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Profane Fafnir

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Profane Fafnir

This blasphemy stalked the snowy fields of Coerthas, but its genesis can be traced back to Azys Lla, where the bishop Vartinoix attempted to use an Allagan clone to resurrect King Thordan and his knights twelve. This attempt to restore the old hegemony ended in failure, and though the clone indeed inherited the legacy of the full Heavens' Ward, it was all too much for a mortal mind and body to bear. Consumed by despair, Vaindreau found himself transformed into a dragon—albeit a false one.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 285

Profane Fafnir is a Blasphemy in The Vault.

He is the final boss of the Magical Ranged DPS role quests in Endwalker and was formerly a clone who referred to himself as Vaindreau.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Ever March Heavensward Role quest 90 Artoirel


"I am a knight...of the Heavens' Ward. Sworn to protect and serve...the archbishop."

To restore the church to glory, Bishop Vartinoix attempted to resummon King Thordan and his knights into a clone created in Azys Lla five millennia ago. However, a dearth of aether resulted in an otherwise ordinary man possessing the memories of the Heavens' Ward. Styling himself Vaindreau after a former archimandrite, this man eventually learned of the archbishop's demise, the shock spurring his transformation into a blasphemy.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 188