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Shadowbringers content

Technical Finish

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Technical Finish

Dancer frame icon1.png DNC (actions)
1.5s (GCD)
AoE Type
Point Blank Circle AoE icon.png Point Blank Circle
Point Blank AoE
Quest Req.
Class quest Save the Last Dance for Me

Delivers an attack to all nearby enemies within 15 yalms. Potency varies with number of successful steps, dealing full potency for the first enemy, and 75% less for all remaining enemies.
0 steps: 350
1 step: 540
2 steps: 720
3 steps: 900
4 steps: 1,300
Step Bonus: Grants Technical Finish and Esprit to self and party members within 30 yalms.
Damage bonus of Standard Finish varies with number of successful steps.
1 step: 1%
2 steps: 2%
3 steps: 3%
4 steps: 5%
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Grants Flourishing Finish
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Dance of the Dawn Ready
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed while Dancing.
This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Technical Step changes to Technical Finish when requirements for execution are met.

— In-game description

Technical Finish is an action unlocked by questing at level 70. It is available for Dancer.

Related traits

Related actions


  • Quadruple Technical Finish potency is 1,200 prior to learning Dynamic Dancer.png  Dynamic Dancer.



  • DT.png Patch 7.0 (2024-07-02):
    • Potency after 4 successful steps has been increased from 1,200 to 1,300 upon learning Dynamic Dancer.png  Dynamic Dancer.
    • The additional effect "Dance of the Dawn Ready" has been added with a duration of 30 seconds upon learning Enhanced Technical Finish II.png  Enhanced Technical Finish II.
  • EW.png Patch 6.4 (2023-05-23): Range of step bonus effect granting Technical Finish and Esprit to self and party members has been increased from 15 to 30 yalms.
  • EW.png Patch 6.08 (2022-01-24): 4 Steps potency has been increased from 1,080 to 1,200.
  • EW.png Patch 6.05 (2022-01-03): Action category has been changed from ability to weaponskill.
  • EW.png Patch 6.0 (2021-12-07):
    • 0 Steps potency has been changed from 500 to 350.
    • 1 Step potency has been changed from 750 to 540.
    • 2 Steps potency has been changed from 1,000 to 720.
    • 3 Steps potency has been changed from 1,250 to 900.
    • 4 Steps potency has been changed from 1,500 to 1,080.
    • Added "Additional Effect: Grants Flourishing Finish. Duration: 30s" upon learning the Enhanced Technical Finish.png  Enhanced Technical Finish trait.
  • SHB.png Patch 5.0 (2019-07-02): Added.