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Memento of a Friend

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Memento of a Friend

Quest giver
Il Mheg (X:30.5, Y:7.6)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Golden Medallion.png  Golden Medallion
Experience 220,320
Gil 932
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Resounding Roar
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestAcht-la Ormh Inn

Main Scenario Progress: 582 / 968 (60.1%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 41 / 157 (26.1%)


Seto would make a personal request of you.

— In-game description



  • medallion is located at (X:14.2 Y:15.4 Z:-0.6).


  • Seto would make a personal request of you.


Accepting the Quest

Seto: This is not a test of your strength, but a personal request. Please hear my tale. 
Seto: A while ago, I fought sin eaters who had wandered into Il Mheg. In the heat of battle, I dropped a prized possession─a medallion. Of all the places that it should fall, it was Longmirror Lake. 
Seto: We amaro are not fond of water─we certainly cannot dive very deep. I briefly entertained the thought of turning to the Fuath, but they are more likely to keep my medallion out of mischief than return it to me. 
Seto: I had despaired of retrieving my treasure, but having seen what you are capable of, perhaps you will be able to find it.  
Seto: While I ponder your request for the shoes, will you not go and search for my medallion? If it should elude even you, I will accept that it is gone forever. 
Seto: As I recall, I was above the waters west of the castle when I dropped the medallion. I wish you luck.

Deliver the medallion to Seto

Seto: Ah, you are returned. 
Seto: How fared your search?
<Hand Over Golden Medallion> 


Seto: Ah! My medallion! You found it! 
Seto: Oh, I know not how to thank you. It is my most treasured possession─a gift from a dear, departed soul. 
Seto: He was a traveler, and together we journeyed to the ends of the world and back again. When I was young. 
Seto: In those days, I could not speak, but we found joy in each other's company nonetheless. Oh, the memories...
Seto: This medallion he found during an adventure─fashioned it into a necklace for me, his “partner in crime.” 
Seto: I had not the words to tell him then, but it filled my heart with pride. I was so, so happy...
Seto: His name was Ardbert, and he was my friend. 
Urianger: Ardbert, thou sayest...? 
Seto: Everyone blamed him for the Flood. Him and his comrades. 
Seto: Some few spoke up for them─of the many whose lives they had touched.  
Seto: But as the years went by, their voices were drowned out by those who only uttered the adventurers' names as a curse...
Seto: It was too much to bear. And so I left behind men and their lies and came to this place.  
Seto: Ardbert was a trusting soul, constantly being drawn into the troubles of others. Yet in spite of this, he never thought twice when he saw someone in need. He always tried to help. 
Seto: It was no different then. The world needed heroes─it needed him. And yet...
Seto: He was a good man. He deserved to be happy. I wish I could have told him that, at least... 
< What will you say? > 
< I'm sure Ardbert knows how you feel. > 
< Keep your medallion safe. > 
< ... >
Seto: You remind me of him. Your kindness...
Seto: When we amaro were created, we were granted the ability to perceive souls. Thus did we recognize our masters. 
Seto: That ability has long since faded from our kind. But due perhaps to my reversion, I can see your soul. Faintly but surely. 
Seto: It is reminiscent of Ardbert's. Strikingly so. 
Seto: Of course, you are you, and no one else. We are defined not by the soul we are born with, but the path we walk. 
Seto: Nevertheless...I cannot help but feel that this is more than mere coincidence...
Seto: ...Which is why I will place my faith in you. The relic─it is yours.
Oul Sigun: There's trouble! Terrible trouble! 
Thancred: Has something happened at Lydha Lran? 
Oul Sigun: Together with the twins, we were playing tricks on some nasty mortals to stop them from setting foot in Il Mheg. 
Oul Sigun: At first they ran off screaming, which was lots of fun!  
Oul Sigun: But then a scary, bony, wrinkly old mortal came along and spoiled everything! None of our tricks seem to work on him, which is no fun at all, and now they're getting closer and closer... 
Thancred: Ran'jit. If he manages to find his way in, all our efforts will have been for naught. 
Urianger: As thou sayest. Should we be discovered ere our mission here is complete, and the Lightwarden yet liveth, our task will be rendered nigh impossible. 
Urianger: If we are to prevail, we must needs divide our forces. Thus do I propose the following... 
Urianger: Whilst thou salliest forth to meet with the Lightwarden, we shall join in the effort to obstruct the trespassers. 
Urianger: Should we succeed in staying their advance, all the better. Yet even should we fail, if we can but delay our enemy's arrival long enough for thee to secure victory, our plan may still be deemed a success. 
Thancred: So the moment the lights go out, we all beat a hasty retreat, yes? 
Minfilia: Let me come with you! I have the blessing too! 
Thancred: No, Minfilia. You'll only get underfoot. Now, come. 
Minfilia: I wish there were more I could do. Please be careful...