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Sword-swinging Adventurer

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Sword-swinging Adventurer

We said we'd...make a name for ourselves...

— In-game description

Sword-swinging Adventurer is an Ashkin in Palace of the Dead (Floors 11-20).


Zone Coordinates Level range
Palace of the Dead (Floor 11) Unknown 27
Palace of the Dead (Floor 12) Unknown 27
Palace of the Dead (Floor 13) Unknown 27
Palace of the Dead (Floor 14) Unknown 27
Palace of the Dead (Floor 15) Unknown 27
Palace of the Dead (Floor 16) Unknown 27
Palace of the Dead (Floor 17) Unknown 27
Palace of the Dead (Floor 18) Unknown 27
Palace of the Dead (Floor 19) Unknown 27


This ashkin is the reanimated corpse of Dolorous Bear, an adventurer who perished in the Copperbell Mines along with his companions E'manafa and Kikina.

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