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Legs/Level 91 - 100

From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Snow Cotton Breeches Snow cotton breeches icon1.png 91 610 Disciple of the Land Legs 318 HQ icon.png354 636 HQ icon.png707 2 (5) Vitality +100 HQ icon.png112Gathering +300 HQ icon.png340Perception +150 HQ icon.png170GP +7 HQ icon.png8
Snow Cotton Trousers Snow cotton trousers icon1.png 91 610 Disciple of the Hand Legs 318 HQ icon.png354 636 HQ icon.png707 2 (5) Craftsmanship +59 HQ icon.png67Control +330 HQ icon.png374
Riversbreath Bottoms of Aiming Riversbreath bottoms of aiming icon1.png 91 650 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 644 644 2 Dexterity +374 Vitality +413 Determination +200 Direct Hit Rate +286 
Riversbreath Bottoms of Fending Riversbreath bottoms of fending icon1.png 91 650 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,171 1,171 2 Strength +374 Vitality +413 Determination +286 Tenacity +200 
Riversbreath Bottoms of Maiming Riversbreath bottoms of maiming icon1.png 91 650 LNC DRG RPR Legs 820 644 2 Strength +374 Vitality +413 Direct Hit Rate +200 Skill Speed +286 
Riversbreath Breeches of Casting Riversbreath breeches of casting icon1.png 91 650 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 468 820 2 Intelligence +374 Vitality +372 Determination +200 Spell Speed +286 
Riversbreath Breeches of Healing Riversbreath breeches of healing icon1.png 91 650 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 468 820 2 Mind +374 Vitality +372 Critical Hit +200 Piety +286 
Riversbreath Hose of Scouting Riversbreath hose of scouting icon1.png 91 650 ROG NIN VPR Legs 644 644 2 Dexterity +374 Vitality +413 Critical Hit +200 Skill Speed +286 
Riversbreath Hose of Striking Riversbreath hose of striking icon1.png 91 650 PGL MNK SAM Legs 644 644 2 Strength +374 Vitality +413 Determination +286 Direct Hit Rate +200 
Crocodileskin Breeches of Scouting Crocodileskin breeches of scouting icon1.png 92 655 ROG NIN VPR Legs 586 HQ icon.png651 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Dexterity +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Critical Hit +182 HQ icon.png202Direct Hit Rate +260 HQ icon.png289
Crocodileskin Breeches of Striking Crocodileskin breeches of striking icon1.png 92 655 PGL MNK SAM Legs 586 HQ icon.png651 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Strength +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Determination +260 HQ icon.png289Skill Speed +182 HQ icon.png202
Mountain Linen Hose of Fending Mountain linen hose of fending icon1.png 92 655 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,065 HQ icon.png1,183 1,065 HQ icon.png1,183 2 (5) Strength +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Critical Hit +182 HQ icon.png202Skill Speed +260 HQ icon.png289
Mountain Linen Hose of Maiming Mountain linen hose of maiming icon1.png 92 655 LNC DRG RPR Legs 745 HQ icon.png828 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Strength +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Critical Hit +260 HQ icon.png289Determination +182 HQ icon.png202
Mountain Linen Longkilt of Aiming Mountain linen longkilt of aiming icon1.png 92 655 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 586 HQ icon.png651 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Dexterity +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Critical Hit +182 HQ icon.png202Skill Speed +260 HQ icon.png289
Mountain Linen Longkilt of Casting Mountain linen longkilt of casting icon1.png 92 655 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 426 HQ icon.png473 745 HQ icon.png828 2 (5) Intelligence +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +345 HQ icon.png383Direct Hit Rate +182 HQ icon.png202Spell Speed +260 HQ icon.png289
Mountain Linen Longkilt of Healing Mountain linen longkilt of healing icon1.png 92 655 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 426 HQ icon.png473 745 HQ icon.png828 2 (5) Mind +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +345 HQ icon.png383Spell Speed +260 HQ icon.png289Piety +182 HQ icon.png202
Zormor Bottoms of Aiming Zormor bottoms of aiming icon1.png 93 660 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 658 658 2 Dexterity +394 Vitality +440 Critical Hit +292 Direct Hit Rate +204 
Zormor Bottoms of Casting Zormor bottoms of casting icon1.png 93 660 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 478 837 2 Intelligence +394 Vitality +396 Direct Hit Rate +204 Spell Speed +292 
Zormor Bottoms of Fending Zormor bottoms of fending icon1.png 93 660 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,196 1,196 2 Strength +394 Vitality +440 Determination +204 Tenacity +292 
Zormor Bottoms of Maiming Zormor bottoms of maiming icon1.png 93 660 LNC DRG RPR Legs 837 658 2 Strength +394 Vitality +440 Direct Hit Rate +204 Skill Speed +292 
Zormor Sarouel of Healing Zormor sarouel of healing icon1.png 93 660 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 478 837 2 Mind +394 Vitality +396 Critical Hit +292 Piety +204 
Zormor Sarouel of Scouting Zormor sarouel of scouting icon1.png 93 660 ROG NIN VPR Legs 658 658 2 Dexterity +394 Vitality +440 Determination +292 Direct Hit Rate +204 
Zormor Sarouel of Striking Zormor sarouel of striking icon1.png 93 660 PGL MNK SAM Legs 658 658 2 Strength +394 Vitality +440 Critical Hit +292 Skill Speed +204 
Sarcenet Culottes of Gathering Sarcenet culottes of gathering icon1.png 94 650 Disciple of the Land Legs 348 HQ icon.png386 696 HQ icon.png773 2 (5) Vitality +130 HQ icon.png145Gathering +336 HQ icon.png381Perception +168 HQ icon.png191GP +7 HQ icon.png8
Sarcenet Hose of Crafting Sarcenet hose of crafting icon1.png 94 650 Disciple of the Hand Legs 348 HQ icon.png386 696 HQ icon.png773 2 (5) Craftsmanship +65 HQ icon.png74Control +367 HQ icon.png416
Sarcenet Kecks of Fending Sarcenet kecks of fending icon1.png 94 663 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,083 HQ icon.png1,203 1,083 HQ icon.png1,203 2 (5) Strength +359 HQ icon.png399Vitality +397 HQ icon.png441Critical Hit +265 HQ icon.png294Determination +185 HQ icon.png206
Sarcenet Kecks of Maiming Sarcenet kecks of maiming icon1.png 94 663 LNC DRG RPR Legs 758 HQ icon.png842 596 HQ icon.png662 2 (5) Strength +359 HQ icon.png399Vitality +397 HQ icon.png441Critical Hit +265 HQ icon.png294Skill Speed +185 HQ icon.png206
Sarcenet Slops of Aiming Sarcenet slops of aiming icon1.png 94 663 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 596 HQ icon.png662 596 HQ icon.png662 2 (5) Dexterity +359 HQ icon.png399Vitality +397 HQ icon.png441Determination +265 HQ icon.png294Direct Hit Rate +185 HQ icon.png206
Sarcenet Slops of Casting Sarcenet slops of casting icon1.png 94 663 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 433 HQ icon.png481 758 HQ icon.png842 2 (5) Intelligence +359 HQ icon.png399Vitality +357 HQ icon.png397Critical Hit +185 HQ icon.png206Direct Hit Rate +265 HQ icon.png294
Sarcenet Slops of Healing Sarcenet slops of healing icon1.png 94 663 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 433 HQ icon.png481 758 HQ icon.png842 2 (5) Mind +359 HQ icon.png399Vitality +357 HQ icon.png397Determination +185 HQ icon.png206Piety +265 HQ icon.png294
Sarcenet Slops of Scouting Sarcenet slops of scouting icon1.png 94 663 ROG NIN VPR Legs 596 HQ icon.png662 596 HQ icon.png662 2 (5) Dexterity +359 HQ icon.png399Vitality +397 HQ icon.png441Critical Hit +185 HQ icon.png206Skill Speed +265 HQ icon.png294
Sarcenet Slops of Striking Sarcenet slops of striking icon1.png 94 663 PGL MNK SAM Legs 596 HQ icon.png662 596 HQ icon.png662 2 (5) Strength +359 HQ icon.png399Vitality +397 HQ icon.png441Critical Hit +265 HQ icon.png294Determination +185 HQ icon.png206
Skydeep Breeches of Fending Skydeep breeches of fending icon1.png 95 666 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,212 1,212 2 Strength +405 Vitality +442 Determination +207 Tenacity +296 
Skydeep Breeches of Striking Skydeep breeches of striking icon1.png 95 666 PGL MNK SAM Legs 667 667 2 Strength +405 Vitality +442 Direct Hit Rate +207 Skill Speed +296 
Skydeep Tights of Casting Skydeep tights of casting icon1.png 95 666 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 485 848 2 Intelligence +405 Vitality +398 Critical Hit +296 Determination +207 
Skydeep Tights of Healing Skydeep tights of healing icon1.png 95 666 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 485 848 2 Mind +405 Vitality +398 Critical Hit +207 Spell Speed +296 
Skydeep Trousers of Aiming Skydeep trousers of aiming icon1.png 95 666 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 667 667 2 Dexterity +405 Vitality +442 Direct Hit Rate +207 Skill Speed +296 
Skydeep Trousers of Maiming Skydeep trousers of maiming icon1.png 95 666 LNC DRG RPR Legs 848 667 2 Strength +405 Vitality +442 Critical Hit +296 Direct Hit Rate +207 
Skydeep Trousers of Scouting Skydeep trousers of scouting icon1.png 95 666 ROG NIN VPR Legs 667 667 2 Dexterity +405 Vitality +442 Critical Hit +296 Direct Hit Rate +207 
Gomphotherium Brais of Aiming Gomphotherium brais of aiming icon1.png 96 669 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 606 HQ icon.png673 606 HQ icon.png673 2 (5) Dexterity +375 HQ icon.png417Vitality +400 HQ icon.png444Critical Hit +268 HQ icon.png298Skill Speed +188 HQ icon.png209
Gomphotherium Brais of Casting Gomphotherium brais of casting icon1.png 96 669 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 440 HQ icon.png489 770 HQ icon.png856 2 (5) Intelligence +375 HQ icon.png417Vitality +360 HQ icon.png400Critical Hit +268 HQ icon.png298Determination +188 HQ icon.png209
Gomphotherium Brais of Healing Gomphotherium brais of healing icon1.png 96 669 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 440 HQ icon.png489 770 HQ icon.png856 2 (5) Mind +375 HQ icon.png417Vitality +360 HQ icon.png400Spell Speed +188 HQ icon.png209Piety +268 HQ icon.png298
Gomphotherium Brais of Striking Gomphotherium brais of striking icon1.png 96 669 PGL MNK SAM Legs 606 HQ icon.png673 606 HQ icon.png673 2 (5) Strength +375 HQ icon.png417Vitality +400 HQ icon.png444Critical Hit +188 HQ icon.png209Direct Hit Rate +268 HQ icon.png298
Gomphotherium Trousers of Fending Gomphotherium trousers of fending icon1.png 96 669 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,101 HQ icon.png1,223 1,101 HQ icon.png1,223 2 (5) Strength +375 HQ icon.png417Vitality +400 HQ icon.png444Skill Speed +188 HQ icon.png209Tenacity +268 HQ icon.png298
Gomphotherium Trousers of Maiming Gomphotherium trousers of maiming icon1.png 96 669 LNC DRG RPR Legs 770 HQ icon.png856 606 HQ icon.png673 2 (5) Strength +375 HQ icon.png417Vitality +400 HQ icon.png444Critical Hit +188 HQ icon.png209Direct Hit Rate +268 HQ icon.png298
Gomphotherium Trousers of Scouting Gomphotherium trousers of scouting icon1.png 96 669 ROG NIN VPR Legs 606 HQ icon.png673 606 HQ icon.png673 2 (5) Dexterity +375 HQ icon.png417Vitality +400 HQ icon.png444Direct Hit Rate +268 HQ icon.png298Skill Speed +188 HQ icon.png209
Rroneek Serge Trousers of Crafting Rroneek serge trousers of crafting icon1.png 97 670 Disciple of the Hand Legs 364 HQ icon.png405 729 HQ icon.png809 2 (5) Craftsmanship +70 HQ icon.png79Control +391 HQ icon.png443
Rroneek Serge Trousers of Gathering Rroneek serge trousers of gathering icon1.png 97 670 Disciple of the Land Legs 364 HQ icon.png405 729 HQ icon.png809 2 (5) Vitality +140 HQ icon.png155Gathering +354 HQ icon.png402Perception +177 HQ icon.png201GP +7 HQ icon.png8
Vanguard Brais of Fending Vanguard brais of fending icon1.png 97 672 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,234 1,234 2 Strength +426 Vitality +446 Determination +300 Skill Speed +210 
Vanguard Brais of Maiming Vanguard brais of maiming icon1.png 97 672 LNC DRG RPR Legs 864 679 2 Strength +426 Vitality +446 Direct Hit Rate +210 Skill Speed +300 
Vanguard Breeches of Aiming Vanguard breeches of aiming icon1.png 97 672 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 679 679 2 Dexterity +426 Vitality +446 Determination +300 Skill Speed +210 
Vanguard Breeches of Scouting Vanguard breeches of scouting icon1.png 97 672 ROG NIN VPR Legs 679 679 2 Dexterity +426 Vitality +446 Critical Hit +300 Determination +210 
Vanguard Breeches of Striking Vanguard breeches of striking icon1.png 97 672 PGL MNK SAM Legs 679 679 2 Strength +426 Vitality +446 Critical Hit +300 Skill Speed +210 
Vanguard Halfslops of Casting Vanguard halfslops of casting icon1.png 97 672 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 494 864 2 Intelligence +426 Vitality +401 Direct Hit Rate +300 Spell Speed +210 
Vanguard Halfslops of Healing Vanguard halfslops of healing icon1.png 97 672 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 494 864 2 Mind +426 Vitality +401 Critical Hit +300 Spell Speed +210 
Gargantuaskin Trousers of Fending Gargantuaskin trousers of fending icon1.png 98 675 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,120 HQ icon.png1,245 1,120 HQ icon.png1,245 2 (5) Strength +390 HQ icon.png433Vitality +402 HQ icon.png447Critical Hit +190 HQ icon.png211Determination +272 HQ icon.png302
Gargantuaskin Trousers of Maiming Gargantuaskin trousers of maiming icon1.png 98 675 LNC DRG RPR Legs 785 HQ icon.png872 617 HQ icon.png685 2 (5) Strength +390 HQ icon.png433Vitality +402 HQ icon.png447Determination +272 HQ icon.png302Direct Hit Rate +190 HQ icon.png211
Gargantuaskin Trousers of Striking Gargantuaskin trousers of striking icon1.png 98 675 PGL MNK SAM Legs 617 HQ icon.png685 617 HQ icon.png685 2 (5) Strength +390 HQ icon.png433Vitality +402 HQ icon.png447Determination +272 HQ icon.png302Direct Hit Rate +190 HQ icon.png211
Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Aiming Thunderyards silk trousers of aiming icon1.png 98 675 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 617 HQ icon.png685 617 HQ icon.png685 2 (5) Dexterity +390 HQ icon.png433Vitality +402 HQ icon.png447Determination +272 HQ icon.png302Direct Hit Rate +190 HQ icon.png211
Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Casting Thunderyards silk trousers of casting icon1.png 98 675 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 448 HQ icon.png498 785 HQ icon.png872 2 (5) Intelligence +390 HQ icon.png433Vitality +362 HQ icon.png402Critical Hit +190 HQ icon.png211Determination +272 HQ icon.png302
Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Healing Thunderyards silk trousers of healing icon1.png 98 675 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 448 HQ icon.png498 785 HQ icon.png872 2 (5) Mind +390 HQ icon.png433Vitality +362 HQ icon.png402Critical Hit +272 HQ icon.png302Spell Speed +190 HQ icon.png211
Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Scouting Thunderyards silk trousers of scouting icon1.png 98 675 ROG NIN VPR Legs 617 HQ icon.png685 617 HQ icon.png685 2 (5) Dexterity +390 HQ icon.png433Vitality +402 HQ icon.png447Critical Hit +190 HQ icon.png211Determination +272 HQ icon.png302
Agoge Breeches Agoge breeches icon1.png 99 690 WAR Legs 1,375 1,375 2 Strength +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +327 Determination +229 
Archmage's Bottoms Archmages bottoms icon1.png 99 690 BLM Legs 550 963 2 Intelligence +475 Vitality +432 Critical Hit +327 Spell Speed +229 
Asklepian Hose Asklepian hose icon1.png 99 690 SGE Legs 550 963 2 Mind +475 Vitality +432 Critical Hit +327 Piety +229 
Assassin's Brais Assassins brais icon1.png 99 690 RPR Legs 963 756 2 Strength +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +229 Determination +327 
Bastion's Trousers Bastions trousers icon1.png 99 690 GNB Legs 1,375 1,375 2 Strength +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +327 Skill Speed +229 
Bihu Kecks Bihu kecks icon1.png 99 690 BRD Legs 756 756 2 Dexterity +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +327 Direct Hit Rate +229 
Caballarius Breeches Caballarius breeches icon1.png 99 690 PLD Legs 1,375 1,375 2 Strength +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +229 Tenacity +327 
Ephemerist's Kecks Ephemerists kecks icon1.png 99 690 AST Legs 550 963 2 Mind +475 Vitality +432 Critical Hit +327 Piety +229 
Fallen's Trousers Fallens trousers icon1.png 99 690 DRK Legs 1,375 1,375 2 Strength +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +229 Determination +327 
Forerider's Breeches Foreriders breeches icon1.png 99 690 MCH Legs 756 756 2 Dexterity +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +229 Determination +327 
Glyphic Gaskins Glyphic gaskins icon1.png 99 690 SMN Legs 550 963 2 Intelligence +475 Vitality +432 Critical Hit +327 Determination +229 
Heavensbound Breeches Heavensbound breeches icon1.png 99 690 DRG Legs 963 756 2 Strength +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +327 Determination +229 
Hesychast's Gaskins Hesychasts gaskins icon1.png 99 690 MNK Legs 756 756 2 Strength +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +327 Determination +229 
Horos Bottoms Horos bottoms icon1.png 99 690 DNC Legs 756 756 2 Dexterity +475 Vitality +480 Determination +229 Direct Hit Rate +327 
Momochi Hakama Momochi hakama icon1.png 99 690 NIN Legs 756 756 2 Dexterity +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +327 Determination +229 
Pedagogy Culottes Pedagogy culottes icon1.png 99 690 SCH Legs 550 963 2 Mind +475 Vitality +432 Critical Hit +327 Determination +229 
Pictomancer's Sarouel Pictomancers sarouel icon1.png 99 690 PCT Legs 550 963 2 Intelligence +475 Vitality +432 Determination +327 Direct Hit Rate +229 
Piety Slops Piety slops icon1.png 99 690 WHM Legs 550 963 2 Mind +475 Vitality +432 Critical Hit +229 Piety +327 
Roseblood Breeches Roseblood breeches icon1.png 99 690 RDM Legs 550 963 2 Intelligence +475 Vitality +432 Critical Hit +327 Determination +229 
Sakonji Hakama Sakonji hakama icon1.png 99 690 SAM Legs 756 756 2 Strength +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +327 Determination +229 
Viper's Hose Vipers hose icon1.png 99 690 VPR Legs 756 756 2 Dexterity +475 Vitality +480 Critical Hit +327 Determination +229 
Thunderyards Silk Culottes of Crafting Thunderyards silk culottes of crafting icon1.png 100 690 Disciple of the Hand Legs 408 HQ icon.png454 817 HQ icon.png907 2 (5) Craftsmanship +74 HQ icon.png84Control +414 HQ icon.png469
Thunderyards Silk Culottes of Gathering Thunderyards silk culottes of gathering icon1.png 100 690 Disciple of the Land Legs 408 HQ icon.png454 817 HQ icon.png907 2 (5) Vitality +151 HQ icon.png168Gathering +372 HQ icon.png422Perception +186 HQ icon.png211GP +7 HQ icon.png8
Boltrise Trousers Boltrise trousers icon1.png 100 700 WVR Legs 476 953 0 Craftsmanship +87 Control +479 
Cauldronrise Trousers Cauldronrise trousers icon1.png 100 700 ALC Legs 476 953 0 Craftsmanship +87 Control +479 
Cropped Hiderise Slops Cropped hiderise slops icon1.png 100 700 LTW Legs 476 953 0 Craftsmanship +87 Control +479 
Fieldrise Breeches Fieldrise breeches icon1.png 100 700 BTN Legs 476 953 0 Vitality +179 Gathering +432 Perception +216 GP +8 
Forgerise Longkilt Forgerise longkilt icon1.png 100 700 BSM Legs 476 953 0 Craftsmanship +87 Control +479 
Galleyrise Trousers Galleyrise trousers icon1.png 100 700 CUL Legs 476 953 0 Craftsmanship +87 Control +479 
Gemrise Pantaloons Gemrise pantaloons icon1.png 100 700 GSM Legs 476 953 0 Craftsmanship +87 Control +479 
Hammerrise Brais Hammerrise brais icon1.png 100 700 ARM Legs 476 953 0 Craftsmanship +87 Control +479 
Millrise Slops Millrise slops icon1.png 100 700 CRP Legs 476 953 0 Craftsmanship +87 Control +479 
Minerise Slops Minerise slops icon1.png 100 700 MIN Legs 476 953 0 Vitality +179 Gathering +432 Perception +216 GP +8 
Neo Kingdom Brayettes of Fending Neo kingdom brayettes of fending icon1.png 100 700 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,443 1,443 2 Strength +501 Vitality +513 Critical Hit +348 Determination +244 
Neo Kingdom Brayettes of Maiming Neo kingdom brayettes of maiming icon1.png 100 700 LNC DRG RPR Legs 1,010 794 2 Strength +501 Vitality +513 Critical Hit +348 Skill Speed +244 
Neo Kingdom Breeches of Casting Neo kingdom breeches of casting icon1.png 100 700 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 577 1,010 2 Intelligence +501 Vitality +462 Determination +244 Direct Hit Rate +348 
Neo Kingdom Breeches of Healing Neo kingdom breeches of healing icon1.png 100 700 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 577 1,010 2 Mind +501 Vitality +462 Determination +348 Piety +244 
Neo Kingdom Breeches of Striking Neo kingdom breeches of striking icon1.png 100 700 PGL MNK SAM Legs 794 794 2 Strength +501 Vitality +513 Critical Hit +348 Determination +244 
Neo Kingdom Kecks of Aiming Neo kingdom kecks of aiming icon1.png 100 700 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 794 794 2 Dexterity +501 Vitality +513 Critical Hit +348 Skill Speed +244 
Neo Kingdom Kecks of Scouting Neo kingdom kecks of scouting icon1.png 100 700 ROG NIN VPR Legs 794 794 2 Dexterity +501 Vitality +513 Critical Hit +244 Determination +348 
Tacklerise Kecks Tacklerise kecks icon1.png 100 700 FSH Legs 476 953 0 Vitality +179 Gathering +432 Perception +216 GP +8 
Archeo Kingdom Poleyns of Aiming Archeo kingdom poleyns of aiming icon1.png 100 710 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 729 HQ icon.png810 729 HQ icon.png810 2 (5) Dexterity +477 HQ icon.png530Vitality +494 HQ icon.png549Critical Hit +225 HQ icon.png250Determination +321 HQ icon.png357
Archeo Kingdom Poleyns of Casting Archeo kingdom poleyns of casting icon1.png 100 710 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 530 HQ icon.png589 928 HQ icon.png1,031 2 (5) Intelligence +477 HQ icon.png530Vitality +445 HQ icon.png494Critical Hit +321 HQ icon.png357Determination +225 HQ icon.png250
Archeo Kingdom Poleyns of Fending Archeo kingdom poleyns of fending icon1.png 100 710 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,326 HQ icon.png1,473 1,326 HQ icon.png1,473 2 (5) Strength +477 HQ icon.png530Vitality +494 HQ icon.png549Critical Hit +225 HQ icon.png250Determination +321 HQ icon.png357
Archeo Kingdom Poleyns of Healing Archeo kingdom poleyns of healing icon1.png 100 710 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 530 HQ icon.png589 928 HQ icon.png1,031 2 (5) Mind +477 HQ icon.png530Vitality +445 HQ icon.png494Critical Hit +225 HQ icon.png250Determination +321 HQ icon.png357
Archeo Kingdom Poleyns of Maiming Archeo kingdom poleyns of maiming icon1.png 100 710 LNC DRG RPR Legs 928 HQ icon.png1,031 729 HQ icon.png810 2 (5) Strength +477 HQ icon.png530Vitality +494 HQ icon.png549Determination +225 HQ icon.png250Direct Hit Rate +321 HQ icon.png357
Archeo Kingdom Poleyns of Scouting Archeo kingdom poleyns of scouting icon1.png 100 710 ROG NIN VPR Legs 729 HQ icon.png810 729 HQ icon.png810 2 (5) Dexterity +477 HQ icon.png530Vitality +494 HQ icon.png549Critical Hit +225 HQ icon.png250Direct Hit Rate +321 HQ icon.png357
Archeo Kingdom Poleyns of Striking Archeo kingdom poleyns of striking icon1.png 100 710 PGL MNK SAM Legs 729 HQ icon.png810 729 HQ icon.png810 2 (5) Strength +477 HQ icon.png530Vitality +494 HQ icon.png549Critical Hit +225 HQ icon.png250Determination +321 HQ icon.png357
Light-heavy Brais of Aiming Light-heavy brais of aiming icon1.png 100 710 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 810 810 2 Dexterity +530 Vitality +549 Determination +357 Direct Hit Rate +250 
Light-heavy Brais of Casting Light-heavy brais of casting icon1.png 100 710 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 589 1,031 2 Intelligence +530 Vitality +494 Determination +357 Direct Hit Rate +250 
Light-heavy Brais of Healing Light-heavy brais of healing icon1.png 100 710 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 589 1,031 2 Mind +530 Vitality +494 Critical Hit +250 Spell Speed +357 
Light-heavy Brais of Scouting Light-heavy brais of scouting icon1.png 100 710 ROG NIN VPR Legs 810 810 2 Dexterity +530 Vitality +549 Determination +357 Direct Hit Rate +250 
Light-heavy Brais of Striking Light-heavy brais of striking icon1.png 100 710 PGL MNK SAM Legs 810 810 2 Strength +530 Vitality +549 Critical Hit +357 Direct Hit Rate +250 
Light-heavy Breeches of Fending Light-heavy breeches of fending icon1.png 100 710 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,473 1,473 2 Strength +530 Vitality +549 Determination +250 Tenacity +357 
Light-heavy Breeches of Maiming Light-heavy breeches of maiming icon1.png 100 710 LNC DRG RPR Legs 1,031 810 2 Strength +530 Vitality +549 Critical Hit +250 Skill Speed +357 
Quetzalli Brais of Fending Quetzalli brais of fending icon1.png 100 720 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,502 1,502 2 Strength +559 Vitality +585 Determination +256 Tenacity +366 
Quetzalli Brais of Maiming Quetzalli brais of maiming icon1.png 100 720 LNC DRG RPR Legs 1,051 826 2 Strength +559 Vitality +585 Critical Hit +366 Direct Hit Rate +256 
Quetzalli Breeches of Aiming Quetzalli breeches of aiming icon1.png 100 720 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 826 826 2 Dexterity +559 Vitality +585 Determination +366 Direct Hit Rate +256 
Quetzalli Breeches of Scouting Quetzalli breeches of scouting icon1.png 100 720 ROG NIN VPR Legs 826 826 2 Dexterity +559 Vitality +585 Critical Hit +256 Determination +366 
Quetzalli Breeches of Striking Quetzalli breeches of striking icon1.png 100 720 PGL MNK SAM Legs 826 826 2 Strength +559 Vitality +585 Determination +256 Direct Hit Rate +366 
Quetzalli Hose of Casting Quetzalli hose of casting icon1.png 100 720 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 601 1,051 2 Intelligence +559 Vitality +527 Critical Hit +256 Direct Hit Rate +366 
Quetzalli Hose of Healing Quetzalli hose of healing icon1.png 100 720 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 601 1,051 2 Mind +559 Vitality +527 Critical Hit +366 Determination +256 
Augmented Quetzalli Brais of Fending Augmented quetzalli brais of fending icon1.png 100 730 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,531 1,531 2 Strength +588 Vitality +621 Determination +262 Tenacity +374 
Augmented Quetzalli Brais of Maiming Augmented quetzalli brais of maiming icon1.png 100 730 LNC DRG RPR Legs 1,072 842 2 Strength +588 Vitality +621 Critical Hit +374 Direct Hit Rate +262 
Augmented Quetzalli Breeches of Aiming Augmented quetzalli breeches of aiming icon1.png 100 730 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 842 842 2 Dexterity +588 Vitality +621 Determination +374 Direct Hit Rate +262 
Augmented Quetzalli Breeches of Scouting Augmented quetzalli breeches of scouting icon1.png 100 730 ROG NIN VPR Legs 842 842 2 Dexterity +588 Vitality +621 Critical Hit +262 Determination +374 
Augmented Quetzalli Breeches of Striking Augmented quetzalli breeches of striking icon1.png 100 730 PGL MNK SAM Legs 842 842 2 Strength +588 Vitality +621 Determination +262 Direct Hit Rate +374 
Augmented Quetzalli Hose of Casting Augmented quetzalli hose of casting icon1.png 100 730 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 612 1,072 2 Intelligence +588 Vitality +559 Critical Hit +262 Direct Hit Rate +374 
Augmented Quetzalli Hose of Healing Augmented quetzalli hose of healing icon1.png 100 730 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 612 1,072 2 Mind +588 Vitality +559 Critical Hit +374 Determination +262 
Dark Horse Champion's Brais of Aiming Dark horse champions brais of aiming icon1.png 100 730 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 842 842 2 Dexterity +588 Vitality +621 Critical Hit +262 Direct Hit Rate +374 
Dark Horse Champion's Brais of Casting Dark horse champions brais of casting icon1.png 100 730 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 612 1,072 2 Intelligence +588 Vitality +559 Direct Hit Rate +262 Spell Speed +374 
Dark Horse Champion's Brais of Healing Dark horse champions brais of healing icon1.png 100 730 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 612 1,072 2 Mind +588 Vitality +559 Critical Hit +262 Piety +374 
Dark Horse Champion's Brais of Scouting Dark horse champions brais of scouting icon1.png 100 730 ROG NIN VPR Legs 842 842 2 Dexterity +588 Vitality +621 Direct Hit Rate +374 Skill Speed +262 
Dark Horse Champion's Brais of Striking Dark horse champions brais of striking icon1.png 100 730 PGL MNK SAM Legs 842 842 2 Strength +588 Vitality +621 Critical Hit +374 Direct Hit Rate +262 
Dark Horse Champion's Breeches of Fending Dark horse champions breeches of fending icon1.png 100 730 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,531 1,531 2 Strength +588 Vitality +621 Critical Hit +262 Determination +374 
Dark Horse Champion's Breeches of Maiming Dark horse champions breeches of maiming icon1.png 100 730 LNC DRG RPR Legs 1,072 842 2 Strength +588 Vitality +621 Determination +262 Direct Hit Rate +374