Once Upon a Time in Doma
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Once Upon a Time in Doma
- Quest giver
- Oboro
- Location
- Eastern La Noscea (X:5.9, Y:6.1)
- Job
- Ninja
- Level
- 35
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Killer Combinations
- Next quest
Pirates versus Ninjas
- Patch
- 2.4
“Oboro would impart a new mudra to his promising pupil.
— In-game description
The quest coordinates are deceiving - you actually need to find the dock storehouse and talk to Byakubu at (X:21.2 Y:26.6) to enter, then you are teleported to the quest location.
- Use Raiton on the mokujin.
- Speak with Oboro.
- Use Katon on the mokujin.
- Speak with Oboro.
- Speak with Fool Falls.
- Speak with Oboro.
- Speak with Oboro at the dock storehouse.
- Oboro would impart a new mudra to his promising pupil.
- Having learned your second mudra from Oboro, you are now capable of wielding mudra combinations. By forming the mudra Ten and Chi─in that order─you can channel the power of heaven and earth to wield the ninjutsu Raiton, or lightning release. Demonstrate the technique for Oboro on the mokujin outside the storehouse.
- You have successfully wielded Raiton, sending crackling bolts of lightning coursing through the mokujin, whose wooden limbs thankfully feel no pain. Speak with Oboro to hear his assessment of your technique.
- Duly impressed with your prowess in wielding your first mudra combination, Oboro imparts to you a second. By reversing the order and forming the mudra for Chi followed by Ten, you can wield the ninjutsu Katon, or fire release. Unleash the skill on the poor mokujin, who clearly has not taken enough punishment.
- A flaming inferno flies from your fingers and torches the mokujin, who, being the sturdy sort, appears to be none the worse for wear. Speak with Oboro in front of the storehouse and see if your technique meets his satisfaction.
- Satisfied that you have grasped the basics of mudra combinations, Oboro would have you continue your training in the traditional Doman fashion. Accompany your instructor to Fool Falls in upper La Noscea.
- What was to be a peaceful and meditative training session amidst the tumbling waters is interrupted by Karasu, who mocks his erstwhile countrymen before assailing the both of you. Wielding your newfound talents to the best of your ability, you and Oboro manage to stand your ground against this formidable foe, who departs the scene with a swift stealthiness reminiscent of his namesake. Take a deep breath, calm your mind, and speak with Oboro to hear his thoughts on these events.
- Oboro expresses his displeasure at his own carelessness and inability to foresee Karasu's ambush. Accompany him back to the dock storehouse to regroup and assess your next course of action.
- Oboro reflects upon the events at the falls, and surmises from Karasu's words and actions that your foe sought not to kill you, but merely to test your strength. At the same time, he reaffirms his belief that you will prove a valuable ally to the two Domans in their mission of vengeance, and encourages you to continue to hone your skills.
- ※The next ninja quest will be available from Oboro upon reaching level 40.
Accepting the quest
Oboro: Chi, or "earth," marks the second mudra that you have learned. With this, you are ready to begin the next phase of your training. Oboro: It is through the combination of mudra that you will find new techniques. The first technique I would impart to you is Raiton, lightning release. Oboro: "When heaven joins with earth, lightning will flash and thunder will roll." Oboro: In other words, form the mudra Ten followed by Chi. Channel that energy forward, and bolts of lightning will surge from your hands to strike your foe. Oboro: As this is a more formidable technique than the Fuma Shuriken you have wielded thus far, I have taken care to reinforce the mokujin outside the storehouse. Strike it with Raiton, and I shall observe.
Speaking to Oboro
Oboro: Very well. Now, recall what I said during our first lesson: the techniques at your disposal are created not merely by which mudra you form, but also the order in which you combine them. Oboro: "When earth joins with heaven, the skies will rain fire and ash." In other words, form the mudra Chi followed by Ten and channel those energies forward, and searing hellsfire will engulf your foes. Oboro: But be forewarned: these techniques require considerable exertion of your spirit. After performing one, you will observe that some time is required before your mind settles and you are able to wield another. Now, demonstrate Katon for me on the mokujin over there.
Speaking to Oboro again
Oboro: Splendid! Your grasp on fundamental mudra combinations is firm. But knowing the how of the technique is only the beginning——you must also understand when to employ it. Oboro: Chunin is our word for a shinobi who has attained full mastery of two-mudra techniques. In our tradition, when a student is deemed by his master to show such potential, he is led to a waterfall outside the village to conduct intense training. Oboro: I cannot take you to Doma, of course, but my maps tell me of a place in upper La Noscea that should suffice: Fool Falls. The name is less than auspicious, but it will have to do. Meet me there, and we shall proceed.
Speaking to Oboro - cutscene
Oboro: Until today, I knew this place only as letters on a map. Gazing upon it with my own eyes, it is even more beautiful and powerful than I could have imagined. Yes, this will serve us well. Oboro: My people do not worship your deities twelve. Our gods are all around us——in the trees, in the soil, in the crashing waters before you. Close your eyes and open your heart to the sound of the rushing falls, that you might purge your mind of all worldly thoughts and distractions. Oboro: The techniques you have learned will serve you well in battle, but confuse the order of your mudra and you can just as easily turn victory into defeat. It is imperative that you keep a single focus of mind. Oboro: So it is that masters have brought their students to falls like this one for training since my ancestors' times. ???: Who is the more foolish: the fool of Fool Falls, or the fool who comes here without realizing he's been followed? Oboro: ...Karasu! Karasu: Now here's a curious scene! The dim one is accompanied today not by his swallow but by a chirping horsebird chick who fancies himself a shinobi. Karasu: The dim one is displeased! This, after our hero postponed two assassinations to make this little journey! Could his friends not greet him with a smile and some crumpets——or whatever it is Eorzeans take with their tea? Karasu: The dim one ponders: how did our hero know to find him here!? Yet the answer is plain as day. The dim one is a creature of habit and tradition——where else would he bring his prized new pupil? Karasu: Tradition! Our hero spits on tired tradition! No, for he is a shinobi of a different feather! Ever changing, never predictable...but always——always——in style! Karasu: Those who cling too closely to tradition are bound to suffer the fate of their forebears. Or are the lessons of the past so soon forgotten? Oboro: Ready yourself, [Player]! It appears that your training today will be of a more practical sort. Karasu: But of course! All you had to do was ask nicely. It would be my pleasure to be your teacher for the day. Karasu: Your first lesson, little chick: Raiton's lightning will strike a single foe, while Katon's flames will raze many. Wield them wisely, or don't——it's only your life at stake! Kah hah hah! Karasu: Oh, how generous is our hero, putting aside his killings and spyings to play mother hen to the horsebird chick! You will try to keep me entertained, won't you?
Solo duty
Karasu Redbeak: The lesson begins! You will try to make this fun for me, yes? Karasu Redbeak: I was there, but now I'm here!
Can you not see? Karasu Redbeak: Must they be so slow?
Our hero tires of this dull dance! Karasu Redbeak: If you're going to kill me,
could you be a bit quicker about it? Karasu Redbeak: Alas, I fear your teacher has better places to be!
But worry not——my pawns will continue the lesson. Oboro Moonrise: Karasu! Come back and face me with honor! Oboro Moonrise: Do not let their numbers daunt you!
Keep your focus, and your Katon will blaze a path to safety! Oboro Moonrise: This one is strong...
Keep focus, and your Raiton will strike him down!
Speaking to Oboro again
Oboro: You fought well, [Player]. I, however, should have known to expect the traitor's attack. I was careless, and put you in danger. It will not happen again. Oboro: It appears that Karasu has taken an interest in you, and I fear this complicates matters some. Let us return to the docks. There is much I would tell you.
Speaking to Oboro once again - cutscene
Oboro: I would tell you a story of our past. A story of the traitor, and why he must die at our hands. Oboro: Growing up in the same village, I have known Karasu since we were both children. When we came of age, we began our training together under Master Gekkai. Oboro: From a young age, it was clear that Karasu possessed an innate talent for our art that few could rival. I spared no effort in my training, yet I struggled to grasp techniques that he would master effortlessly. Oboro: In his own way, he possesses a mind singularly devoid of wasteful thoughts. A mind seemingly unclouded by concepts such as right or wrong, good or evil. Despite this, deep down, I always thought of him as a brother. Oboro: All that changed on that fateful day when Castle Doma fell to the Garleans. Someone had betrayed our homeland, sold our secrets to the enemy. Looking upon my friends as their bodies lay broken and bleeding, I saw a figure flee into the hills...it was Karasu. Oboro: Were I younger, more naive, I might have pursued Karasu as he fled, in an attempt to reason with him. But it was clear that this man——this demon——was no longer one of us...if, indeed, he ever had been. Oboro: Even Master Gekkai did not survive the slaughter. Did Karasu bear him some grudge, or was it merely a student's ugly pride? For our master's fate was the grisliest of all——his body mangled, his once-proud face shattered beyond all recognition. Oboro: I once held out hope...hope that if I crossed blades with Karasu in battle, that I might understand something of what it was that made him do those horrible deeds. Yet each encounter only raises more questions. Oboro: One thing is clear, however. Karasu could have killed us back at Fool Falls had he seen fit, and yet chose not to. It was as if he were testing us. Testing you... Oboro: Needless to say, this does not change our mission. For his crimes against Doma, Karasu must pay with his life. And yet, his thorough knowledge of us and our art has put Tsubame and I at a grave disadvantage. Oboro: But you, [Player]...your thoughts, your movements are still unfamiliar to him. Yes, your presence might just serve to break his focus and afford us an opening. Oboro: Yet to accomplish this, you must become stronger still. Promise me that you will not let up in your training.