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First Sword
Female ♀
Hyur (Highlander)
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (9.3,12.0)
Gladiators' Guild
"It's complicated" with Aldis
Friends with Adalberta
Quest NPC

"Every man and woman here has the potential to become a champion, but it is you—and you alone—who decides your destiny."

Daughter of the previous guildmaster, Mylla entered the guild at the age of five, and has been honing her skills with a sword ever since. The Highlander became First Sword when her father perished some seven years ago. Though she had just reached her twentieth nameday, she took to her new role admirably. Now twenty-seven, she has done her utmost to aid the guild—though rumors abound that she has awaited the return of her lover all the while.

— In-game description

Mylla is a Hyur in Ul'dah - Steps of Thal.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
My First Gladius Class quest 1 Mylla
Kicking the Hornet's Nest Class quest 5 Mylla
Ul'dah's Most Wanted Class quest 10 Mylla
That Old Familiar Feeling Class quest 15 Mylla
The Face of Thal Class quest 20 Mylla
On Holy Ground Class quest 25 Mylla
The Rematch Class quest 30 Mylla
In Thal's Name Job quest 63 Mylla
In Nald's Name Job quest 65 Mylla
Fade to Black Lotus Job quest 68 Mylla
Raising the Sword Job quest 70 Mylla

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Way of the Gladiator Class quest 1 Lulutsu
Tournament of the Century Job quest 60 Jenlyns
Worth Fighting For Sidequest 80 Jenlyns

Additional Information


Mylla: Hm? You've something to ask about the guild, is that it?

What will you ask?

> What do you do here?

Mylla: Well, I don't just stand around gawping, if that's what you're asking. I am Mylla, guildmaster here.

Mylla: I instruct these would-be warriors on the finer points of swordsmanship. If you like, I could teach you a thing or two as well, though I can't promise to be gentle.

Mylla: You'll be bruised and bloody by the time we're finished, but I guarantee you'll be stronger for it. Observe our training and see for yourself.

> What is a gladiator?

Mylla: Gladiators aspire to become masters of the sword, the most ubiquitous weapon in all of Eorzea.

Mylla: The sword is a deceptively simple weapon, which is why many take it up to achieve their goals. Wealth, power, love─all seem within reach when duly armed.

Mylla: A gladiator, however, understands that to live by the sword is not a decision to be taken lightly. To walk upon the bloodsands is to court death, and we must ever be prepared to enter Thal's realm.

Mylla: But when you stand triumphant in the Coliseum and hear the crowd chanting your name, you feel...immortal.

Mylla: Of course, victory goes only to those willing to work for it. A gladiator must rigorously train not only to deliver fierce attacks, but also to weather them. Indeed, learning the shield is just as important as learning the sword.

Mylla: These defensive skills are especially important when fighting alongside allies. In battle, a gladiator is often relied upon to draw the enemy's attention while his weaker allies seize the opportunity to attack.

Mylla: It is for this reason that gladiators are often considered indispensable in battle, for none are more skilled in the arts of war than we.

> Nothing.

Additional Images