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In Search of Hermes

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In Search of Hermes

In Search of Hermes.png
Quest giver
Elpis (X:25.5, Y:34.0)
Quest line
Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
Experience 488,400
Gil 977
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestPetalouda Hunt
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestPonder, Warrant, Cherish, Welcome

Main Scenario Progress: 764 / 968 (78.9%)


Endwalker Progress: 66 / 155 (42.6%)


Hythlodaeus is ready to continue on if you are.

— In-game description



Search for Hermes: X: 26.0, Y: 25.3


  • Hythlodaeus is ready to continue on if you are.
  • Duly disguised and somewhat blending in, you set off with Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus for the observation hub of Anagnorisis, where you will ask someone to point you in the direction of Hermes.
  • Upon arriving, you learn that Hermes should be out conducting observations as usual. As the man's focus of late has been aquatic creatures, he is like to be found at one of the pools at the facility, and so you split up to look for him.
  • Making your way around the picturesque gardens of Anagnorisis, you finally come upon a man who fits Hermes's description. At his side is a peculiar blue-haired girl with avian features, who takes an immediate interest in you. Though she seems to struggle with her words, to your surprise, she can speak fluently and directly to you in your mind, and expresses her desire to be friends. When your companions join you shortly thereafter, Hermes introduces the girl as Meteion, a pet project. Upon learning that Emet-Selch has official matters to discuss, he bids you wait at the main building while he tends to the ambystomas under his care, but notices with a start that one is missing. Apparently, the creature has found its way into the boughs of a tree outside the facility's grounds, and Hermes rushes to its aid with Meteion on his heels. While Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus watch over its fellows, you are tasked with assisting Hermes.
  • The ambystoma has been delivered safely to the ground, but in its former place you find Hermes, suspended upside down from a branch. After extricating himself from his predicament, he thanks you for coming to his aid, and bids you welcome to Elpis. And thus, after a long journey through time and space, do you strike up an acquaintance with the man who will become Fandaniel. By learning more about him, you hope that you will find the key to the star's salvation...