The Wheel Turns
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The Wheel Turns
- Quest giver
- Thancred
- Location
- Il Mheg (X:13.9, Y:30.9)
- Quest line
- Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 73
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Acht-la Ormh Inn
- Next quest
A Party Soon Divided
Manic Pixie Dream Realm
- Patch
- 5.0
Main Scenario Progress: 584 / 960 (60.8%)
Shadowbringers Progress: 43 / 157 (27.4%)
“Thancred wishes to have a word with the hero of the hour.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Alisaie in the Crystarium.
- Speak with Alisaie.
- Speak with the manager of suites in the Pendants.
- Thancred wishes to have a word with the hero of the hour.
(Optional) Urianger: Though the battle is over, the war is far from won. Let us fix our gaze upon the road ahead.
Accepting the Quest
Thancred: I knew you could do it. And not only because of your blessing. You have a strength all your own, and it has seen us through many a trial. Thancred: With the Warden defeated, I believe our work here is done. It is time we were going─together, needless to say. Thancred: ...To the bitter end─the fate of our two worlds being at stake, and all that. Thancred: Now then, I suggest we hurry back to the Crystarium. Much and more may have happened while we were frolicking with the fae folk. Thancred: That Ran'jit elected to pursue us makes me hopeful the city was spared Eulmore's attentions, but I would sooner see for myself. Thancred: Besides, I believe I speak for us all when I say that I've had a bellyful of Il Mheg. Let us away before the faeries think to play with us again.
Thancred: Though we've spent most of our time on the road, Minfilia and I actually have apartments here. Perhaps now we may finally make use of them.
Minfilia: All seems well, thank goodness...
Urianger: The city appeareth unchanged from when last I visited. There is the selfsame comforting hum of activity in the air.
Alphinaud: I see nothing out of the ordinary.
Speaking with Alisaie in the Crystarium (Cutscene)
Alphinaud: All seems well at the Crystarium.
Alisaie: Yes. Eulmore was plainly more concerned with finding us. How flattering.
???: You certainly took your time. I had half-resolved to complete the task myself.
Alisaie: And you are?
Urianger: Were one to study the annals of Garlean history, one would find yonder visage on many a page. Urianger: Though by rights its youth should long since have faded.
???: Well, well, we have a historian in our midst. That spares me a lengthy explanation. Solus zos Galvus: I am Solus zos Galvus, founding father of the Garlean Empire. And, under various guises, the architect of myriad other imperially inclined nations. Solus zos Galvus: As for my true identity... Emet-Selch: I am Emet-Selch. Ascian.
Alisaie: Gaius spoke of you! A native of the Source...
Thancred: Equal in rank to Lahabrea. And you came all this way just to introduce yourself to us?
Emet-Selch: Behold the sky, restored to its former glory! Have you ever seen a more affecting spectacle? Emet-Selch: Ohhh, it is truly, deeply... Emet-Selch: ...Infuriating. Do you have any idea how much you have delayed the Rejoining? Emet-Selch: Following the Flood, the First had been listing ever further towards the Light─towards stasis. The end was in sight! Emet-Selch: Enter man and his indomitable spirit. He would haul the world back from the brink! Emet-Selch: And adding his lumpen weight to the power of growth, he duly tipped the scales, if only by a fraction. Yet a fraction was enough to spoil the perfect imbalance needed to bring about a Rejoining! Emet-Selch: Had mankind continued to live in idleness under Vauthry's rule, all the conditions would have been met... Emet-Selch: But you had to come and ruin it all! Emet-Selch: Thanks to your meddling, Light's supremacy is in doubt, and our painstakingly laid plans are in tatters!
Thancred: Well, I should begin by thanking you for confirming Urianger's theories on the inner workings of the Calamity. He will be most pleased. Thancred: As for what happens next, might I suggest you admit defeat and walk away?
Emet-Selch: Happy to let me go, are you? Because the murderous glint in your eye suggests otherwise. Indeed, it is enough to make me think better of confronting you alone. Emet-Selch: Look, it did cross my mind to simply side with Vauthry and kill you all. Emet-Selch: But that's no different from what Lahabrea did. And we all know how well that ended for him. Emet-Selch: And so, while it is liable to be troublesome, I have settled upon a different approach... Emet-Selch: Cooperation! Emet-Selch: I will not raise a hand to hinder your hunt for the Lightwardens. If you desire it, I will even lend you my knowledge and strength.
Alphinaud: Since time immemorial, you and yours have labored to rejoin the thirteen shards, at the cost of countless lives. Alphinaud: Do you expect us to believe that your objective has suddenly changed?
Emet-Selch: Nay, our objective is the same as it ever was─though I daresay you do not know our motive. Emet-Selch: A war waged without knowledge of the enemy is no war─it is mere bloodletting. Just once...might we not seek to find common ground? Emet-Selch: For good or ill, I am immortal. Provided I have the inclination, I can always begin anew. Scheme and conspire to my heart's content. Emet-Selch: But this time, I thought that I might instead try to see eye to eye. To understand what drives the hero of the Source. To determine if our goals are truly incompatible. Emet-Selch: So come. Shed your preconceptions. See beyond the unscrupulous villains you take us for. Emet-Selch: When all is said and done, we may find ourselves pleasantly surprised. The proud discoverers of a path of cooperation rather than opposition. Think of it.
Urianger: Thou hast delivered thy proposal, and we would not dismiss it outright. Urianger: If I may offer thee counsel, however: to make thy case via an illusion reflecteth poorly upon thy sincerity.
Emet-Selch: My apologies. You will forgive me if I am not entirely at ease in the presence of a famed Ascian-slayer. I felt it only prudent to take precautions. Emet-Selch: Nonetheless, your counsel is duly noted. Emet-Selch: I take my leave, friends. Rest assured, we shall meet again soon.
Urianger: That an Ascian of Emet-Selch's standing should willingly reveal himself unto us─and at this of all junctures─is...most interesting.
Alphinaud: Finding common ground with an Ascian... My entire being rebels at the very notion.
Thancred: He appears to be gone, but I won't be lowering my guard just yet.
Minfilia: So that was an Ascian... Thancred told me about them.
Speaking with Alisaie
Alisaie: Cooperation? He can't be serious...can he? Alisaie: Well, we've certainly been given much to ponder, but first things first: we should report to the Exarch. Alisaie: You can run along, [Forename]. We're perfectly capable of handling this little task. Alisaie: In light of your recent exertions, I'd say you've earned a rest. Alisaie: Go on, take yourself off to bed. We'll see you later, refreshed and ready for more.
(Optional) Crystal Exarch: That your safe and triumphant return should be spoiled by an uninvited guest... Crystal Exarch: But let us not dwell on it here and now. I will have the details of your mission from the others. You, meanwhile, should get some rest.
Speaking with the manager of suites in the Pendants
Manager of Suites: Ah, welcome back, [miss/sir]. We've been expecting you. Manager of Suites: You will find refreshments laid out in your quarters. We hope they are to your liking. Manager of Suites: Will you be retiring now?
< Retire to your quarters? > < Yes > < No >
< No > (Interaction ends)
< Yes > Manager of Suites: Very good, [miss/sir]. I bid you a pleasant evening.
Handwritten Missive: "I hope the past few days have not been overly taxing. Pray take your rest and recover.“
Ardbert: From the Exarch, is it? With that mirror of his, he can watch your every move, you know. He'll probably think you're talking to yourself. Ardbert: Still, he's keeping you well fed. Ardbert: Judging by his people's faith in him, he seems to be a decent sort. Ardbert: But so much about him remains shrouded in mystery. Like what was he doing back in my day? There was no such person when I was around. Ardbert: A lot's happened since the Flood, though. Since I was...set adrift. I know little more than you do of this city's history and the Exarch's past. Ardbert: Not that it matters. It's Emet-Selch we should be concerned about. Ardbert: When our world was about to be consumed by Light, the Ascian in white appeared before us. He said that the only way for us to live on was to bring about the Rejoining. Ardbert: Desperate as we were, we heeded his words, not realizing that the Flood was of the Ascians' own making. Ardbert: They cannot be trusted. None of them. Ardbert: But Emet-Selch had one thing right: one should not fight blindly. Ardbert: That's what we did. And it cost us everything we held dear.
< What will you say? > < Not everything. > < Tell me about Seto. > < You're putting me off my dinner. >
< Not everything. > Ardbert: ...You mean Seto? Well, that's... Aye. I suppose you're right. Ardbert: He's done some growing. When we were traveling together, he was nowhere near as big. Ardbert: And he obviously couldn't speak. I had no idea how much that medallion meant to him. Ardbert: What about you, anyway? You must have a friend like Seto. Chocobo, perhaps? Come on, you tell me something for a change.
< Tell me about Seto. > Ardbert: What? What about Seto? What is there to say...? All right. Ardbert: He's done some growing. When we were traveling together, he was nowhere near as big. Ardbert: And he obviously couldn't speak. I had no idea how much that medallion meant to him. Ardbert: What about you, anyway? You must have a friend like Seto. Chocobo, perhaps? Come on, you tell me something for a change.
< You're putting me off my dinner. > Ardbert: Oh, poor you! ...But I take your point. Ardbert: Let's see, then...what's a good topic for mealtime...? Food, I suppose? I could tell you all about Voeburtite cuisine, if you like. Ardbert: Oh, and there's the time we were forced to collect rare ingredients for some godsforsaken feast. If it sounds ridiculous, it's because it was. Ardbert: ...What? You too? Haha! Parallel worlds, eh? So what sort of things did you have to fetch, then?