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Resistance Fighter (Sothwatch)

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Resistance Fighter

Resistance Fighter (Sothwatch).png

Male ♂
Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
The Lochs (13.3, 35.4)
Ala Mhigan Resistance

Resistance Fighter is a Miqo'te in The Lochs. He is located at Sothwatch.

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
At the Top of the Stairs Sidequest 69 Topher


Side QuestAt the Top of the Stairs

Resistance Fighter: Aren't you one of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn...? By Rhalgr, they've sent us the bloody Warrior of Light! I've heard all the tales!
Resistance Fighter: I...should probably tell you what happened. The tower looked empty, as we were told it would be, but we barely made it to the top of the stairs.
Resistance Fighter: Some thing appeared out of thin air and attacked us. Maybe several somethings. I was just flailing my axe behind me, hoping to discourage whatever it was while I pushed the wounded ahead of me back down the stairwell.
Resistance Fighter: I suppose you'll be going up there to deal with our ambushers, then? If you don't mind, I'll stand guard here and look to my comrades' injuries.
Resistance Fighter: I'll stay down here and bind the worst of our wounds. With the sort of arts you're known to use, I'm sure I'd just be in your way.
Resistance Fighter: ...Ah, that sounds like dhruvas, that does. Didn't get a good look at them myself, but I'm glad I no longer need to. You have our thanks.
Resistance Fighter: A few bandages have seen my fellows right, so we should be able to finish up here. Please pass on my report to Captain Topher.