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H'raha Tia

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"The arduous training to hone mind and body, the blood we spill and shed—all of it is for no other purpose but to honor the Destroyer."

Master of the sect of shadow, a splinter faction of the Fist of Rhalgr. Eschewing the entanglements of politics and seeking only to grow closer to the Destroyer, H'raha is a fanatical proponent of his sect's devotion to martial perfection. So uncompromising is his zealotry that he willingly compels his disciples to fight to the death when the prize is the opening of one's chakras. Satisfied with nothing less than the mastery of all fourteen chakras, H'raha sends those who would be his successors to hunt down and defeat Widargelt and the other disciples of the sect of light. Temple Attire: The religious habit of the Fist of Rhalgr, made entirely on the temple grounds. The cloth is loomed by monks, the thread spun from the cocoons of remarkable worms unknown to naturalists but which arise in great numbers in the temple seolc-house. Every stitch is half as wide as its wearer's little fingernail, and it is said that the result forms a holy geometry to further open one's chakras. Sphairai: A pair of Sphairai cunningly wrought in the form of coeurls. The sweat of Ivon Coeurlfist and blood of his enemies anoint these ever-snarling beasts of hide and metal. Perhaps the most famed of the warrior monks of the Fist of Rhalgr, Ivon is said to have eschewed the training grounds of the main temple in favor of martial congress with wild coeurls.

— In-game description

H'raha Tia is a Miqo'te in Coerthas Western Highlands.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Stop the Senseless Killing Job quest 58 Widargelt

Additional Information


As the master of the hidden sect of shadows, H'raha Tia sends his disciples, O'tchakha and D'zentsa to attack and destroy Widargelt and the Warrior of Light in order to further open their Chakras. Believing that the only method to be as close to Rhalgr as possible is by opening all fourteen Chakras, he seeks to use the sect of light to open the seven Chakras of light, then destroy them so the sect of shadow may reign supreme.

H'raha forced Tchakha and Zentsa to battle to the death after failing to kill Widargelt and the Warrior of Light to open their Chakra. After learning that Tchakha was still alive, he tracked her and attacked the group, claiming he was there to silence her since she was a traitor. Instead, he offered to allow her to live if she killed Widargelt and opened her seventh Chakra, and would release her and Zentsa if the Warrior of Light swore to serve him. He left for the ruins of Ala Mhigo, telling them to hurry before he changed his mind and killed them.

When the group faced him and attempted to convince him to stand down, H'raha simply explained that the sect of light had fallen because they had turned their back on their way, and that was why they were destroyed. He attacked the Warrior of Light and Widargelt with his men, saying the Fist of Rhalgr would be rebuilt on their broken bodies.

When the other members of the sect had been defeated, he drained the energy of Tchakha, Zentsa and Widargelt, taking their power for his own. His attack was rebuked however by the Warrior of Light, whose final Chakra had opened, putting them on equal footing with H'raha. He merely scoffed at the notion, saying the Warrior of Light was as a baby before his power, and they engaged in battle, with H'raha losing his life in the battle.