Hunter-scholar (Camp Drybone)

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Hunter-scholar Camp Drybone.JPG

Male ♂
Lalafell (Dunesfolk)
Eastern Thanalan (14.0,24.1)

You'd better be an adventurer after an elite mark, or I'll have none of you.

— In-game description

Hunter-scholar is a Lalafell in Eastern Thanalan.


What do yo do here?

A silly kind of thing to ask a busy man! I hunt elite marks. That's obvious enough. If the gods are good and your aim is true, you shall be paid a bounty in Allied Seals. I'll tell you what I know of the marks, but tarry not! We all have things to kill today. My days are full of hunts, of course. Why, just yesterday I slew a rank A mark. The danger of a mark is so ranked: B, then A, and finally the dread yet elusive S.

Tell me about the rank B elite mark. (Gatling)

Gatling. A hedgemole of exceptionally bad temper who makes free of the lichyard of the Church of Saint Adama Landama. He has been thus dubbed for taking up residence in the tomb of Gatling the Alchemical Smith. If the creature has a true name, it remains unknown and of no great interest to local folk.

Tell me about the rank A elite mark. (Maahes)

While Halatali is a cultural institution of note, it has also been less than perfect in keeping track of the fighting beasts it starves into greater savagery. Maahes is an object lesson. The blood meant for spilling on stadium sands has instead grown richer, feeding on the flesh of caravaneers.

Tell me about the rank S elite mark. (Lampalagua)

Lampalagua. A dragon of many heads, cage-born and stadium-bred. His escape en route to the Coliseum was a major embarrassment for his handlers, or more precisely, to their heirs. Each head having been blooded as a hatchling, Lampalagua is exceptionally barbarous and exquisitely attuned to the bloodlust of the crowd. Lacking a conventional audience in the wilds of eastern Thanalan, Lampalagua has instead taken to appearing wherever violent business is afoot.