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Shows a list of tools by Property:Has set name - for use on the gear set pages. It uses the semantic result template Template:Armor table row to format each entry.


{{gearset|<set name>}}
set name
Optional. Defaults to "PAGENAME". Gear set for the table to generate from. Check Property:Has set name for options.


{{gearset|<set name>}}
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Non La Non la icon1.png 1 1 Any class Head HQ icon.png8 13 HQ icon.png14 0
Ao Dai Ao dai icon1.png 1 1 Any class Body HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Quan Quan icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Guoc Guoc icon1.png 1 1 Any class Feet HQ icon.png8 13 HQ icon.png14 0