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Hide and Seek

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the Shadowbringers sidequest. For the A Realm Reborn FATE, see Hide and Seek (FATE).
Quest icon.png

Hide and Seek

Quest giver
Waiting Pixie
Il Mheg (X:13.0, Y:31.4)
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 852
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestAcht-la Ormh Inn

The waiting pixie is sick and tired of waiting.

— In-game description


The entrance to the cave is at (X: 31.7, Y: 22.3, Z: 1.6)



  • The waiting pixie is sick and tired of waiting.


Accepting the Quest

Waiting Pixie: >> Grrr, I am so angry right now! My friends promised that we'd play together here, but not one of them have come! <<
Waiting Pixie: >> Instead they're over in Anden's Airs, playing hide-and-seek! That's the only game they ever play, hmph! <<
Waiting Pixie: I want you to march over there and give them a good scolding for me! You're respected in our village, so they'll take your words to heart!
Waiting Pixie: >> The others are over in Anden's Airs, playing hide-and-seek! Go over there and give them a good scolding for me! <<

Speaking with the seeking pixie

Seeking Pixie: ...A promise? I don't recall a─
Ahhh! We completely forgot! Oh, we're so sorry!
Seeking Pixie: We would go with you right now, but we're in the midst of a game of hide-and-seek. One of us is still hiding, and we can't well leave them behind. Will you help us search?
Seeking Pixie: Thank you! Now, when you find them, you must say the word “beaver.” It's the rules!
Seeking Pixie: Right, let's get to it!
Seeking Pixie: Our last hiding friend should be somewhere nearby. Remember, when you find them, you must say the word “beaver.” It's the rules!

With the chat mode in Say, entering "Beaver" to let the hiding pixie know that the game is up

Hiding Pixie: (Shhh! Can't you see I'm trying to hide!?)
< "Beaver" >
Hiding Pixie: Oh no, I am found!
...Wait, aren't you [Forename]!? I didn't know you were playing too! This makes it even more fun, tee hee!

Discovered Pixie: Tee hee, it was so fun being found by you! You must play hide-and-seek with us again!

Reporting to the seeking pixie

Seeking Pixie: You did well to find our hiding friend! We would never have thought to look there! 
Seeking Pixie: But come, it wouldn't do to keep our waiting friend waiting any longer. They aren't the most patient of pixies.

Reporting to the waiting pixie

Waiting Pixie: The others finally came, thanks to you! But what's this I hear about you playing hide-and-seek with them? 
Seeking Pixie: That's not fair! I want to be found by you too! Promise me you'll play with us again soon!