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Journeyman Salvager/Purchase Garo Gear (DoM) - Repurchase White Mage Gear

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Journeyman Salvager

Journeyman Salvager player housing.PNG

Player Housing

— In-game description

Journeyman Salvager is in Player Housing.

Items for Sale

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Repurchase White Mage Weapon

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Unlock req.
Mado staff icon1.png   Mado Staff Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 60
Gil 2,000 Echoes of the makai sun icon1.png  Echoes of the Makai Sun

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Repurchase White Mage Gear

Item Type Rarity Level Cost Unlock req.
Makai sun guides circlet icon1.png   Makai Sun Guide's Circlet Head CBlue 60
Gil 1,000 Echoes of the makai sun icon1.png  Echoes of the Makai Sun
Makai moon guides circlet icon1.png   Makai Moon Guide's Circlet Head CBlue 60
Gil 1,000 Echoes of the makai sun icon1.png  Echoes of the Makai Sun
Makai sun guides oilskin icon1.png   Makai Sun Guide's Oilskin Body CBlue 60
Gil 2,000 Echoes of the makai sun icon1.png  Echoes of the Makai Sun
Makai moon guides gown icon1.png   Makai Moon Guide's Gown Body CBlue 60
Gil 2,000 Echoes of the makai sun icon1.png  Echoes of the Makai Sun
Makai sun guides fingerless gloves icon1.png   Makai Sun Guide's Fingerless Gloves Hands CBlue 60
Gil 1,000 Echoes of the makai sun icon1.png  Echoes of the Makai Sun
Makai moon guides fingerless gloves icon1.png   Makai Moon Guide's Fingerless Gloves Hands CBlue 60
Gil 1,000 Echoes of the makai sun icon1.png  Echoes of the Makai Sun
Makai sun guides slops icon1.png   Makai Sun Guide's Slops Legs CBlue 60
Gil 2,000 Echoes of the makai sun icon1.png  Echoes of the Makai Sun
Makai moon guides quartertights icon1.png   Makai Moon Guide's Quartertights Legs CBlue 60
Gil 2,000 Echoes of the makai sun icon1.png  Echoes of the Makai Sun
Makai sun guides boots icon1.png   Makai Sun Guide's Boots Feet CBlue 60
Gil 1,000 Echoes of the makai sun icon1.png  Echoes of the Makai Sun
Makai moon guides longboots icon1.png   Makai Moon Guide's Longboots Feet CBlue 60
Gil 1,000 Echoes of the makai sun icon1.png  Echoes of the Makai Sun