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The First Beast

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The First Beast was truly a repellent sight. Although it bore elements of a man's face—two eyes, a nose, and a mouth—its ill-proportioned, skinless visage was a haunting mess of exposed muscle, crowned by a blooming horn. It scuttled about on many legs like a caterpillar, its back bristling with coarse hair and sharp spines, and its flanks lined with anatomically impossible maws hanging open as if frozen in mocking laughter. Those who beheld this horror were overcome with terrified revulsion, inspiring the unintended creation of further beasts and giving rise to a cycle of unending terror.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 282

The First Beast is a boss in Amaurot.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Amaurotine earrings of fending icon1.png  Amaurotine Earrings of Fending Earrings 430 BGreen 1
Amaurotine earrings of slaying icon1.png  Amaurotine Earrings of Slaying Earrings 430 BGreen 1
Amaurotine earrings of aiming icon1.png  Amaurotine Earrings of Aiming Earrings 430 BGreen 1
Amaurotine earrings of casting icon1.png  Amaurotine Earrings of Casting Earrings 430 BGreen 1
Amaurotine earrings of healing icon1.png  Amaurotine Earrings of Healing Earrings 430 BGreen 1
Amaurotine choker of fending icon1.png  Amaurotine Choker of Fending Necklace 430 BGreen 1
Amaurotine choker of slaying icon1.png  Amaurotine Choker of Slaying Necklace 430 BGreen 1
Amaurotine choker of aiming icon1.png  Amaurotine Choker of Aiming Necklace 430 BGreen 1
Amaurotine choker of casting icon1.png  Amaurotine Choker of Casting Necklace 430 BGreen 1
Amaurotine choker of healing icon1.png  Amaurotine Choker of Healing Necklace 430 BGreen 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Amaurot Unknown 80


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Shadowbringers Main Scenario quest 80 Alisaie