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Orphaned at a young age by the tragedies of war, Heustienne was taken in by the noble house of Brucemont. Seeking to preserve her adoptive family's proud lineage of dragonslayers, Heustienne entered the Temple Knights, and was eventually accepted into the tanks of the dragoons. Though tireless in her determination and praised for her astounding agility, she was ultimately unsuccessful in her efforts to win the mantle of the Azure Dragoon. Heustienne is nevertheless widely recognized as the order's second-in-command, and during those frequent occasions when Estinien's duties take him far from the city's walls, it is to her that the burden of leadership falls. Drachen Armor: A dragoon's armor. They say that in Ishgard, the value of a thing is measured in rumors. By that reckoning, the smithing secrets of drachen armor is valuable indeed. Some say the tint of the mythril comes from being cooked in dragon blood. Others whisper that the suit is unnaturally light, that drowning knights who should have been dragged under by its weight sped to shore like eels... Gae Bolg: A spear only granted to those elected by the Holy See to serve Ishgard as a dragoon. Chosen for its light weight and great strength, the dragon bone used to craft the spear is reaped from fields of battle by the kin of the glorious dead. No outlander shall know how such a material is worked, but some say that the bone is kept supple in smoking vats of dragon blood.

— In-game description

Heustienne is an Elezen in Coerthas Western Highlands.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Heart of Justice Job quest 52 Heustienne

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Days of Azure Job quest 52 Alberic
Dragoon's Errand Job quest 56 Alberic

Additional Information