Soaring Profits
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Soaring Profits
- Quest giver
- Mehdjina
- Location
- Old Sharlayan (X:11.8, Y:9.8)
- Quest line
- Tataru's Grand Endeavor Quests
- Level
- 90
- Required quest
A Redbill Farewell
- Gil
- Previous quest
Small Business, Big Dreams
- Next quest
Treasured Bonds
- Patch
- 6.2
“Mehdjina has samples that need delivering, and the anticipation of adventure strikes you like a bracing wind.
— In-game description
- Wait at the designated location in Ishgard.
- Speak with Laniaitte at the Rosehouse.
- Travel to the Parrock.
- Speak with Leofard in Idyllshire.
- Speak with the residents of Idyllshire while in guise and accompanied by Leofard.
- While in guise, accompany Leofard to the designated location and then speak with him.
- Speak with Leofard.
- Wait in Leofard's chambers.
- Speak with Duremert.
- Speak with Mehdjina in Old Sharlayan.
- Mehdjina has samples that need delivering, and the anticipation of adventure strikes you like a bracing wind.
- Delighted by your timely arrival, Mehdjina briefs you on your next mission─delivering a selection of the Boutique's wares to two interested, if yet anonymous, clients in Coerthas. Your guide, she says, will be Sicard's allegedly “dear” acquaintance, Lord Emmanellain de Fortemps, who awaits your arrival even now with his usual enthusiasm and panache. After gazing at the progress you have made thus far in reconstructing Tataru's necklace, you heft two sacks of her finest work over your shoulder, and set off towards the snowy peaks of Ishgard.
- Emmanellain's warm welcome helps belay the Pillars' frankly frigid temperatures. The young lord proudly announces that your first client is Lady Laniaitte of the Rose Knights, whom he himself holds in particular esteem, to put it lightly. Sincerely hoping you are not a simple accessory to his exercises in courtship, you make for the Rosehouse in Cloudtop while Emmanellain finishes his obligatory primping.
- Lady Laniaitte gratefully accepts your bag of samples, and begins to tell you of a recent problem plaguing the islands, when Emmanellain makes his grand appearance bedecked in armor gifted─or, more accurately, stolen─from his dear friend Sicard. Immune to his antics, Laniaitte encourages him to act with decorum towards your next client, who is revealed to be none other than the infamous sky pirate crew the Redbills. This news gives Laniaitte pause, as marauding sky pirates are the very problem she had been speaking of earlier, but Emmanellain assures her that the Redbills could not possibly be complicit in such gauche affairs as reckless pillaging. With a sparkle in his eye, the young Lord de Fortemps skips off towards the Redbill standard on Coldwind, and you follow in his wake, wondering what grand adventure must await you among the clouds.
- The Redbills are happy and well─none more so than their leader Leofard, who chuckles over his successful plan to lure you out to the Parrock. True to your sneaking suspicion, he has an adventure in store that requires your quick thinking and a sack of one-of-a-kind samples (which you off-load from your shoulder). The Redbills are having their own sky pirate problems, it seems, having lost precious cargo to a gang of scrags calling themselves the “Monstrous Cockatoos.” The stolen parts are instrumental to reconstructing a most important airship, so your sky pirate friends have concocted a plan─a plan that will be further explained upon your attendance in Idyllshire, where the Cockatoos have taken refuge. Emmanellain flutters back to the Rosehouse to apprise Lady Laniaitte of the situation, and you make your way to Dravania, shoulders conspicuously lighter, but heart pounding with anticipation.
- The plan is simple as it is clever─you and Leofard will disguise yourselves as a shady merchant and her bodyguard, respectively, and canvas the town in search of hidden Cockatoos. Spread enough rumors of the coin to be made in the sale of stolen airship parts, and said airship parts will indubitably appear, or so the theory goes. Dressed in Stacia's best attempt at what a black market merchant looks like, and trying not to stare too enviously at the beautiful samples Leofard is sporting, the two of you set off to canvas the town.
- ※You must be accompanied by Leofard and wearing the black market merchant guise to complete this task. Speak with him should you become separated, or with Stacia to restore or prolong the guise.
- After mongering rumors like a professional, Leofard grins conspiratorially at you and jerks his head to the side. The two of you drift away from the very prying eyes you have been courting to where your comrades wait in the shadows...
- The Monstrous Cockatoos appear and predictably quail at the sight of a supremely ruffled Redbill Leofard. But their cockiness rallies as a surprising ally steps forward─Leofard's longtime rival Radlia, with a string of her Talons in tow. Proud and confident as ever, Radlia makes Leofard an offer she knows he can't refuse─his allegiance in exchange for those stolen airship parts─and for a moment, the comfortable smirk fades from Leofard's lips. Brusquely assuring Radlia that rebuilding his airship is more important than anything, he turns to the leading Cockatoo and accuses him of irreparably damaging the necessary pieces. Cockatoo denies this emphatically, unwittingly divulging the location of said cargo in the process, and the smirk is back in full force as Leofard contacts Utata via linkshell and relays the relevant coordinates. Having been outsmarted, and now facing the Forename Surname in mortal combat, the Cockatoos bravely turn tail and Radlia admits her defeat.
- Leofard, back in his own clothes, bids you return to the Parrock while he follows up with the Rose Knights regarding Cockatoo cleanup. You wait in Leofard's chambers and admire all his shiny baubles.
- Thankfully, Utata managed to recover all the stolen cargo, and finishing touches on the airship proceed apace. Cait Sith is just wondering what is to become of the Cockatoos' trove when Tataru Taru, your favorite boss and coinkeeper, greets you from the threshold with a cheerful wave. Beside her stands an elderly man in a paint-flecked apron. Apparently, Leofard tasked her with finding this portraitist Duremert, who is not only the creator of a number of paintings found amongst the appropriated goods, but father of the late Lady Raimille, Leofard's adoptive mother. Regarding his grandfather with an expression obscured by his goggles but betrayed in his voice, Leofard announces that the successor to his airship─the next Raimille─will be ready to take to the skies in no time.
- After a healthy dose of adventure, a touching family reunion, and a few promising purrs from the brand-new Raimille, you, Tataru, and Duremert are preparing your return to Ishgard, when a package of surprising heft falls from the sky. Leofard waves as he departs, and Tataru wonders aloud what sort of reward he must have left you. Equivocating as to its contents, you smile after your sky pirate friend, knowing he has gifted you the next piece of Tataru's necklace.
- After listening to the tales of your various exploits, Duremert proclaims he feels awash with inspiration, and offers to compose portraits of your comrades and acquaintances in exchange for only the cost of supplies. While you would have him start work immediately, you must put your first commission on hold, as Mehdjina still awaits your return in Sharlayan.
- Tataru has already filled Mehdjina in on the particulars, but you divulge the requisite missing piece to her story─the item Leofard left you. At first glance, it appears to be a simple-yet-ancient strip of leather, but Mehdjina soon recognizes it as an unbreakable Mhachi relic and perfect choice of chain for the reconstructed necklace. With the Rose Knights and Redbills secured as satisfied customers, Mehdjina is brimming with your collective success and cheerfully asks for your help in the further endeavors that await.