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Lurkers in the Lake

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Lurkers in the Lake

Quest giver
Angry Amaro
Il Mheg (X:29.3, Y:8.7)
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 877
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Resounding Roar

The angry amaro will not stand for any more Fuath devilry.

— In-game description


  • Lie in wait for the Fuath.


  • The angry amaro will not stand for any more Fuath devilry.


Accepting the Quest

Angry Amaro: You! You look like a formidable [woman/man]! Please, will you not lend me a hand?
Angry Amaro: You see, with fewer of your kind coming to Il Mheg of late, the Fuath have taken to harassing us amaro instead.
Angry Amaro: For a while we put up with their devilry, but the final straw came when they stole one of our eggs! This cannot be borne!
Angry Amaro: So, I will go near the banks of Longmirror Lake to lure out the Fuath. When they show themselves, I want you to give them a trouncing they'll never forget!
Angry Amaro: Quickly, hide yourself! The Fuath will be here ere long! 

Speaking with the angry amaro

Angry Amaro: Thank you! That should teach them not to bother us for a good while!
Angry Amaro: As they had intended for me just now, the Fuath grow their ranks by dragging living beings into the water. Not even life that still resides within an egg is spared.
Angry Amaro: They are a treacherous lot, and you'd do well to avoid them at all costs. But if you have no choice but to deal with them, you mustn't lower your guard. Not even for a heartbeat.
Angry Amaro: But come, let us return to Wolekdorf. I would give you proper thanks.

Speaking with the angry amaro

Angry Amaro: There you are. Please accept this as a token of my gratitude. 
Angry Amaro: 'Tis a small price to pay for the peace of mind you have given us.