It's All about Heart
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It's All about Heart
- Quest giver
- Astrid
- Location
- Old Gridania (X:10.2, Y:9.4)
- Quest line
- Valentione's Day (2024)
- Level
- 15
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Symbol of Love
- Patch
- 6.55
“The time is ripe to inspire Gridanians to listen to their hearts.
※ This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Perform /loveheart for Gridanians. 0/3
- Report to Astrid.
- Speak with Lisette.
- Report to Astrid.
- The time is ripe to inspire Gridanians to listen to their hearts.
- ※ This quest is available for a limited time only.
- ※ This quest is available for a limited time only.
- Astrid marks a few areas on your map where you are to perform the love heart for any who appear in need of encouragement. Steel yourself for a journey to bestow ardor and affection with this newfound gesture.
- ※ Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, please check the Lodestone.
- ※ Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, please check the Lodestone.
- Though the audacious pose understandably takes lovelorn Gridanians by surprise, it proves effective in inspiring them to act on their feelings. With your work done, it is time to return to Astrid at Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre.
- Whilst you and Emilie are sharing your experiences with Astrid, a distraught Lisette stumbles before the stage, claiming to have seen Hortefense meeting with a secret lover. While somewhat doubtful of this assertion, Astrid urges Lisette to be brave and confront her betrothed so she might get to the truth of this matter. Finding courage in the symbol of the heart a symbol originating from her ancestor, the Countess Arabelle-Lisette storms off to show Hortefense the error of his alleged ways. Worried for her sister, Astrid asks you and Emilie to follow Lisette to the Carline Canopy.
- You find Lisette struggling to express herself before Hortefense and a young woman. After you offer her a word of encouragement, Lisette at last demands an explanation from her beau. Before he can utter a word, however, the young woman reveals that she had merely sought Hortefense's advice in courtship. Surprised, yet relieved, Lisette performs the newfound gesture of ardor and affection for the maiden, telling her to follow her heart. With the misunderstanding resolved, Emilie suggests you both return to Astrid, who is undoubtedly eager to learn of how matters fared.
Accepting the quest:
Astrid: Ready? Wonderful! I've marked out a few locations in the area where people tend to mingle.
Astrid: I'm confident you will find more than a few individuals in need of a little push. Show them your best rendition of the love heart to give them the courage they need!
Performing /loveheart for Gridanians:
Hopeless Lass: That is an adorable pose...but why show it to me?
Hopeless Lass: You meant to encourage me? That is very kind of you, but I'm afraid I find the prospect of confession daunting... <gasp> Though, I could ask him his professional opinion on which vegetables are most suited to be cut into heart shapes!
Hopeless Lass: A completely natural question considering the spirit of Valentione's Day, yes? Truth be told, I've had my eye on him for some time now. I simply didn't know how to approach. But, thanks to your...unique motivation, I've finally found the inspiration I needed!
Hopeless Lass: Though it occurs to me, how did the heart become associated with Valentione's Day in the first place? I hope to Nophica he doesn't ask me...
Dejected Lad: Erm, you pose quite the...pose.
Dejected Lad: I see... It's a symbol of love─a call to bare one's heart, scars and all...
Dejected Lad: ...My beloved stormed off earlier because I was terribly late for our rendezvous. I dared not tell her the reason for fear it would vex her further─I had been so preoccupied selecting a gift for her that I lost track of the time. I must apologize to her and explain myself.
Dejected Lad: Thank you for helping me to see that, my friend. Mayhap there is time yet for a Valentione's Day miracle...
Brassbound Wood Wailer: S-Stop that! Wh-What manner of strange gesticulation have you just accosted me with? A curse? Nay, an insult!? Explain yourself this instant!
Brassbound Wood Wailer: Oh, er, excuse me? I...need to be brave enough to express my feelings? Are you claiming that I, a proud lancer of the Wood Wailers, lack courage of all things?
Brassbound Wood Wailer: Well... You would be right. I'm too craven to invite someone to a simple meal. But your gesture─now that I understand its intent─has kindled my warrior's spirit! I will carry out this task as if it were my sworn duty! My thanks, adventurer! ...And forgive me for assuming the worst.
You have taught the townsfolk to remain steadfast in the face of love and inspired them to act. Report the results of your efforts to Astrid at Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre.
Reporting to Astrid:
Astrid: You're back! Seeing as my sister has yet to return, might I ask you and Emilie to recount how you fared in the meantime?
Emilie: Well, I found the pose to be eye-catching if nothing else. Perhaps even embarrassingly so...even though it was I who invented it. Regardless, I am proud to say folk were practically lining up to see it!
Emilie: What about you, [Forename]?
Astrid: I see... Whilst I'm glad to hear others were spurred to action, it saddens me slightly that some do not know the origins of Valentione's Day's symbol─the heart.
Astrid: Which makes me wonder: are you two aware of how it came to be associated with Valentione's Day?
Q: What will you say?
A1: I haven't the slightest idea.1 A2: I've never thought about it.1 Astrid: Then allow me to teach you! It all began with─
A3: It has something to do with House Valentione...I think? Maybe? Astrid: Indeed. But that only scratches the surface─allow me to elaborate. It all began with─
1Astrid's response is the same regardless of the chosen answer.
???: Ugh...
Astrid: Lisette!? Heavens, your face is white as a sheet! What's wrong?
Lisette de Valentione: Hortefense...I...I saw him speaking with a-a woman in the Carline Canopy... They were alone together, speaking intimately...
Lisette de Valentione: You don't suppose it was... Oh gods, you don't suppose it was a tryst, do you!?
Astrid: Absolutely not! You know Hortefense would never be unfaithful to you! Nay, purge the very thought from your mind!
Lisette de Valentione: I know, but...when I saw him and that woman whispering to each other like they were in their own little world, my heart stopped. Before I knew it, I was running from the sight of them as fast as my legs would take me.
Astrid: "Love is the fruit born of bravery!“ Have you forgotten these words, Lisette?
Astrid: They are our words, passed down by our ancestor, Countess Arabelle de Valentione.
Astrid: She summoned the courage to pursue love through all manner of hardship.
Astrid: And she was not merely a countess, but also a warrior true. Naught symbolizes what she fought for more than her crimson shield, forged in the shape of a heart. The symbol is a source of courage─remember that!
Lisette de Valentione: Thank you, Astrid. You are right. Countess Arabelle would be mortified to see her progeny act with such cowardice. I must honor her legacy. I...I am ready. Hortefense! If he intends to elope with another woman and live to tell the tale, he has another think coming!
Astrid: Ahem. I am clueless as to the nature of Hortefense's connection with this mystery woman, but I daresay Lisette needs friends by her side. Might I prevail upon you both to join her?
Emilie: But of course! Leave it to us!
Astrid: You have my gratitude. I place her in your capable hands!
Emilie: We'd better hurry. She said Hortefense and this unknown woman were in the Carline Canopy. I'm sure that's where she's headed!
Speaking with Lisette:
Lisette de Valentione: H-Hortefense... Wh-Who...th-that w-w-woman...
Emilie: Gods, she's lost control of her tongue! What should we do?
Q: What will you say?
A1: Love is the fruit born of bravery!1 A2: Make your ancestor proud!1 Lisette de Valentione: Hortefense Pastoroit! For what reason do you intimate yourself with this comely young maiden, knowing full well that another has entrusted her future to you?
1Lisette's response is the same regardless of the chosen answer.
Lisette de Valentione: Well? Have you naught to say for yourself?
Emilie: Erm, it would seem nerves cause Lisette to fall back into the mannerisms of her noble upbringing...
Demure Damsel: Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry! This is all a misunderstanding. I came to Hortefense for counsel, as I admire the devoted relationship he has with you. I was hoping he could offer me advice in nurturing a similar bond with the one I adore...
Hortefense: Lisette, my love... My first thought was that you could not bear to wait another moment for our meeting. But now I see you could not bear the thought of me with another...
Hortefense: 'Tis as if the very Fury Herself stands before me! A goddess in both spirit and flesh, full of passion and devotion... Oh, what a fortunate man am I!
Hortefense: And I regret that my actions would cause you even a moment of suffering! Please set your heart at ease, my darling! I have eyes for none but you, now and forever. I only chose a private location so this young lady could seek counsel away from eavesdroppers.
Lisette de Valentione: Oh. That's...it? Gods, I've made a complete fool of myself. Forgive me, both of you. That a lady of House Valentione should comport herself in such a way...I am completely ashamed.
Demure Damsel: If I may, my lady, I now understand why you would be upset. And I admire your bravery for confronting us. Would that I had the courage to give voice to my own feelings...
Lisette de Valentione: I may no longer be the head emissary of love, but I am as well equipped as ever to speak on matters of the heart.
Lisette de Valentione: Love is the fruit born of bravery, my dear. Though it is terrifying to bare your heart to another, it is more terrifying still to live never knowing what might have been. You must confess. I promise you the risk is worth the reward.
Demure Damsel: I...I suppose I would regret it for the rest of my days if I never found love because I was too afraid to fight for it. You're right, my lady. I will do my best!
Lisette de Valentione: Once again, forgive me for─
Lisette de Valentione: Hortefense!? What's wrong!?
Hortefense: Ungh... The sight of your angelic pose struck me to my very core... My heart is like to burst from my chest...
Emilie: I think that means he'll live! Anyway, the two of us will return and apprise Astrid of what happened here. I trust you won't mind if we inform her that you and Hortefense will be partaking in the festivities earlier than scheduled?
Lisette de Valentione: Well...'twas our plan from the beginning. And it would do much to smooth over this little...misunderstanding. Please extend my apologies to Astrid for any worry I might have caused.
Emilie: Let us return to Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre and give Astrid the good news!
Reporting to Astrid:
Astrid: Oh, I'm so relieved! It was all just an unfortunate misunderstanding... I must thank you for being there for my sister, it truly means the world!
Astrid: You deserve my thanks as well, Emilie!
Emilie: Don't mention it! I'm happy we were able to help.
Astrid: Though we've had our ups and downs, I believe we accomplished our goal of showing folk how important it is to express their feelings to those they hold dear. All in all, I'd say this Valentione's Day has been a success!
Astrid: Which reminds me... Although my explanation of the heart's origins was interspersed with some dramatics, I take it you were able to piece together its meaning.
Astrid: Yes, indeed. A noblewoman and a proud knight, Countess Arabelle's legacy lives on not only in the tradition of Valentione's Day, but in its symbol─her beloved heart-shaped shield.
Astrid: In commemoration of her brave pursuit of love in the face of insurmountable odds, the heart came to symbolize her─and eventually, the very concept of love itself, capturing the imaginations of men and women around the world.
Astrid: Today, while many may recognize the symbol, few know of its history. With Emilie's “love heart,” I believe people will become curious to know the story of our tradition, and for that, I am overjoyed.
Emilie: Countess Arabelle's tale will undoubtedly give many the courage to pursue love, just as it did your sister!
Astrid: May we all learn from the countess's example. I pray you and yours have a Valentione's Day overflowing with affection, my friend!