu

System: Yotsuyu is nowhere to be seen, but lying on the ground a short distance to the north, you spy a familiar-looking wide-brimmed hat...

Inspecting the bamboo hat

System: A cursory glance is all that is required to confirm your suspicions: it is the same hat Yotsuyu was wearing when you found her in Sakazuki. 


Hien: [Forename]! Before you ask, our search of Kusakari and its surroundings has yielded exactly naught─save this chance reunion with you, I suppose. 
Yugiri: Mistress Alisaie has gone to assist her brother at the castrum. It was she who informed me of the situation. I joined Lord Hien here shortly thereafter. 
Hien: How did you fare at Yuzuka Manor? Any sign of our missing guest? 
Hien: ...Towards Namai? By the kami! If the villagers recognize her, it will not end well. 
Hien: We must hurry. Yugiri and I will check the paddies; the village square is yours! 


Yotsuyu: Greetings. Might I have one of y─ Wait! Please! 
...I only wanted a persimmon. 
Frightened Villager: Kami save us! Her spirit has returned! 
Panicked Villager: She's back from the dead to seek her revenge! 
Isse: It can't be! She couldn't have survived! 
Yotsuyu: What did I... Wh-What did I do? 
Isse: As if you don't know! 
Hien: Good people of Namai─be at ease, I pray you! You have naught to fear! 
Isse: My lord, forgive me but─what is that monster doing here!? They told us she was dead! 
Hien: I too was surprised to learn of her survival. 
Hien: More even than you, I would hazard. 'Twas I who cut her down. I who left her to her fate. 
Hien: But it would seem the kami had other plans. By some miracle, both she and Gosetsu were spared when the keep collapsed─though Yotsuyu's preservation came at the cost of her memory. 
Isse: You're saying she's forgotten? Forgotten everything she's done!? 
Panicked Villager: Lies! Lies, my lord! She would say anything to escape punishment! 
Frightened Villager: What does it matter!? We have not forgotten her crimes! And we demand justice! I beg of you, Lord Hien, draw your blade and rid us of this canker! 
Yotsuyu: What I saw, then. It's all true. 
Yotsuyu: I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry... 
Isse: You're “sorry”!? And what, we're supposed to forgive you? 
Azami: Here, there's no need to cry. 
Azami: Can't you see how scared she is? How can you be scared of her? She's not the same. 
Hien: Until such time as her memories return, this woman shall be known as “Tsuyu,” and treated as a citizen of Doma. 
Hien: I will, however, see that she is watched at all times. Rest assured that there will be no more unannounced visits to the village. As your lord, I ask that you leave her fate in my hands, and suffer her to live. For now. 
Azami: Please, Isse... 
Isse: All right. I'll keep my peace. 
Isse: As long as you're happy. That's all that matters.