Matoya's Cave (Quest)
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This article is about the Main Scenario Quest. For the zone, see Matoya's Cave (Zone).
Matoya's Cave
- Quest giver
- Y'shtola
- Location
- Idyllshire (X:7, Y:8)
- Quest line
- Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 59
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Leaving Idyllshire
- Next quest
Forbidden Knowledge
Saro Roggo's Common Life
A Straightforward Fancy
A Statuesque Interest
A Self-possessed Pastime
Have I Toad You Lately
- Patch
- 3.0
Main Scenario Progress: 325 / 960 (33.9%)
Heavensward Progress: 84 / 138 (60.9%)
“Y'shtola is ready to lead you to Matoya's Cave.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
Completion of this quest unlocks an increase to mount speed in The Dravanian Hinterlands.
- Speak with Y'shtola outside Matoya's Cave.
- Examine the wall and defeat any enemies that appear.
- Speak with Y'shtola.
- According to Y'shtola, the cave in which Matoya resides is situated on the southern edge of the Dravanian hinterlands. Follow the road south through the Answering Quarter, ford the stream when you come to a broken bridge, and rejoin your companions at the base of a bluff.
- You arrive at the bluff, but there is no cave to be seen. Set aside your skepticism and do as Y'shtola bids: lay a hand upon the nearby wall, and have the other ready to draw your weapon.
- Laying your hand on the wall, you are set upon by ferocious frogs, but they are no match for you. Speak with Y'shtola to receive further instructions.
- Y'shtola leads you inside the cave, where you are greeted by Matoya. Following a touching reunion and a brief trip down memory lane, Alphinaud reveals to the old hermit the purpose of your visit: building an aetheric ram and gaining entry to Azys Lla. Much to Y'shtola's surprise, her ordinarily truculent master agrees to lend her aid to your cause.
(Optional) Alphinaud: But the final leg of our journey remains. Let us go and meet the legendary Matoya.
Accepting the Quest
Y'shtola: The cave in which Matoya resides is situated on the southern edge of the hinterlands. Y'shtola: In choosing the spot, my master desired privacy above all else. As such, the cave is extremely well hidden; you'll not find it unless you know to look for it. Y'shtola: We shall follow the road south until we reach a bridge. Rather than cross it, however, we shall ford the stream it spans, thence head straight until we arrive at the base of a bluff.
(Optional) Alphinaud: All kinds of herbs grow here, and they appear very well tended.
Speaking with Y'shtola outside Matoya's cave
Y'shtola: This is the entrance. ...Hm? You seem unconvinced, [Forename]. Well, that will only add to the surprise. Y'shtola: A word of warning before we proceed: stubborn geniuses make poor hosts, and time will have done naught to improve my master's temperament. Y'shtola: Doubt not but that there will be sentinels and traps both to deter unwanted guests. But we'll not be deterred, will we? Y'shtola: Go on and touch the wall yonder. You will want to have your weapon near at hand.
Optional Dialogue
Y'shtola: What are you waiting for? Go on and touch the wall yonder.
Alphinaud: All kinds of herbs grow here, and they appear very well tended.
Speaking with Y'shtola
Y'shtola: Those sentinels may suffice to discourage the average trespasser, but not the Warrior of Light. Y'shtola: The way now should be clear. Come, let us go and see my master.
Post turn—in Cutscene
Matoya: Don't you know it's rude to enter without knocking? Hmph, the youth of today—no manners at all...
Y'shtola: Though we neglected to knock, we did create something of a commotion. I had hoped that would suffice.
Matoya: Heavy-handed as ever, I see. And still not a hint of grace. Some things never change.
Y'shtola: To give credit where credit is due—I learned from the best. It has been too long, Master Matoya.
Matoya: Indeed it has. It's good to see you again, my girl, and with your fiery spirit unquenched. But look at you—all grown up and womanly. Matoya: ...The one there in the fancy duds—that's Lousoix's granddaughter, I take it?
Alphinaud: Grandson, begging your pardons. You knew my grandfather, my lady?
Matoya: ...Knew him? We were constantly at each other's throats. Like rabid dogs, we were! He was a stubborn bugger, was your grandfather. Never a dull moment when he was around, though, I'll give him that. As for you, boy, I've known you since you were a rosy-cheeked babe at the teat.
Alphinaud: And my sister, too, I gather. May I say what an honor it is to meet you again, my lady.
Matoya: Spare me the hollow pleasantries, boy. I'll wager my remaining good teeth you didn't come to a forgotten corner of Eorzea to flirt with a wrinkly old woman. Now, out with it—what is it you need of me? Matoya: Azys Lla... I never thought I'd hear that name again...
Y'shtola: You are familiar with it?
Matoya: As familiar as one can get from pouring over musty old tomes. The Allagans set the isle afloat not long before the sun set on the empire. Old Louisoix and I often talked about it. Matoya: The place is home to a research facility dedicated to finding ways of mastering mighty beings such as primals and dragons. And find ways it did, too—frightening ones. Matoya: Such secrets as lie buried on Azys Lla aren't fit to see the light of day. And now you tell me a band of dragon-baiting primal-botherers are trying to dig them up!?
Alphinaud: Indeed. And to make matters worse, the Ascians have a hand in their plot. They must be stopped, no matter the cost.
Matoya: I see. Very well.
Y'shtola: You will help us, then? Truly? I had not anticipated such an impassioned response. Could it be that the presence of young blood has stirred your own?
Matoya: Ah, some things never change... One day, that pertness is going to cost you your tail, my girl. Don't say I didn't warn you.