Something to Sneeze At

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Something to Sneeze At

Quest giver
East Shroud (X:22.2, Y:26.4)
Quest line
Sylph Daily Quests
Required quest
Feature QuestPilfered Podlings
Recognized Relations
Experience 4,455
Gil 600

Ponnixia fears for the safety of the forest.

— In-game description



Talk to the sylph at the entrance to Larkscall. Mount the goobue and 'sneeze' at the designated locations.

In-game Description

Ponnixia fears for the safety of the forest.

Explosives strewn about Larkscall by the malevolent sylphs of the Sylphlands threaten the safety of all who call the forest home, and only the formidable team of adventurer and goobbue can set things right. Speak to the amiable sylph in Larkscall and mount the great beast.

Few experiences are as exhilirating as a romp through the forest on goobbueback. But this is no time for idle recreation-- employ the goobbue's sneeze to fling the sylphmade bombs into oblivion.

Thanks to the efforts of you and your oversized friend, Larkscall is safe once more. Inform Ponnixia that all is well.

Ponnixia is deeply grateful for your efforts on behalf of her people. She also envies your goobbue ride, expressing a desire to visit Larkscall in the near future so she might enjoy the same.


Accepting the Quest

Ponnixia: Touched ones grow more dangerous by the day! What are these ones to do? 
Ponnixia: This one saw touched ones setting blast-bombs in Larkscall! Can friendly one believe it? 
Ponnixia: In seeking to protect the forest, touched ones only destroy it. This one weeps. 
Ponnixia: But tears will not save these ones' home. These ones must turn to our friends, mossy ones. Brave one is also friend to mossy ones, yes? 
Ponnixia: Mossy ones' ka-choo will blow touched ones' blast-bombs away. Amiable one in Larkscall knows friendly mossy one with big ka-choo. Brave one will make friends with that one, yes?
Ponnixia: Mossy ones' ka-choo will blow touched ones' blast-bombs away. Amiable one in Larkscall knows friendly mossy one with big ka-choo. Brave one will make friends with that one, yes?

Speaking to Amiable Sylph

Amiable Sylph: Ah, has friendly one come back to play with mossy one? Both ones are glad, this one and mossy one. 
Amiable Sylph: Touched ones have brought blast-bombs!? How frightful! Please be careful, friendly one. This one could not bear to see this one's friend hurt.
Amiable Sylph: Mossy one may look scary, but mossy one has gentle heart...until mossy one sees some one hurt mossy one's home. Then mossy one gets angry. Trust this one─no one wants to see mossy one angry.

Approaching a bomb

(Hostile Sylph) This one is ready for you!
(Hostile Sylph) What is scaredy one waiting for?
(Hostile Sylph) Walking one will not leave here alive!

Blowing away a bomb

(Hostile Sylph) Our blast-bombs! Meddling one will pay for this!
(Hostile Sylph) These ones have angered mossy one! These ones must flee!

Returning to Ponnixia

Ponnixia: Brave one and mossy one ka-chooed the blast-bombs out of Larkscall? Brave one is a true friend to the forest. 
Ponnixia: This one misses playing with mossy one. Perhaps next time, this one will go oneself!