The Seeds of Popularity
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The Seeds of Popularity
- Quest giver
- Tepeke
- Location
- Thavnair (X:25.7, Y:34.0)
- Quest line
- Dawntrail Role Quests
- Level
- 94
- Required quest
A Brand of Justice
- Required items
- 1 Sturdy Rope
1 Captured Morbol Seedling - Requirements
Magical Ranged DPS
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
A Brand of Justice
- Next quest
Floundering Fame
- Patch
- 7.0
- Links
“Tepeke is eager to share new developments in the search for the Justiciar.
— In-game description
- Speak with Tepeke near the Giantsgall Grounds.
- Use the sturdy rope to capture a weakened seedkin.
- Show the captured morbol seedling to Tepeke.
- Deliver the captured morbol seedling to the alchemist.
- Gather information in Yedlihmad. 0/3
- Speak with Tepeke.
- Tepeke is eager to share new developments in the search for the Justiciar.
- The Justiciar has been busy performing acts of supposed heroism across Thavnair, with eyewitness accounts reporting that the man has rescued countless citizens from attacks by vicious flora. Tepeke finds the Justiciar's ability to be there for every instance of these assaults to be highly suspicious and suggests searching for one of these creatures before they have a chance to waylay innocent victims. She decides that the investigation shall start near the Giantsgall Grounds, where the majority of these encounters have taken place.
- You arrive at the Giantsgall Grounds, where Tepeke explains that she brought a rope so that you can capture any ambulatory plants you encounter─after beating them into submission, that is. She instructs you to search the area to the east, and to be on the lookout for anything green and mean.
- After searching the area, you almost trip over a bundle of vine-like tentacles. While hardly monstrous, you give it a good trouncing before tying it up with the rope. Bring it to her to see what she wishes to do with the tiny specimen.
- Tepeke looks pleased with your finding and says that the creature matches the description given in one of the Justiciar's sightings. She asks you to bring the specimen to the Great Work, where she will ask an acquaintance of hers to analyze it.
- After handing over the captured seedkin to the alchemist, she conducts a quick analysis, determining that it was artificially grown using a potent alchemical mixture. This revelation drives Tepeke to conclude that the Justiciar himself spurs their growth before sending them to attack hapless citizens. However, nothing is certain until you can confront the man himself, and for that you must find him. The alchemist suggests returning to Yedlihmad, where stories of the Justiciar are on everyone's lips. Perhaps somewhere within the tales you can find a hint as to his whereabouts. Tepeke departs to the settlement and asks you to help ask the locals about the Justiciar's recent feats.
- Unsurprisingly, the youth of Yedlihmad seem enamored by the Justiciar's deeds, but there are dissenting voices among the older population. One of the Radiants tells you that most of the incidents occur on seldom-traveled routes, and surmises that the man may very well be connected to a merchant using those roads. Tepeke will doubtless be excited to hear this piece of information.
- Returning to Tepeke, you find her attempting to converse with a merchant. Though he's reluctant to speak the truth at first, he eventually reveals himself to be the father of the Justiciar, whose real name is Virazahn. The merchant confesses that his son visited him not long ago, taking valuable alchemical materials and maps containing information on trade routes. While the man feels guilt at his son's actions, he realizes that sharing his story may be the only way to stop his son from committing further misdeeds, and agrees to report to the Radiant Host. Tepeke plans to do the same, hoping that this information will undermine Virazahn's waxing popularity. It remains to be seen whether public opinion can be swayed, but in the meantime, you should keep your ear to the ground for any rumors regarding the Justiciar.
- ※The next role quest will be available from Tepeke upon reaching level 96 in any magical ranged DPS class.
Speak with Tepeke
Tepeke: Forename! I hope you've been well. Since last we spoke, the Justiciar has been busy felling fiends all across Thavnair, leaving a trail of witnesses behind in his wake. Tepeke: More than a few have reported seeing stones falling from the sky, which all but confirms our theory that the treasure is causing the phenomenon. Tepeke: The stories share one more peculiar commonality. It seems the pests he hunts have all been of the seedkin variety. Why he avoids beasts of flesh and blood is yet a mystery. Tepeke: It bears mentioning that each of these eyewitness accounts came from people who were “rescued” by the Justiciar, who invariably appears just as these creatures attack. Tepeke: In fact, the Justiciar has been there to save the day in every single instance of seedkin-related mischief. Awfully suspicious, if you ask me─and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Tepeke: Some among the Radiant Host have suggested that the Justiciar is planning these assaults somehow, so he alone can reap the glory from thwarting them. I agree, and think this should be our next avenue of investigation! Tepeke: Many of these incidents occurred near the Giantsgall Grounds, so we should start our search there. If we can find one of these monstrous plants before it finds hapless prey, we may be able to shed light upon the Justiciar's methods. Time is of the essence, so let's leave at once!
Speak with Tepeke near the Giantsgall Grounds
Tepeke: Any moving bushes? Slithering vines? Not here, in any case... Forename, I'll search the western path. Why don't you search east? Tepeke: If you see something, don't strike to kill. Weaken it, then capture it with this rope. We'll learn much more from a live specimen.
Optional Dialogue
Tepeke: If you see any moving thing sprouting leaves, flowers, or the like, capture it with the rope and bring it here!
Show the captured morbol seedling to Tepeke
Tepeke: I see plenty of fauna roaming about, but the flora all seems to be of the “rooted-to-the-ground” variety. Hmm...perhaps my hunch was incorrect.
Tepeke: You found one! In fact, this is exactly as an eyewitness described! Tepeke: Why don't you keep it for the time being? Bring it to the Great Work, and I'll ask my acquaintance there to examine it with all haste!
Optional Dialogue
Tepeke: This alchemist and I spoke briefly the last time I was here. Give her the little seedkin you caught, and we'll see what she makes of it.
Deliver the captured morbol seedling to the alchemist
Kindly Alchemist: Mistress Tepeke told me what to expect. Well then, let's see the thing.
Kindly Alchemist: Oh, I didn't expect it to be so...diminutive. If Mistress Tepeke's intuition is correct, then I expect some interesting discoveries are in store.
Kindly Alchemist: You've brought me quite the fascinating specimen, indeed. I can say for certain that this creature's growth isn't natural in the slightest. Kindly Alchemist: Biologically, it's still but a sapling, as you can tell by its size. Yet it is the result of a specific alchemical mixture which is used to spur the growth of seeds and mycelium to an unnatural degree. Kindly Alchemist: The agents have a side effect of making the creatures more aggressive, which explains why such a small specimen would so boldly attack beings larger than itself. Kindly Alchemist: Yet the solution requires ingredients most rare, and the cost of procuring enough to synthesize it would be beyond the means of most.
Tepeke: So whoever is behind this, they are likely well-heeled... Tepeke: As for the creatures themselves, if they were all grown artificially, perhaps that explains why most of the incidents involved small seedkin. Tepeke: Rather than wait for them to mature naturally, the Justiciar must've accelerated their growth so that he could deploy huge numbers over a short span of time. Tepeke: In fact, his plan likely requires they be small, weak foes, in order to guarantee his victory. After all, the great Justiciar can hardly be expected to bear the blemish of defeat. Tepeke: With these new details brought to light, it's almost certain he's staging these attacks on the commonfolk. Now we have a new perspective to guide our search!
Kindly Alchemist: Perhaps you should return to Yedlihmad. I hear the Justiciar is the talk of the village, and they doubtless have stories to share.
Tepeke: A splendid idea! Thank you─your findings have brought us a step closer to unmasking that villain!
Optional Dialogue
Kindly Alchemist: I only hope that my analysis aids you in finding the answers you seek.
Tepeke: I expect someone around here has witnessed our so-called hero at work. Let's ask around and try to piece together this puzzle.
Gather information in Yedlihmad
Alert Radiant
Alert Radiant: Rest assured, the Radiant Host are well aware of the Justiciar. Every day we receive more reports of him combating beasts in the surrounding wilderness. Alert Radiant: These encounters are never on well-traveled roads, it seems. They occur in remote regions that we scarcely patrol, along routes that are only used by a small number of merchants and porters. Alert Radiant: We've concluded that the Justiciar either has uncommon knowledge of the behavioral patterns of these creatures, or that he keeps close company with a merchant who travels those obscure paths.
Optional Dialogue
Alert Radiant: Whatever the man's true motives may be, it's clear he has uncommon knowledge of the region and its wildlife. The question is: how exactly would he come to know such things?
Watchful Man
Watchful Man: Eh? Don't tell me you've come chasing that half-baked “savior.” The younglings might be taken in by his honeyed words, but anyone with experience can see that he's nothing but a charlatan. And I have a story to prove it. Watchful Man: A merchant I know took a tumble as he was transporting his goods. Not long after comes the Justiciar, looking chivalrous as you please in his shining armor. But did he offer a helping hand? No! He ran off with nary a glance backwards! Watchful Man: He may go on about slaying beasts, but a real hero would never ignore someone in need, even if they were just suffering from scraped knees and a bruised ego.
Optional Dialogue
Watchful Man: What kind of hero would abandon a person in need? My friend is lucky his wounds weren't worse, else he may have died there...
Enthused Youth
Enthused Youth: Oh, you're hungry to learn more of the Justiciar? He's amazing! I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of him on the road leading here, facing down a fearsome creature. Enthused Youth: I don't know how he did it, but he called down rocks from the sky to knock that thing flat! The Radiant Host were away on patrol, so if he hadn't come to our rescue, that brute would've marched right into our homes! Enthused Youth: He shouted that he was the savior of Radz-at-Han, and even waved at me! Oh, he looked so impressive with the sun shining behind him!
Optional Dialogue
Enthused Youth: He looked so gallant, standing over his fallen foe, waving at me with the sun at his back...
Speak with Tepeke
Tepeke: Forename, do you have a moment? I'm having a little trouble here...
Perturbed Merchant: I... Apologies, I... I was just...surprised that you would ask me about that madman. What connection could he possibly have with me?
Tepeke: The “fiends” he fights are grown with rare alchemical materials, and we think he may be staging these encounters. Since you deal in such wares, I wondered if you might know how he came into their possession.
Perturbed Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about! Vir─ I mean, I've never spoken to that man!
Tepeke: I very much doubt that. Perhaps he'll be more receptive to questioning from you, Forename?
What will you say? > He seems to have intimate knowledge of trade routes and alchemy. Who taught him, I wonder? > Spit it out. You're working with him.
< He seems to have intimate knowledge of trade routes and alchemy. Who taught him, I wonder? > Perturbed Merchant: Come now, any merchant with a nose for profit has good relations with the alchemists. By your way of thinking, any one of us could be in league with Virazahn!
< Spit it out. You're working with him. > Perturbed Merchant: You dare accuse me!? Why, how am I to know that you aren't the one in league with Virazahn!?
Tepeke: ...“Virazahn,” you said? Who is that, may I ask?
Perturbed Merchant: Huh? What? Did I... No, no, that's...that's my name! Uh...
Virazahn's Father: Ah... I'd be a fool to continue this charade any longer. My son Virazahn is the one you know as the Justiciar. To be suddenly confronted with his litany of misdeeds, I quite lost my composure.
Tepeke: You're his father!? Then...do you know how he came into possession of such rare materials and knowledge?
Virazahn's Father: Aye, he stole them from me. My most valuable materials and my precious maps... Yet I was the one who chose to hide that fact, and I bear the blame for the consequences.
Tepeke: What can you tell us about him as a person?
Virazahn's Father: Virazahn was obsessed with tales of legendary heroes, even from a young age. I paid a great deal of money to have him tutored in the art of the bow. Virazahn's Father: He became quite skilled at it, in fact, but not quite as skilled as his arrogance led him to believe. Due to this, and perhaps a lack of ambition, he never aspired to true greatness. Virazahn's Father: Instead, he came to rely upon fanciful equipment and exotic potions, rather than honing what skill he had. Virazahn's Father: It pained me to see him fall into dissoluteness, but he would brook no counsel... So, several years ago I gave him enough coin to support his lavish lifestyle and told him never to speak with me again. He didn't...until but recently, when he darkened my doorstep once more.
Tepeke: And that was when he stole your goods?
Virazahn's Father: Aye, although I would have willingly given them if he had but asked. He was rambling almost incoherently... Saying that his “heroic deeds” as the Justiciar had caught the eye of someone named Apyaahi, leader of the Passage of the Unbound, whoever they are. Virazahn's Father: He claimed that under the guidance of his newfound allies, he had obtained a great power... “Power enough to eclipse all heroes who have come before and shall come after,” as he put it. It seems he gives what money he still has to these people. Virazahn's Father: To think that for all his fanciful words, he has only deigned to grasp at hollow glory, all at the expense of Radz-at-Han... There is no greater shame as a father.
Tepeke: Given what we know of this shadowy group, they most likely aim to sow discontent through Virazahn's deeds. He may be so blinded by his own desire for adoration that he can't see whose hands are pulling his strings...
Virazahn's Father: You're saying that he's being used? If that's true, then I can no longer remain silent, despite what shame it may bring. I see now that sharing my story might be the only way to save my son.
Tepeke: Indeed, I suggest you tell the Radiant Host at once. Of course, we'll be pouring our every effort into stopping him.
Virazahn's Father: Thank you for giving me direction... I didn't imagine our meeting would end this way.
Tepeke: Truth be told, I'm not entirely unsympathetic towards Virazahn. I basked in my father's reflected glory, while having none of my own to speak of. The glory Virazahn seeks is similarly false. Tepeke: I, too, shall visit the Radiant Host and have them spread word of the Justiciar's true nature. If the people are wise to his trickery, they will be far more likely to aid us. Tepeke: He'll soon learn that a legend built on lies is no match for true heroism!