Heavensward content

Scrip Exchange (Idyllshire)/Orange Scrip Exchange (Materia) (G)

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Scrip Exchange

Got some scrips burning a hole in your pockets? Let's see what we can do about that.

— In-game description

Scrip Exchange is a Roegadyn in Idyllshire.

Items for Sale

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Gatherers' Scrip (Materia) → Orange Scrip Exchange (Materia)

Item Type Cost Unlock req.
Gatherers grasp materia xii icon1.png   Gatherer's Grasp Materia XII Materia Orange Gatherers' Scrip 500 Feature QuestDawn of a New Deal
Gatherers guerdon materia xii icon1.png   Gatherer's Guerdon Materia XII Materia Orange Gatherers' Scrip 500 Feature QuestDawn of a New Deal
Gatherers guile materia xii icon1.png   Gatherer's Guile Materia XII Materia Orange Gatherers' Scrip 500 Feature QuestDawn of a New Deal