Hunter-scholar (Camp Tranquil)
“Another day, another adventurer after an elite mark.
— In-game description
Hunter-scholar is a Hyur in South Shroud.
What do yo do here?
My business is the elite marks. I hunt those that disturb the peace─and study them as well. They that slay an elite mark are rewarded in Allied Seals, though the satisfaction of a job well done ought to be enough. Still, the bounty brings more eyes and swords to these parts, and that is most welcome. I would tell you of the elite marks here, if you have a mind to ask. Many come on the Hunt green and callow, not even knowing that elite marks are ranked according to danger. Poor fools! I have seen them seeking a rank S mark in vain. And if they had found it, they would likely have lost their lives to these most deadly prey.
Tell me about the rank B elite mark. (Monarch Ogrefly)
Monarch Ogrefly, the dread vilekin of the Lost City of Amdapor. The barrier that seals in its infestations is considered sound... ...yet even the Gods' Quiver could not stop the monstrous Ogreflies from escaping with their deadly taint of mold and burrs.
Tell me about the rank A elite mark. (Ghede Ti Malice)
The first among gremlins in saltiness of speech, Ghede Ti Malice finally lost its place in Amdapor after one too many contumelies. Ghede Ti Malice wouldn't be the first to fall out with its gremlin mates. Thin skin and big mouths make for an uneasy combination.
Tell me about the rank S elite mark. (Mindflayer)
“Mindflayers are major voidsents also notable for their dealings with the remnants of the Lambs of Dalamud in the Black Shroud. Of the twelve tiers of the voidsent hierarchy put forth by scholars, mindflayers fall into the fifth. they have a grisly penchant for sucking out the brains of men, their favored prey. Most rumors are to be dismissed out of hand, yet this is not one of them. Moonless nights are when their rites grow the foulest. Only death and decay can chisel for them a foothold in this world. Walk with Menphina, adventurer, lest the hunter become the hunted.