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The Heart of Nations

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

The Heart of Nations

Quest giver
The Azim Steppe (X:31.1, Y:12.0)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Required items
4 Dung icon1.png  Dung
Experience 105,000
Gil 994
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Warrior's Welcome
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestA Trial Before the Trial
Feature QuestSheep Snatcher
Side QuestAnd Dzo It Goes
Side QuestShop till the Warrior of Light Drops

Main Scenario Progress: 451 / 968 (46.6%)


Stormblood Progress: 72 / 162 (44.4%)


If you wish for employment, Cirina has a suggestion.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


Dung Locations:

  1. Auburn Tuft X:34.3 Y:14.3 Z:0.0
  2. Auburn Tuft X:36 Y:14.3 Z:0.0
  3. Auburn Tuft X:35.3 Y:15.9 Z:0.0
  4. Auburn Tuft X:32.7 Y:15.5 Z:0.0



  • If you wish for employment, Cirina has a suggestion.


Accepting the Quest

Cirina: It will be a little while before the meal is ready. If you and Lyse wish to fill the time, perhaps you could assist Dorbei? 
Cirina: He has many responsibilities, and would welcome your help. Nor would you regret making his acquaintance, for he is liked and respected by all. 
Cirina: You may find him by the other yurt, taking stock of our supplies. 


Cirina: Leave the cooking to me! I promise I will not disappoint you.
Hien: Mayhap now would be a good time to speak with Gosetsu at greater length and learn more of our countrymen's plight.

Speaking with Dorbei

Dorbei: Ah. One of the newcomers. Welcome. I spoke with Lyse. 
Dorbei: I bade her help the children gather fuel for the cookfires. I trust it will be a good experience for all. 
Dorbei: For you too, perhaps. Seek them in the south, across the bridge. 
Dorbei: Please use the bridge. One should not sully flowing waters without cause.

Speaking with Lyse

Lyse: Oh, [Forename]! Are you here to help too? 
Lyse: Great! So...I suppose Dorbei told you that the children and I are gathering "fuel" for the fires, did he? 
Lyse: It'll need to be dried before they can burn it, of course. You, do understand what we're here for, right? Only, some people can be a bit squeamish about this sort of stuff. 
Lyse: Then again, you've never minded getting your hands dirty, have you? Anyway, we're trying to get four piles each. Good luck! And keep an eye on the children while you're at it, eh?  


Lyse: The children are around here somewhere. You should talk to them. They're great!
Willowy Mol Girl: I cannot seem to find any dung here. Maybe somewhere else...?
Bright—eyed Mol Girl: Oh, you are Lyse's friend! Are you here to help us too?
Boisterous Mol Boy: Traveler! I will not lose to you! I shall find three times as much dung as you—at least!
Reserved Mol Boy: ...How do you do.

Delivering the dung to Lyse

Lyse: Well? Have you found your share yet? 
<Hand Over 4 Dung>


Lyse: Good work. I hope you took the time to talk to the children while you were at it. 
Boisterous Mol Boy: Lyse! Lyse! Look how much dung we have! 
Lyse: Wow, I'm impressed! I thought we'd gathered a lot, but it looks like we'll have to admit defeat! 
Willowy Mol Girl: Dorbei will be happy we found enough... 
Bright-eyed Mol Girl: Not just Dorbei! Now we can continue making cheese! Not that I was worried—it was easier when we were living near that forest, but dung works just as well as wood.  
Lyse: I heard the Mol move from place to place - that the gods tell you where to go. That must be hard on you all... 
Boisterous Mol Boy: Hard? I do not understand. Why is it hard? 
Boisterous Mol Boy: It is better for the animals to move—to have more food to eat and land to roam. To stay in one place is harder, no? 
Reserved Mol Boy: ...From the heavens comes the rain which nourishes the soil. From the soil comes the grass which nourishes the beast. From the beast comes the flesh which nourishes the Xaela. Ours is the soil of one and all. 
Bright-eyed Mol Girl: But you Westerners are like the Domans—you live in the same place. In villages. And all the villages in one place are part of a "nation", yes? 
Bright–eyed Mol Girl: Hien talks about nations sometimes. When he was injured, he spoke of Doma in his sleep, but I did not understand his words. 
Willowy Mol Girl: Whenever I ask him about Doma, he just smiles and looks to the south... 
Willowy Mol Girl: It reminds me of my mother when she waits for my father to return from a long journey... But Hien will not wait any longer, will he? Because you came for him. To take him back...because his nation is more important... 
Lyse: Umm...I'm not sure how to answer this... 
Lyse: A a place, I suppose. A place...and the people in it...and maybe the things, too... 
Lyse: But more than that, it's the history, the traditions, the words. The stories we tell ourselves and our children. Everything that came before and everything that comes after. 
Lyse: The place we were born is part of who we are. We carry it with us, no matter where we go. Whoever...whatever we become, that part remains, that link to our fathers and their fathers before them... 
Lyse: It''s not important to everyone, I suppose, and that's fine. But it's important to Hien. And to me. 
Reserved Mol Boy: ...Some call the Mol fools for listening to the elder gods, but it is our way. Our pride. Our...nation? 
Lyse: Something like that. It's something precious that you and the others share—and that no one can ever take from you. 
Lyse: But we can talk more about it later! It's time to go home. Dorbei is waiting! 
Lyse: I'll stay with the children. Why not go and let Cirina know how we got on?
Dorbei: You aided the children? That is well. I trust you enjoyed their company.

Speaking with Cirina

Cirina: Welcome back, [Forename]. Did you speak with Dorbei? 
Cirina: Well, well! Then you will forgive me if I ask to wash your hands. I shall pour you a cup of milk tea in the meantime. 
Cirina: The meal is almost ready, so we should summon Hien and Gosetsu. 


Cirina: She needed the rest. To come so far and carry so much... 
Cirina: Hien and his friend, too. Strange that they should vanish so soon. 
Hien: Hah! Haagh! 
Gosetsu: Not troubled by your own wounds, I see. 
Hien: Hm. Nor you by yours. 
Hien: I know I should have fled with the others after Father died, instead of blindly fighting on. 
Hien: It was reckless and foolish, and there was naught to be gained from it. Everything to lose, rather... 
Gosetsu: We know no path save the one we walk. I myself am in no hurry to meet those who have gone before—not while I have still to make amends. 
Hien: Well said. 
Gosetsu: You are none the worse for your time in the wilderness. On the contrary, I would say you have improved. 
Hien: Come now, your victories still far exceed mine. Or have you forgotten all the times you trounced me as a boy? 
Gosetsu: I...feared I would not see you again. 
Hien: A life so fortuitously saved should be spent wisely. Without regret I would have traded it for our people's amnesty, had it been their will. 
Hien: Instead they have called for the sword, so that is what I must be. 
Until this blade is broken, I can but carve a path forward. 
Hien: ...Were you truly so concerned for my well-being? 
You never showed it when we used to spar. 
Gosetsu: How you cried when you lost. And when your mother tried to comfort you. And when you inevitably came at me once more, swinging your wooden sword wildly... 
Gosetsu: Mina's little Master Shun. What a fine young man you've become! 
Hien: A man should not be addressed by his childhood name. 
I've told you about that before! 
Hien: Ah, the mask slips. And I was so close to cultivating a winning persona. 
Gosetsu: There will be opportunity enough for putting on airs after you have returned in triumph to Doma. Now is the time to show our true character. 
< What will you say? >
< No secrets between comrades, eh? >
< "Shun", was it? >
< So long as we win when it counts. >
< No secrets between comrades, eh? >
Hien: Quite right! Which makes me think you should join us next time. I daresay you have a secret or two of your own to share!
< "Shun", was it? > 
Hien: ...Yes, yes, 'tis a name my parents gave me as a child—but I should like to think I have long since outgrown it! 
Hien: But as you seem determined to bring it back into use, I believe a match is in order. If I win, you will be honor-bound to divulge one of your darkest secrets.
< So long as we win when it counts. >
Hien: Oh, you need not doubt my conviction. I have but one goal, to which I am wholly devoted. Join us next time, and you shall see for yourself!


Gosetsu: A new beginning lies beyond the horizon. We have but to seize it with our own two hands.
Cirina: Was the food to your liking? Good, good... 
Lyse: <yawn> That was just what I needed!

Speaking with Hien

Hien: Well, my friends! I for one am full of vim and vigor! I trust you feel the same? 
Hien: Then what better time than now to undertake our trial, and become full-fledged warriors of the Mol!