Territorial Cobra

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Territorial Cobra

Territorial Cobra is a Scalekin in Eastern La Noscea.


  • Dripping Fang - Bite a target, damaging and poisoning them.
  • Hood Swing - Swings its head in an arc, hitting nearby foes.
  • Wild Rattle - Rattle, damaging a target with Wind.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity


Zone Coordinates Level range
Eastern La Noscea (X:26.2, Y:33.8) 47
Central Thanalan (X:22.8, Y:19.5) 50
Outer La Noscea (X:18.6, Y:15.3) 50
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:6.7, Y:30.2) 50


Quest Type Level Quest Giver