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Necklace/Level 61 - 70

From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ghost Barque Choker of Aiming Ghost barque choker of aiming icon1.png 61 260 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +45 Vitality +47 Determination +45 Direct Hit Rate +32 
Ghost Barque Choker of Casting Ghost barque choker of casting icon1.png 61 260 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +45 Vitality +42 Critical Hit +32 Determination +45 
Ghost Barque Choker of Fending Ghost barque choker of fending icon1.png 61 260 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +45 Vitality +47 Critical Hit +45 Tenacity +32 
Ghost Barque Choker of Healing Ghost barque choker of healing icon1.png 61 260 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +45 Vitality +42 Spell Speed +45 Piety +32 
Ghost Barque Choker of Slaying Ghost barque choker of slaying icon1.png 61 260 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +45 Vitality +47 Determination +45 Direct Hit Rate +32 
Koppranickel Necklace of Aiming Koppranickel necklace of aiming icon1.png 62 265 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +41 HQ icon.png46Vitality +43 HQ icon.png48Determination +40 HQ icon.png45Direct Hit Rate +29 HQ icon.png32
Koppranickel Necklace of Casting Koppranickel necklace of casting icon1.png 62 265 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +41 HQ icon.png46Vitality +39 HQ icon.png43Determination +29 HQ icon.png32Direct Hit Rate +40 HQ icon.png45
Koppranickel Necklace of Fending Koppranickel necklace of fending icon1.png 62 265 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +41 HQ icon.png46Vitality +43 HQ icon.png48Skill Speed +29 HQ icon.png32Tenacity +40 HQ icon.png45
Koppranickel Necklace of Healing Koppranickel necklace of healing icon1.png 62 265 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +41 HQ icon.png46Vitality +39 HQ icon.png43Critical Hit +40 HQ icon.png45Determination +29 HQ icon.png32
Koppranickel Necklace of Slaying Koppranickel necklace of slaying icon1.png 62 265 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +41 HQ icon.png46Vitality +43 HQ icon.png48Direct Hit Rate +29 HQ icon.png32Skill Speed +40 HQ icon.png45
Gyuki Leather Choker Gyuki leather choker icon1.png 63 200 Disciple of the Land Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) GP +53 HQ icon.png60
Larch Necklace Larch necklace icon1.png 63 200 Disciple of the Hand Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Craftsmanship +5 HQ icon.png5CP +37 HQ icon.png42
Ruby Tide Necklace of Aiming Ruby tide necklace of aiming icon1.png 63 270 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +47 Vitality +49 Critical Hit +32 Skill Speed +46 
Ruby Tide Necklace of Casting Ruby tide necklace of casting icon1.png 63 270 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +47 Vitality +44 Critical Hit +46 Direct Hit Rate +32 
Ruby Tide Necklace of Fending Ruby tide necklace of fending icon1.png 63 270 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +47 Vitality +49 Critical Hit +32 Tenacity +46 
Ruby Tide Necklace of Healing Ruby tide necklace of healing icon1.png 63 270 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +47 Vitality +44 Critical Hit +46 Spell Speed +32 
Ruby Tide Necklace of Slaying Ruby tide necklace of slaying icon1.png 63 270 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +47 Vitality +49 Critical Hit +32 Determination +46 
Star Spinel Choker of Aiming Star spinel choker of aiming icon1.png 64 273 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +43 HQ icon.png48Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Critical Hit +30 HQ icon.png33Direct Hit Rate +42 HQ icon.png47
Star Spinel Choker of Casting Star spinel choker of casting icon1.png 64 273 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +43 HQ icon.png48Vitality +40 HQ icon.png45Critical Hit +30 HQ icon.png33Spell Speed +42 HQ icon.png47
Star Spinel Choker of Fending Star spinel choker of fending icon1.png 64 273 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +43 HQ icon.png48Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Skill Speed +42 HQ icon.png47Tenacity +30 HQ icon.png33
Star Spinel Choker of Healing Star spinel choker of healing icon1.png 64 273 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +43 HQ icon.png48Vitality +40 HQ icon.png45Spell Speed +42 HQ icon.png47Piety +30 HQ icon.png33
Star Spinel Choker of Slaying Star spinel choker of slaying icon1.png 64 273 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +43 HQ icon.png48Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Determination +42 HQ icon.png47Skill Speed +30 HQ icon.png33
Nomad's Choker of Aiming Nomads choker of aiming icon1.png 65 276 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +48 Vitality +50 Determination +34 Direct Hit Rate +48 
Nomad's Choker of Casting Nomads choker of casting icon1.png 65 276 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +48 Vitality +45 Determination +34 Direct Hit Rate +48 
Nomad's Choker of Fending Nomads choker of fending icon1.png 65 276 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +48 Vitality +50 Critical Hit +48 Skill Speed +34 
Nomad's Choker of Healing Nomads choker of healing icon1.png 65 276 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +48 Vitality +45 Critical Hit +48 Determination +34 
Nomad's Choker of Slaying Nomads choker of slaying icon1.png 65 276 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +48 Vitality +50 Determination +34 Direct Hit Rate +48 
Azurite Choker of Aiming Azurite choker of aiming icon1.png 66 279 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Determination +31 HQ icon.png34Direct Hit Rate +44 HQ icon.png49
Azurite Choker of Casting Azurite choker of casting icon1.png 66 279 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +40 HQ icon.png45Critical Hit +31 HQ icon.png34Determination +44 HQ icon.png49
Azurite Choker of Fending Azurite choker of fending icon1.png 66 279 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Determination +44 HQ icon.png49Tenacity +31 HQ icon.png34
Azurite Choker of Healing Azurite choker of healing icon1.png 66 279 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +40 HQ icon.png45Spell Speed +31 HQ icon.png34Piety +44 HQ icon.png49
Azurite Choker of Slaying Azurite choker of slaying icon1.png 66 279 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +44 HQ icon.png49Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Direct Hit Rate +31 HQ icon.png34Skill Speed +44 HQ icon.png49
Marid Leather Choker Marid leather choker icon1.png 67 245 Disciple of the Land Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) GP +54 HQ icon.png62
Persimmon Necklace Persimmon necklace icon1.png 67 245 Disciple of the Hand Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Craftsmanship +5 HQ icon.png6CP +39 HQ icon.png44
Yanxian Necklace of Aiming Yanxian necklace of aiming icon1.png 67 282 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +50 Vitality +50 Determination +50 Direct Hit Rate +35 
Yanxian Necklace of Casting Yanxian necklace of casting icon1.png 67 282 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +50 Vitality +45 Critical Hit +35 Spell Speed +50 
Yanxian Necklace of Fending Yanxian necklace of fending icon1.png 67 282 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +50 Vitality +50 Determination +50 Skill Speed +35 
Yanxian Necklace of Healing Yanxian necklace of healing icon1.png 67 282 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +50 Vitality +45 Critical Hit +35 Determination +50 
Yanxian Necklace of Slaying Yanxian necklace of slaying icon1.png 67 282 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +50 Vitality +50 Direct Hit Rate +35 Skill Speed +50 
Palladium Choker of Aiming Palladium choker of aiming icon1.png 68 285 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +45 HQ icon.png50Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Critical Hit +32 HQ icon.png36Skill Speed +46 HQ icon.png51
Palladium Choker of Casting Palladium choker of casting icon1.png 68 285 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +45 HQ icon.png50Vitality +40 HQ icon.png45Critical Hit +46 HQ icon.png51Spell Speed +32 HQ icon.png36
Palladium Choker of Fending Palladium choker of fending icon1.png 68 285 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +45 HQ icon.png50Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Determination +46 HQ icon.png51Skill Speed +32 HQ icon.png36
Palladium Choker of Healing Palladium choker of healing icon1.png 68 285 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +45 HQ icon.png50Vitality +40 HQ icon.png45Spell Speed +46 HQ icon.png51Piety +32 HQ icon.png36
Palladium Choker of Slaying Palladium choker of slaying icon1.png 68 285 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +45 HQ icon.png50Vitality +45 HQ icon.png50Critical Hit +46 HQ icon.png51Determination +32 HQ icon.png36
Valerian Archer's Choker Valerian archers choker icon1.png 69 288 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +51 Vitality +51 Critical Hit +36 Skill Speed +52 
Valerian Brawler's Choker Valerian brawlers choker icon1.png 69 288 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +51 Vitality +51 Determination +52 Skill Speed +36 
Valerian Dark Priest's Choker Valerian dark priests choker icon1.png 69 288 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +51 Vitality +46 Direct Hit Rate +52 Spell Speed +36 
Valerian Priest's Choker Valerian priests choker icon1.png 69 288 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +51 Vitality +46 Spell Speed +52 Piety +36 
Xenobian Paladin's Choker Xenobian paladins choker icon1.png 69 288 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +51 Vitality +51 Critical Hit +52 Skill Speed +36 
Gazelleskin Choker Gazelleskin choker icon1.png 70 290 Disciple of the Land Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) GP +56 HQ icon.png64
Imperial Jade Necklace of Aiming Imperial jade necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 290 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +46 HQ icon.png51Vitality +46 HQ icon.png51Critical Hit +33 HQ icon.png37Direct Hit Rate +48 HQ icon.png53
Imperial Jade Necklace of Casting Imperial jade necklace of casting icon1.png 70 290 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +46 HQ icon.png51Vitality +41 HQ icon.png46Critical Hit +48 HQ icon.png53Direct Hit Rate +33 HQ icon.png37
Imperial Jade Necklace of Fending Imperial jade necklace of fending icon1.png 70 290 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +46 HQ icon.png51Vitality +46 HQ icon.png51Skill Speed +33 HQ icon.png37Tenacity +48 HQ icon.png53
Imperial Jade Necklace of Healing Imperial jade necklace of healing icon1.png 70 290 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +46 HQ icon.png51Vitality +41 HQ icon.png46Critical Hit +48 HQ icon.png53Piety +33 HQ icon.png37
Imperial Jade Necklace of Slaying Imperial jade necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 290 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +46 HQ icon.png51Vitality +46 HQ icon.png51Determination +33 HQ icon.png37Skill Speed +48 HQ icon.png53
Zelkova Necklace Zelkova necklace icon1.png 70 290 Disciple of the Hand Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Craftsmanship +6 HQ icon.png7CP +41 HQ icon.png46
Arhat Necklace of Aiming Arhat necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +54 Vitality +53 Determination +39 Skill Speed +55 
Arhat Necklace of Casting Arhat necklace of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +54 Vitality +48 Critical Hit +55 Spell Speed +39 
Arhat Necklace of Fending Arhat necklace of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +54 Vitality +53 Determination +55 Tenacity +39 
Arhat Necklace of Healing Arhat necklace of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +54 Vitality +48 Critical Hit +39 Piety +55 
Arhat Necklace of Slaying Arhat necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 300 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +54 Vitality +53 Critical Hit +39 Direct Hit Rate +55 
Ala Mhigan Necklace of Aiming Ala mhigan necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 310 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +56 Vitality +56 Direct Hit Rate +39 Skill Speed +56 
Ala Mhigan Necklace of Casting Ala mhigan necklace of casting icon1.png 70 310 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +56 Vitality +50 Critical Hit +39 Spell Speed +56 
Ala Mhigan Necklace of Fending Ala mhigan necklace of fending icon1.png 70 310 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +56 Vitality +56 Skill Speed +39 Tenacity +56 
Ala Mhigan Necklace of Healing Ala mhigan necklace of healing icon1.png 70 310 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +56 Vitality +50 Critical Hit +39 Determination +56 
Ala Mhigan Necklace of Slaying Ala mhigan necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 310 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +56 Vitality +56 Critical Hit +39 Skill Speed +56 
Skallic Necklace of Aiming Skallic necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 315 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +57 Vitality +57 Determination +40 Direct Hit Rate +57 
Skallic Necklace of Casting Skallic necklace of casting icon1.png 70 315 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +57 Vitality +51 Determination +57 Direct Hit Rate +40 
Skallic Necklace of Fending Skallic necklace of fending icon1.png 70 315 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +57 Vitality +57 Critical Hit +40 Skill Speed +57 
Skallic Necklace of Healing Skallic necklace of healing icon1.png 70 315 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +57 Vitality +51 Determination +40 Piety +57 
Skallic Necklace of Slaying Skallic necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 315 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +57 Vitality +57 Determination +57 Skill Speed +40 
Genta Necklace of Aiming Genta necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 320 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +58 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +57 Determination +40 
Genta Necklace of Casting Genta necklace of casting icon1.png 70 320 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +58 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +40 Spell Speed +57 
Genta Necklace of Fending Genta necklace of fending icon1.png 70 320 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +58 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +57 Tenacity +40 
Genta Necklace of Healing Genta necklace of healing icon1.png 70 320 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +58 Vitality +52 Spell Speed +57 Piety +40 
Genta Necklace of Slaying Genta necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 320 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +58 Vitality +58 Determination +40 Direct Hit Rate +57 
Lakshmi's Necklace of Aiming Lakshmis necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 320 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +58 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +40 Direct Hit Rate +57 
Lakshmi's Necklace of Casting Lakshmis necklace of casting icon1.png 70 320 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +58 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +40 Direct Hit Rate +57 
Lakshmi's Necklace of Fending Lakshmis necklace of fending icon1.png 70 320 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +58 Vitality +58 Determination +57 Tenacity +40 
Lakshmi's Necklace of Healing Lakshmis necklace of healing icon1.png 70 320 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +58 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +40 Spell Speed +57 
Lakshmi's Necklace of Slaying Lakshmis necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 320 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +58 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +40 Skill Speed +57 
Torreya Choker of Aiming Torreya choker of aiming icon1.png 70 320 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +52 HQ icon.png58Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Determination +51 HQ icon.png57Skill Speed +36 HQ icon.png40
Torreya Choker of Casting Torreya choker of casting icon1.png 70 320 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +52 HQ icon.png58Vitality +47 HQ icon.png52Direct Hit Rate +51 HQ icon.png57Spell Speed +36 HQ icon.png40
Torreya Choker of Fending Torreya choker of fending icon1.png 70 320 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +52 HQ icon.png58Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Skill Speed +36 HQ icon.png40Tenacity +51 HQ icon.png57
Torreya Choker of Healing Torreya choker of healing icon1.png 70 320 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +52 HQ icon.png58Vitality +47 HQ icon.png52Critical Hit +36 HQ icon.png40Piety +51 HQ icon.png57
Torreya Choker of Slaying Torreya choker of slaying icon1.png 70 320 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +52 HQ icon.png58Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Determination +51 HQ icon.png57Skill Speed +36 HQ icon.png40
Farlander Choker of Aiming Farlander choker of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +58 Vitality +59 Critical Hit +58 Skill Speed +41 
Farlander Choker of Casting Farlander choker of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +58 Vitality +53 Determination +58 Spell Speed +41 
Farlander Choker of Fending Farlander choker of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +58 Vitality +59 Critical Hit +58 Skill Speed +41 
Farlander Choker of Healing Farlander choker of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +58 Vitality +53 Critical Hit +58 Spell Speed +41 
Farlander Choker of Slaying Farlander choker of slaying icon1.png 70 325 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +58 Vitality +59 Critical Hit +41 Determination +58 
Lost Allagan Choker of Aiming Lost allagan choker of aiming icon1.png 70 330 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +59 Vitality +60 Critical Hit +41 Skill Speed +59 
Lost Allagan Choker of Casting Lost allagan choker of casting icon1.png 70 330 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +59 Vitality +54 Direct Hit Rate +41 Spell Speed +59 
Lost Allagan Choker of Fending Lost allagan choker of fending icon1.png 70 330 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +59 Vitality +60 Skill Speed +41 Tenacity +59 
Lost Allagan Choker of Healing Lost allagan choker of healing icon1.png 70 330 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +59 Vitality +54 Critical Hit +41 Spell Speed +59 
Lost Allagan Choker of Slaying Lost allagan choker of slaying icon1.png 70 330 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +59 Vitality +60 Critical Hit +41 Direct Hit Rate +59 
Augmented Lost Allagan Choker of Aiming Augmented lost allagan choker of aiming icon1.png 70 340 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +61 Vitality +62 Critical Hit +42 Skill Speed +60 
Augmented Lost Allagan Choker of Casting Augmented lost allagan choker of casting icon1.png 70 340 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +61 Vitality +56 Direct Hit Rate +42 Spell Speed +60 
Augmented Lost Allagan Choker of Fending Augmented lost allagan choker of fending icon1.png 70 340 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +61 Vitality +62 Skill Speed +42 Tenacity +60 
Augmented Lost Allagan Choker of Healing Augmented lost allagan choker of healing icon1.png 70 340 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +61 Vitality +56 Critical Hit +42 Spell Speed +60 
Augmented Lost Allagan Choker of Slaying Augmented lost allagan choker of slaying icon1.png 70 340 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +61 Vitality +62 Critical Hit +42 Direct Hit Rate +60 
Black Willow Necklace of Crafting Black willow necklace of crafting icon1.png 70 340 Disciple of the Hand Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Craftsmanship +8 HQ icon.png9CP +43 HQ icon.png49
Genji Necklace of Aiming Genji necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 340 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +61 Vitality +62 Direct Hit Rate +60 Skill Speed +42 
Genji Necklace of Casting Genji necklace of casting icon1.png 70 340 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +61 Vitality +56 Critical Hit +60 Spell Speed +42 
Genji Necklace of Fending Genji necklace of fending icon1.png 70 340 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +61 Vitality +62 Critical Hit +60 Determination +42 
Genji Necklace of Healing Genji necklace of healing icon1.png 70 340 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +61 Vitality +56 Determination +42 Piety +60 
Genji Necklace of Slaying Genji necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 340 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +61 Vitality +62 Critical Hit +60 Determination +42 
Slothskin Necklace of Gathering Slothskin necklace of gathering icon1.png 70 340 Disciple of the Land Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) GP +64 HQ icon.png72
Bonewicca Necklace of Aiming Bonewicca necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 345 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +62 Vitality +62 Critical Hit +61 Determination +43 
Bonewicca Necklace of Casting Bonewicca necklace of casting icon1.png 70 345 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +62 Vitality +56 Critical Hit +61 Direct Hit Rate +43 
Bonewicca Necklace of Fending Bonewicca necklace of fending icon1.png 70 345 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +62 Vitality +62 Critical Hit +43 Skill Speed +61 
Bonewicca Necklace of Healing Bonewicca necklace of healing icon1.png 70 345 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +62 Vitality +56 Critical Hit +43 Spell Speed +61 
Bonewicca Necklace of Slaying Bonewicca necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 345 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +62 Vitality +62 Determination +43 Direct Hit Rate +61 
Black Willow Necklace of Aiming Black willow necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 350 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +56 HQ icon.png62Vitality +57 HQ icon.png63Critical Hit +56 HQ icon.png62Direct Hit Rate +39 HQ icon.png43
Black Willow Necklace of Casting Black willow necklace of casting icon1.png 70 350 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +56 HQ icon.png62Vitality +51 HQ icon.png57Critical Hit +39 HQ icon.png43Spell Speed +56 HQ icon.png62
Black Willow Necklace of Fending Black willow necklace of fending icon1.png 70 350 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +56 HQ icon.png62Vitality +57 HQ icon.png63Determination +39 HQ icon.png43Skill Speed +56 HQ icon.png62
Black Willow Necklace of Healing Black willow necklace of healing icon1.png 70 350 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +56 HQ icon.png62Vitality +51 HQ icon.png57Spell Speed +39 HQ icon.png43Piety +56 HQ icon.png62
Black Willow Necklace of Slaying Black willow necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 350 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +56 HQ icon.png62Vitality +57 HQ icon.png63Direct Hit Rate +56 HQ icon.png62Skill Speed +39 HQ icon.png43
Carborundum Necklace of Aiming Carborundum necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 350 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +62 Vitality +63 Determination +62 Skill Speed +43 
Carborundum Necklace of Casting Carborundum necklace of casting icon1.png 70 350 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +62 Vitality +57 Determination +43 Direct Hit Rate +62 
Carborundum Necklace of Fending Carborundum necklace of fending icon1.png 70 350 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +62 Vitality +63 Critical Hit +43 Tenacity +62 
Carborundum Necklace of Healing Carborundum necklace of healing icon1.png 70 350 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +62 Vitality +57 Critical Hit +43 Determination +62 
Carborundum Necklace of Slaying Carborundum necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 350 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +62 Vitality +63 Determination +62 Direct Hit Rate +43 
Handking's Necklace Handkings necklace icon1.png 70 350 Disciple of the Hand Necklace 1 1 0 Craftsmanship +10 CP +50 
Landking's Necklace Landkings necklace icon1.png 70 350 Disciple of the Hand Necklace 1 1 0 GP +74 
Royal Volunteer's Choker of Aiming Royal volunteers choker of aiming icon1.png 70 355 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +63 Vitality +64 Critical Hit +43 Determination +62 
Royal Volunteer's Choker of Casting Royal volunteers choker of casting icon1.png 70 355 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +63 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +62 Determination +43 
Royal Volunteer's Choker of Fending Royal volunteers choker of fending icon1.png 70 355 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +63 Vitality +64 Critical Hit +62 Skill Speed +43 
Royal Volunteer's Choker of Healing Royal volunteers choker of healing icon1.png 70 355 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +63 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +43 Spell Speed +62 
Royal Volunteer's Choker of Slaying Royal volunteers choker of slaying icon1.png 70 355 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +63 Vitality +64 Critical Hit +62 Skill Speed +43 
Augmented Black Willow Necklace of Aiming Augmented black willow necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 360 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 Dexterity +58 HQ icon.png64Vitality +58 HQ icon.png65Critical Hit +57 HQ icon.png63Direct Hit Rate +40 HQ icon.png44
Augmented Black Willow Necklace of Casting Augmented black willow necklace of casting icon1.png 70 360 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 Intelligence +58 HQ icon.png64Vitality +53 HQ icon.png59Critical Hit +40 HQ icon.png44Spell Speed +57 HQ icon.png63
Augmented Black Willow Necklace of Fending Augmented black willow necklace of fending icon1.png 70 360 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 Strength +58 HQ icon.png64Vitality +58 HQ icon.png65Determination +40 HQ icon.png44Skill Speed +57 HQ icon.png63
Augmented Black Willow Necklace of Healing Augmented black willow necklace of healing icon1.png 70 360 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 Mind +58 HQ icon.png64Vitality +53 HQ icon.png59Spell Speed +40 HQ icon.png44Piety +57 HQ icon.png63
Augmented Black Willow Necklace of Slaying Augmented black willow necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 360 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 Strength +58 HQ icon.png64Vitality +58 HQ icon.png65Direct Hit Rate +57 HQ icon.png63Skill Speed +40 HQ icon.png44
Ryumyaku Necklace of Aiming Ryumyaku necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 360 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +64 Vitality +65 Direct Hit Rate +44 Skill Speed +63 
Ryumyaku Necklace of Casting Ryumyaku necklace of casting icon1.png 70 360 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +64 Vitality +59 Determination +63 Direct Hit Rate +44 
Ryumyaku Necklace of Fending Ryumyaku necklace of fending icon1.png 70 360 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +64 Vitality +65 Critical Hit +44 Determination +63 
Ryumyaku Necklace of Healing Ryumyaku necklace of healing icon1.png 70 360 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +64 Vitality +59 Critical Hit +63 Determination +44 
Ryumyaku Necklace of Slaying Ryumyaku necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 360 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +64 Vitality +65 Critical Hit +44 Determination +63 
Dai-ryumyaku Necklace of Aiming Dai-ryumyaku necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 370 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +65 Vitality +68 Direct Hit Rate +45 Skill Speed +64 
Dai-ryumyaku Necklace of Casting Dai-ryumyaku necklace of casting icon1.png 70 370 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +65 Vitality +61 Determination +64 Direct Hit Rate +45 
Dai-ryumyaku Necklace of Fending Dai-ryumyaku necklace of fending icon1.png 70 370 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +65 Vitality +68 Critical Hit +45 Determination +64 
Dai-ryumyaku Necklace of Healing Dai-ryumyaku necklace of healing icon1.png 70 370 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +65 Vitality +61 Critical Hit +64 Determination +45 
Dai-ryumyaku Necklace of Slaying Dai-ryumyaku necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 370 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +65 Vitality +68 Critical Hit +45 Determination +64 
Diamond Necklace of Aiming Diamond necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 370 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +65 Vitality +68 Critical Hit +45 Determination +64 
Diamond Necklace of Casting Diamond necklace of casting icon1.png 70 370 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +65 Vitality +61 Critical Hit +45 Spell Speed +64 
Diamond Necklace of Fending Diamond necklace of fending icon1.png 70 370 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +65 Vitality +68 Critical Hit +45 Tenacity +64 
Diamond Necklace of Healing Diamond necklace of healing icon1.png 70 370 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +65 Vitality +61 Spell Speed +45 Piety +64 
Diamond Necklace of Slaying Diamond necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 370 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +65 Vitality +68 Direct Hit Rate +64 Skill Speed +45 
Alliance Necklace of Aiming Alliance necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 375 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +66 Vitality +69 Critical Hit +65 Determination +46 
Alliance Necklace of Casting Alliance necklace of casting icon1.png 70 375 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +66 Vitality +62 Determination +46 Direct Hit Rate +65 
Alliance Necklace of Fending Alliance necklace of fending icon1.png 70 375 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +66 Vitality +69 Critical Hit +46 Tenacity +65 
Alliance Necklace of Healing Alliance necklace of healing icon1.png 70 375 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +66 Vitality +62 Critical Hit +65 Spell Speed +46 
Alliance Necklace of Slaying Alliance necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 375 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +66 Vitality +69 Critical Hit +65 Direct Hit Rate +46 
Omicron Choker of Aiming Omicron choker of aiming icon1.png 70 380 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +67 Vitality +70 Direct Hit Rate +46 Skill Speed +66 
Omicron Choker of Casting Omicron choker of casting icon1.png 70 380 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +67 Vitality +63 Critical Hit +46 Spell Speed +66 
Omicron Choker of Fending Omicron choker of fending icon1.png 70 380 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +67 Vitality +70 Determination +66 Tenacity +46 
Omicron Choker of Healing Omicron choker of healing icon1.png 70 380 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +67 Vitality +63 Spell Speed +66 Piety +46 
Omicron Choker of Slaying Omicron choker of slaying icon1.png 70 380 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +67 Vitality +70 Critical Hit +46 Skill Speed +66 
Rakshasa Necklace of Aiming Rakshasa necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 380 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +60 HQ icon.png67Vitality +63 HQ icon.png70Direct Hit Rate +59 HQ icon.png66Skill Speed +41 HQ icon.png46
Rakshasa Necklace of Casting Rakshasa necklace of casting icon1.png 70 380 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +60 HQ icon.png67Vitality +57 HQ icon.png63Determination +59 HQ icon.png66Spell Speed +41 HQ icon.png46
Rakshasa Necklace of Fending Rakshasa necklace of fending icon1.png 70 380 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +60 HQ icon.png67Vitality +63 HQ icon.png70Critical Hit +59 HQ icon.png66Skill Speed +41 HQ icon.png46
Rakshasa Necklace of Healing Rakshasa necklace of healing icon1.png 70 380 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +60 HQ icon.png67Vitality +57 HQ icon.png63Determination +59 HQ icon.png66Piety +41 HQ icon.png46
Rakshasa Necklace of Slaying Rakshasa necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 380 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +60 HQ icon.png67Vitality +63 HQ icon.png70Determination +59 HQ icon.png66Skill Speed +41 HQ icon.png46
Hematite Choker of Aiming Hematite choker of aiming icon1.png 70 385 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +61 HQ icon.png68Vitality +64 HQ icon.png71Determination +60 HQ icon.png67Skill Speed +42 HQ icon.png47
Hematite Choker of Casting Hematite choker of casting icon1.png 70 385 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +61 HQ icon.png68Vitality +58 HQ icon.png64Critical Hit +42 HQ icon.png47Determination +60 HQ icon.png67
Hematite Choker of Fending Hematite choker of fending icon1.png 70 385 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +61 HQ icon.png68Vitality +64 HQ icon.png71Critical Hit +60 HQ icon.png67Determination +42 HQ icon.png47
Hematite Choker of Healing Hematite choker of healing icon1.png 70 385 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +61 HQ icon.png68Vitality +58 HQ icon.png64Determination +60 HQ icon.png67Piety +42 HQ icon.png47
Hematite Choker of Slaying Hematite choker of slaying icon1.png 70 385 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +61 HQ icon.png68Vitality +64 HQ icon.png71Critical Hit +42 HQ icon.png47Direct Hit Rate +60 HQ icon.png67
Scaevan Choker of Aiming Scaevan choker of aiming icon1.png 70 390 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +69 Vitality +73 Direct Hit Rate +47 Skill Speed +67 
Scaevan Choker of Casting Scaevan choker of casting icon1.png 70 390 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +69 Vitality +66 Critical Hit +67 Direct Hit Rate +47 
Scaevan Choker of Fending Scaevan choker of fending icon1.png 70 390 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +69 Vitality +73 Skill Speed +67 Tenacity +47 
Scaevan Choker of Healing Scaevan choker of healing icon1.png 70 390 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +69 Vitality +66 Determination +67 Spell Speed +47 
Scaevan Choker of Slaying Scaevan choker of slaying icon1.png 70 390 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +69 Vitality +73 Determination +47 Direct Hit Rate +67 
Yama Necklace of Aiming Yama necklace of aiming icon1.png 70 390 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 Dexterity +62 HQ icon.png69Vitality +66 HQ icon.png73Direct Hit Rate +60 HQ icon.png67Skill Speed +42 HQ icon.png47
Yama Necklace of Casting Yama necklace of casting icon1.png 70 390 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 Intelligence +62 HQ icon.png69Vitality +59 HQ icon.png66Determination +60 HQ icon.png67Spell Speed +42 HQ icon.png47
Yama Necklace of Fending Yama necklace of fending icon1.png 70 390 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 Strength +62 HQ icon.png69Vitality +66 HQ icon.png73Critical Hit +60 HQ icon.png67Skill Speed +42 HQ icon.png47
Yama Necklace of Healing Yama necklace of healing icon1.png 70 390 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 Mind +62 HQ icon.png69Vitality +59 HQ icon.png66Determination +60 HQ icon.png67Piety +42 HQ icon.png47
Yama Necklace of Slaying Yama necklace of slaying icon1.png 70 390 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 Strength +62 HQ icon.png69Vitality +66 HQ icon.png73Determination +60 HQ icon.png67Skill Speed +42 HQ icon.png47
Augmented Scaevan Choker of Aiming Augmented scaevan choker of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +71 Vitality +77 Direct Hit Rate +48 Skill Speed +69 
Augmented Scaevan Choker of Casting Augmented scaevan choker of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +71 Vitality +69 Critical Hit +69 Direct Hit Rate +48 
Augmented Scaevan Choker of Fending Augmented scaevan choker of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Skill Speed +69 Tenacity +48 
Augmented Scaevan Choker of Healing Augmented scaevan choker of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +71 Vitality +69 Determination +69 Spell Speed +48 
Augmented Scaevan Choker of Slaying Augmented scaevan choker of slaying icon1.png 70 400 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Determination +48 Direct Hit Rate +69 
Mirage Choker Mirage choker icon1.png 70 400 BLU Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +71 Vitality +69 Determination +69 Spell Speed +48 
Omega Choker of Aiming Omega choker of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +71 Vitality +77 Critical Hit +69 Determination +48 
Omega Choker of Casting Omega choker of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +71 Vitality +69 Direct Hit Rate +69 Spell Speed +48 
Omega Choker of Fending Omega choker of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Determination +69 Tenacity +48 
Omega Choker of Healing Omega choker of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +71 Vitality +69 Critical Hit +69 Determination +48 
Omega Choker of Slaying Omega choker of slaying icon1.png 70 400 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Critical Hit +48 Direct Hit Rate +69