Legacy Dungeons Achievements

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Main article: Legacy Achievements
Name Points Task Reward Patch
Big ants don't cry icon1.png  Big Ants Don't Cry 5 Clear Cutter's Cry while remaining with your party and defeating the Myrmidon Marshal. - 1.0
Breathless icon1.png  Breathless 5 Clear the Aurum Vale without consuming a single morbol fruit or vine. - 1.0
Kicking sargas and taking names icon1.png  Kicking Sargas and Taking Names 5 Defeat Sargas in the Thousand Maws of Toto–Rak. - 1.0
Like a batraal out of hell icon1.png  Like a Batraal Out of Hell 5 Defeat Batraal in Dzemael Darkhold. - 1.0
Making the cut icon1.png  Making the Cut 5 Defeat the chimera and open all five treasure coffers in Cutter's Cry. - 1.0
Miser neutralizer icon1.png  Miser Neutralizer 5 Defeat the Miser's Mistress in the Aurum Vale. - 1.0
One-upping the antares icon1.png  One-upping the Antares 5 Defeat Antares in the Thousand Maws of Toto–Rak. - 1.0
Raiding the vale icon1.png  Raiding the Vale 5 Defeat the Miser's Mistress and open all five treasure coffers in the Aurum Vale. - 1.0
Shaula we dance? icon1.png  Shaula We Dance? 5 Defeat Shaula in the Thousand Maws of Toto–Rak. - 1.0
Three heads are better than one icon1.png  Three Heads Are Better than One 5 Defeat the chimera in Cutter's Cry. - 1.0