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Insentient Inquisitor

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Insentient Inquisitor

The dragons will...rend you...asunder...

— In-game description

Insentient Inquisitor is an Ashkin in Palace of the Dead (Floors 81-90).


Zone Coordinates Level range
Palace of the Dead (Floor 81) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 82) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 83) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 84) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 85) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 86) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 87) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 88) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 89) Unknown 60


This ashkin is the reanimated corpse of a Inquisitor Guillaime, or rather of his heretic imposter. “Guillaime” used his position as inquisitor to cast judgement on alleged heretics, after outing them using Dravanian rosaries as evidence, which in truth he had planted himself. Things started to unravel for “Guillaime” however, when Alphinaud Leveilleur, Cid Garlond and the soon-to-be Warrior or Light arrived in Coerthas Central Highlands in their search for the airship Enterprise. After proving the innocence of Francel de Haillenarte, thus throwing a wrench into his plans, “Guillaime” started obstructing the party, prompting them to make inquiries on man themselves. The truth came to light when the adventurer found the corpse of the real Guillaime with the papal encyclical still on his person, in the chasm north of Whitebrim Front and collected testimony from Prunilla, which the heretic coerced into cooperating. The exposed “Guillaime” would make his last stand at Snowcloak, falling at the hands of the adventurer and Drillemont of House Durendaire.

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