Hunter-scholar (Summerford Farms)
- Gender
- Male ♂
- Race
- Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
- Profession
- Hunter-scholar
- Zone
- Middle La Noscea (25.7,16.2)
“An adventurer on the trail of an elite mark, I'll wager.
— In-game description
Hunter-scholar is a Miqo'te in Middle La Noscea.
What do yo do here?
Oh, a little bit of everythin'. But what I know best are huntin' and the Raimdelle Codex. You come for the Allied Seals, you stay for the thrill. Them's the rewards of the Hunt. Go on, then, I know you've got questions. Ask me about them elite marks. You got your danger ranks straight, don't you? Goes B-A-S─remember it like “bastard.” I'd wait on tryin' to find a rank S, though, if I was you.
Tell me about the rank B elite mark. (Skogs Fru)
The ravening queen of ladybugs, Skogs Fru's natural voracity for pests has taken an unnatural turn. Not content with emptying the fields of pollen carriers and soil tillers, the adamantine-shelled Skogs Fru has adopted a new diet consisting of chocobos and their riders.
Tell me about the rank A elite mark. (Vogaal Ja)
Vogaal Ja, a Mamool Ja sellsword of particularly ill repute. Known to be as cruel as he is suspicious, and as suspicious as he is displeasing to the eye. A real prince among men, this one. Can't get work on account of seein' every order as a way to get him killed, but claims it's because he's ugly-like. That part at least makes sense, but how that gives him the right to hack folks to bits, he's a mite fuzzy on.
Tell me about the rank S elite mark. (Croque-Mitaine)
While gardening has long been a craft rich in obsession and madness, the goobbue Croque-mitaine has taken the legacy to new extremes... From the river whose water irrigates the artful plantings upon his head to the pastures rich in worm castings, the creature keeps a jealous eye on the many wild places that supply his cephalic paradise. Many an unwary orchid hunter, vermicomposter, and moss monger seeking rich loam have met their end at Croque-mitaine's hands, and his green thumb is well stained with their life's blood.