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Ocher Boulder

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"Together, my brother and I shall serve the Scions till the breaking of an eighth dawn!"

Ocher Boulder has naught but the utmost reverence for his elder brother, Hoary Boulder. To become a healer able to withstand the rigors of battle and gain the acceptance of his sibling, he walked along the edges of Abalathia's fiery craters for one thousand days, and there honed his magical abilities. Ocher Boulder is deadly serious in his pursuits, and undertakes every trial earnestly. However, the Hellsguard of twenty-two summers may seem a bit dim-witted as a result.

— In-game description

Ocher Boulder is a Roegadyn in The Rising Stones.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
An Ending to Mark a New Beginning Main Scenario quest 60 Alphinaud

Additional Information