Template:Armor infobox
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{{Armor infobox | name = | icon = | requires = | type = | level = | ilvl = | attributes = | eureka-attributes = | bozja-attributes = | save-the-queen-area-attributes = | sanction-attributes = | defense = | defense-hq = | magic-defense = | magic-defense-hq = | block-strength = | block-strength-hq = | block-rate = | block-rate-hq = | rarity = | flavor-text = | race = | gender = | cost = | value = | value-hq = | seals = | repair = | npc-repair = | set-name = | materia-slots = | adv-melding = | unique = | untradable = | dyeable = | projectable = | desynthesizable = | desynth-level = | crest-worthy = | storable = | collectable = | display-on-hrothgar = | display-on-viera = | patch = | release = | id-edb = | id-gt = }}
- name
- Armor name. Defaults to the page name.
- icon
- Armor icon to show. If not explicitly stated, displays File:<name>.png.
- requires
- Class/job required in order to equip such armor. Accepts comma-separated: marauder, gladiator, warrior, paladin, dark knight, conjurer, white mage, scholar, astrologian, pugilist, lancer, archer, rogue, thaumaturge, arcanist, monk, dragoon, bard, black mage, summoner, ninja, machinist, samurai, red mage, "blue mage", "gunbreaker", "dancer", carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, culinarian, botanist, fisher, miner, or any (all classes).
- It's also possible to use the following shorthands (articles will be categorized according to role):
- Class types: disciple of war, or disciple of magic, or "disciple of hand", or "disciple of land".
- Tanking role: fending.
- Healing role: healing.
- Physical Ranged DPS role:
- ARC/BRD/MCH/DNC: aiming.
- Magic Ranged DPS role:
- Melee DPS role:
- LNC/DRG/RPR: maiming.
- PGL/MNK/SAM: striking.
- ROG/NIN: scouting.
- type
- Required. The armor piece's type. Accepts: shield, head, body, hands, waist, legs, or feet.
- attributes
- Armor attributes. See {{attribute increase}} for examples.
- eureka-attributes
- Armor attributes for Eureka Effect. See {{attribute increase}} and {{attribute decrease}} for examples.
- bozja-attributes
- Armor attributes for Bozja Effect. See {{attribute increase}} and {{attribute decrease}} for examples.
- save-the-queen-area-attributes
- Armor attributes for Save the Queen Area Effect Effect. See {{attribute increase}} and {{attribute decrease}} for examples.
- sanction-attributes
- Armor attributes for Sanction Effect. See {{attribute increase}} and {{attribute decrease}} for examples.
- defense
- Optional. The armor's defense.
- defense-hq
- Optional. The armor's defense when HQ.
- magic-defense
- Optional. The armor's magic defense.
- magic-defense-hq
- Optional. The armor's magic defense when HQ.
- block-strength
- Optional. The shield's block strength.
- block-strength-hq
- Optional. The shield's block strength when HQ.
- block-rate
- Optional. The shield's block rate.
- block-rate-hq
- Optional. The shield's block rate when HQ.
- flavor-text
- Armor's flavor text. Check {{colorize}} template to learn how to add color to the flavor text using special backticks markup.
- repair
- Optional. The class required to repair the armor. Level will be automatically resolved by the formula:
<req. level> - 10
. - npc-repair
- Optional. The NPC repair cost.
- set-name
- Optional. The gear set page name from Category:Armor Sets. Case sensitive
- materia-slots
- Optional. How many materia slots available to this item.
- adv-melding
- Optional. Set n to notify this armor can't be overmelded.
- unique
- Optional. Set anything to notify this armor is unique.
- untradable
- Optional. Set anything to notify this armor is untradable.
- dyeable
- Optional. Set anything to notify this armor is dyeable.
- projectable
- Optional. Set anything to notify this armor is projectable (can have its glamour cast on other armor).
- desynthesizable
- Optional. Set anything to notify this armor is desynthesizable.
- desynth-level
- Optional. Desynthesis level. Defaults to
, and if not set defaults to 1. - storable
- Optional. Set anything to notify this armor is storable (can be stored in the armoire).
- crest-worthy
- Optional. Set anything to notify this armor can have FC crests affixed to it.
- collectable
- Obsolete, do not use. Collectables are now totally separate items.
- display-on-hrothgar
- Optional. Set to y or n to indicate whether the item will be displayed when equipped by a Hrothgar character. Should only be used on head items.
- display-on-viera
- Optional. Set to y or n to indicate whether the item will be displayed when equipped by a Viera character. Should only be used on head items.
- patch
- Optional. Patch number.
- release
- Optional. Expansion this action belongs to. Accepts: heavensward, stormblood, shadowbringers, or endwalker or dawntrail.
The following parameters are handled by the {{Default item parameter}} template:
- level
- Optional. Required level to use the item.
- ilvl
- Optional. Item level.
- rarity
- Specified rarity: basic (white), aetherial (pink), dungeon (green), tomestone (blue), relic (purple). Will be set to Unspecified per default.
- race
- Optional. Required race to use item.
- gender
- Optional. Required gender to use item.
- recast
- Optional. Recast time (in seconds) for consumables such as medicine and meals.
- recast-hq
- Optional. Recast time (in seconds) for consumables such as medicine and meals if the item is high quality.
- cost
- Optional. Currency cost of the item when purchased from a vendor. To match it to the display in any vendor window, use the amount and the appropriate icon template, e.g. 500 {{gil}}, 2000 {{company seal}}, or 50 {{tomestone}}
- value
- Optional. The number of gils a vendor will pay for this item; if not specified sets the item as unsellable.
- value-hq
- Optional. The number of gils a vendor will pay for this item if high quality.
- seals
- Optional. The amount of seals earned through Grand Company deliveries.
- patch
- Optional. The patch where the item became available.
- id-edb
- ID number in the link to the item on Eorzea Database, for example, if the URL is https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/fb177317b75/, enter fb177317b75.
- id-gt
- ID number in the link to the item on Garland Tools, for example, if the URL is http://garlandtools.org/db/#item/11252, enter 11252.
{{Armor infobox | name = Genji Kabuto of Fending | icon = Genji Kabuto of Fending.png | rarity = tomestone | flavor-text = | requires = fending | type = head | level = 70 | ilvl = 340 | attributes = {{attribute increase|strength|172}}{{attribute increase|vitality|182}}{{attribute increase|critical hit|109}}{{attribute increase|skill speed|156}} | defense = 759 | magic-defense = 759 | race = | gender = | cost = | repair = armorer | set-name = Genji Armor | unique = y | untradable = y | unsellable = y | adv-melding = n | materia-slots = 2 | dyeable = y | projectable = y | crest-worthy = y | storable = | collectable = | display-on-hrothgar = y | display-on-viera = n | release = | patch = 4.05 | id-edb = bff6db4b984 | id-gt = 19375 }}
Genji Kabuto of Fending
“— In-game description
Genji Kabuto of Fending is an item level 340 head and can be used by Gladiator, Paladin, Marauder, Warrior, Dark Knight and Gunbreaker. It requires being at least level 70 to be equipped.
{{Armor infobox | name = Shield of the Crimson Lotus | icon = Shield of the Crimson Lotus.png | rarity = dungeon | flavor-text = | requires = gladiator, paladin | type = shield | level = 70 | ilvl = 300 | attributes = {{attribute increase|strength|68}}{{attribute increase|vitality|69}}{{attribute increase|determination|72}}{{attribute increase|tenacity|50}} | block-strength = 940 | block-rate = 940 | race = | gender = | value = 333 | cost = | repair = armorer | unique = y | untradable = y | projectable = y | desynthesizable = y | crest-worthy = y | storable = | collectable = | release = | patch = 4.0 | id-edb = 51582e108fb | id-gt = 18828 }}
Shield of the Crimson Lotus
“— In-game description
Shield of the Crimson Lotus is an item level 300 shield and can be used by Gladiator and Paladin. It requires being at least level 70 to be equipped.