Hunter-scholar (Horizon)

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Hunter-scholar Horizon.JPG

Female ♀
Lalafell (Dunesfolk)
Western Thanalan (22.3,16.6)

There's a smile made of sunshine an' steel! Welcome, adventurer, to the elite Hunt!

— In-game description

Hunter-scholar is a Lalafell in Western Thanalan.


What do yo do here?

I'm a hunter of elite marks, just like you! I'm better at it, of course─more learned an' such. You should see my haul of Allied Seals. You get a pile of 'em every time you bring down an elite mark. I wouldn't mind if the Alliance just paid us in gil, but I'm not complainin'! Why, sure you've a chance to get some of those seals for yourself! 'Tis natural for the more learned to help the less learned, so ask me what you will! I wasn't so lucky when I started─chased a rank S for days an' not a trace. The ranks show danger an' difficulty both, as I later learned!

Tell me about the rank B elite mark. (Sewer Syrup)

Born in the full foulness of the effluent passed by Amajina & Sons' Copperbell Mines, the voidsent Sewer Syrup was so named by the less imaginative among even the fume-addled unfortunates that work the recently expanded mine. Containment attempts by the Stone Torches were foiled by the voidsent's acrid stink. So powerful was the stench that it laid low many of the militiamen, and others still weep blood-tinged tears.

Tell me about the rank A elite mark. (Alectryon)

It is known that ziz hunt in pairs: the driver maneuvers the prey toward the ambusher, and both eat well that day. The elders say Alectryon never knew his place, and correct they were proven when his ambusher was found dead. The latter had starved while the self-styled lone hunter took the game by and for himself, leaving nary a gristle for the other ziz.

Tell me about the rank S elite mark. (Zona Seeker)

Few have seen Zona Seeker, such is the altitude it keeps in its deadly flight. Its elusiveness would trouble none but the most ardent scholars of airborne monstrosities, were it not for the many airships of Highwind Skyways lost to Zona Seeker's attacks. The beast near landed on me once. That was a bit of a scare, let me tell you! Flashes of light draw it--must've been the brushed bronze pauldrons I was wearin'.