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Lucia goe Junius


the Radiant
Female ♀
Foundation (13.7,11.2)
Temple Knights
Livia sas Junius (sister)
Quest NPC
Voiced by (JP)
Sayaka Ohara
Voiced by (EN)
Lydia Leonard
Tara Platt (ARR)
Voiced by (FR)
Céline Mélloul
Voiced by (DE)
Kim Pfeiffer

"Those who dwell in the past risk losing sight of their future."

Curiously enough, the second-in-command of the Temple Knights originally came to Ishgard as a clandestine agent of Garlemald, with orders to seize any Allagan artifacts that the Holy See might have hidden within their reliquaries. While she successfully infiltrated the Vault disguised as a female acolyte, she failed to conceal her identity when questioned by a young Temple Knight—Ser Aymeric.
In an unexpected display of mercy, Ser Aymeric, knowing full well that her crimes were punishable by death, offered to spare her life should she pledge to serve him. The Garlean spy agreed, if only to see another day, and with every intention of running away when the opportunity presented itself. Yet after lengthy discussions with Ser Aymeric in which he professed visions for sweeping reform, Lucia was so inspired by his idealism that she chose instead to honor her pledge and serve as his right-hand.
However, there are some points on which the twenty-eight year old woman and Ser Aymeric do not see eye to eye. Despite his best efforts to instill in her a joy of cooking by teaching her his original recipe for dodo omelets, she remains thoroughly uninterested in the culinary arts.

— In-game description

Lucia goe Junius is a Garlean in Foundation.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
In Search of the Soleil Main Scenario quest 57 Lucia
Against the Dying of the Light Main Scenario quest 60 Lucia
As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness Main Scenario quest 60 Lucia
An Envoy for Ishgard Main Scenario quest 60 Lucia
Strange Bedfellows Main Scenario quest 83 Lucia
In from the Cold Main Scenario quest 83 Lucia
Gateway of the Gods Main Scenario quest 83 Lucia
Outside Help Main Scenario quest 88 Lucia

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Intercession of Saints Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
The Path of the Righteous Main Scenario quest 50 Drillemont
For the Greater Good Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
Strength in Unity Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
Dark Words, Dark Deeds Main Scenario quest 50 Drillemont
The Road Less Traveled Main Scenario quest 50 Moenbryda
Divine Intervention Main Scenario quest 50 House Fortemps Steward
An Eye for Aether Main Scenario quest 59 Matoya
Hour of Departure Main Scenario quest 59 Alphinaud
Heavensward Main Scenario quest 60 Guidance Node
Choices Main Scenario quest 60 Thancred
Litany of Peace Main Scenario quest 60 Aymeric
Tidings from Gyr Abania Main Scenario quest 60 Tataru


Zone Coordinates Level range
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:26, Y:17)
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:3, Y:21)
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:12, Y:17)

Additional Information
