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Proto Ultima

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Along with the Ultima Warrior, Proto Ultima is one of several prototypes created by the Allagans in their long journey towards the completion of the Ultima Weapon. One of the most distinct differences between this model and the final is that at this point in their research, the Allagan scientists still had not discovered a means to protect a pilot from succumbing to the will of any primal absorbed by the machine, thus forcing them to employ a less-reliable artificial intelligence unit.

Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 2

Proto Ultima is a boss in Dun Scaith.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity


Zone Coordinates Level range
Azys Lla Unknown
Dun Scaith Unknown 60


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Where Shadows Reign Feature quest 60 Stacia
Unidentified Flying Object Repeatable Feature quest 60 Slipslix


As the next evolution in the Ultima Project, the design of this weapon attempted to incorporate all the strengths of its predecessors. The lower body was a recreation of the Beast and its unrivaled vitality, while the upper emulated the Warrior and its power of eikon mimicry. It was installed with a Motherbit command function, enabling the manipulation of unmanned drones.

The construction of this weapon is said to have satisfied ninety percent of the objectives set forth by the Ultima Project. For the final model, however, the prototype was fitted with a cockpit for manual operation, the compartment shielded with aether-resistant armor to protect the pilot from enthrallment. It was further improved by the Heart of Sabik, a mysterious auracite power source furnished by the Ascians.

Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume III, p. 287

Additional Information

This miniboss encounter was initially only playable at the 2016-2017 Fan Festivals as a special "Battle Challenge".
In patch 3.55a, it was officially implemented and replaced an existing encounter against the Shadowcourt Handmaiden.
Proto Ultima can also be seen in Azys Lla when FATE: Kill BossPrey Online is active during Hyperelectricity.png Hyperelectricity weather condition.

Lore-related items: Proto ultima exoplating icon1.png  Proto Ultima Exoplating and Proto ultima heat shielding icon1.png  Proto Ultima Heat Shielding
