
From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
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Template fields

  • name - The name of the mount. This will be used to make a link, so make sure it matches the mount's page name.
    • displayname (optional) - The name to be displayed, if the page name is not desired. For example, display "Zu" instead of the page name "Zu (Mount)"
  • file - The name of the mount's icon file. Do not include File: at the start, but do include file extensions like .png at the end.
  • obtaintype - A couple of words that group the obtain method.
  • obtainby - A sentence or two going into more detail about how to obtain the mount.
  • seats - The amount of seats on the mount.
  • available - Has two valid values:
    • "yes" - The mount can currently be obtained. Displays a blue check mark.
    • "no" (default) - The mount cannot currently be obtained. Displays a red X.
  • cash - Has two valid values:
    • "yes" - The mount can currently be bought from the cash shop. Displays a blue check mark.
    • "no" (default) - The mount cannot currently be bought. Displays a red X.
  • patch - The patch number that the mount was introduced in. Just the number, not a link - this template will generate the link automatically.


{| {{STDT|sortable item align-left}}
! Name
! Icon
! Acquisition Type
! Acquired By
! Seats
! Obtainable?
! Cash Shop?
! Added in patch
{{MountListEntry|name=Apocryphal Bahamut|file=Apocryphal bahamut icon1.png|obtaintype=Quest reward|obtainby=Reward for completing the [[Sidequest]] "{{questlink|side|Wings of Hope}}" after acquiring all other Lynx mounts.|seats=1|available=yes|cash=no|patch=6.5}}
{{MountListEntry|name=Aquamarine Carbuncle|file=aquamarine carbuncle icon1.png|obtaintype=Online Store|obtainby=Purchased from the [[Final Fantasy XIV Online Store]] for $24.|seats=1|available=yes|cash=yes|patch=4.15}}
{{MountListEntry|name=Goobbue (Mount)|file=goobbue1.png|obtaintype=Legacy|obtainby=Reward for people who played the 1.0 version of [[Final Fantasy XIV]].|seats=1|availability=no|cash=no|patch=1.20b}}
{{MountListEntry|name=Blackjack|file=blackjack icon2.png|obtaintype=Purchase|obtainby=Purchased from the [[Gold Saucer Attendant]] for {{MGP|4000000}} [[MGP]].
Name Icon Acquisition Type Acquired By Seats Obtainable? Cash Shop? Added in patch
Apocryphal Bahamut Apocryphal bahamut icon1.png Quest reward

Reward for completing the Sidequest "Side QuestWings of Hope" after acquiring all other Lynx mounts.

1 1This mount is currently obtainable 0This mount is not for sale. 6.5
Aquamarine Carbuncle Aquamarine carbuncle icon1.png Online Store

Purchased from the Final Fantasy XIV Online Store for $24.

1 1This mount is currently obtainable 1This mount is for sale. 4.15
Goobbue (Mount) Goobbue1.png Legacy

Reward for people who played the 1.0 version of Final Fantasy XIV.

1 0This mount is NOT currently obtainable 0This mount is not for sale. 1.20b
Blackjack Blackjack icon2.png Purchase

Purchased from the Gold Saucer Attendant for MGP 4,000,000 MGP.

4 1This mount is currently obtainable 0This mount is not for sale. 6.3