Tsuranuki Kaneuchi is a Hyur in Yanxia.
Quests Started
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Broken Steel, Broken Men | ![]() |
67 | Tsuranuki |
Quests Involved In
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
The Limits of Our Endurance | ![]() |
67 | Alisaie |
The World Turned Upside Down | ![]() |
67 | Alphinaud |
Doman Reconstruction: Mitsuba | ![]() |
70 | Kozakura |
Doman Reconstruction: Kozakura | ![]() |
70 | Kozakura |
Doman Reconstruction: Tsuranuki | ![]() |
70 | Kozakura |
Doman Reconstruction: Araragi | ![]() |
70 | Kozakura |
Lighting the Way | ![]() |
70 | Kozakura |
Zone | Coordinates | Level range |
Yanxia | (X:28.2, Y:25.6) | — |
The Doman Enclave | (X:4.9, Y:5.4) | — |
The Doman Enclave | (X:5.7, Y:7.2) | — |
The Doman Enclave | (X:7.6, Y:9.2) | — |
“"All the armor I can provide, you will have. I will labor until I can no longer lift my hammer!"'
A smith in the Doman Enclave, Tsuranuki was a fervent proponent of Doman liberation. He and others of like mind spurred Lord Kaien to rise up against the Empire, but the rebellion failed and their beloved master was slain trying to protect his people from the carnage that swept through the enclave. Filled with regret and despair, the Hyur turned his back on smithing—his life's purpose—and, sequestering himself within Kusakari, he would ridicule all who spoke to him of freedom.
But win her freedom Doma eventually did, and at the grizzled age of sixty-two, Tsuranuki found his purpose once more. Declaring that he would devote his remaining years to the rebuilding effort, he set about his work with a fire to rival his blazing forge. At this time, his long-standing rivalry with the papermaker Araragi was also renewed, the sounds of their public bickering ringing sweetly to those who had known the enclave in better days.
— Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume II
Small Talk
After completion of all Doman Reconstruction Quests
Tsuranuki: Anyone seeing the enclave for the first time since the occupation would hardly recognize the place. Perhaps the same could be said for me. I was once a spent old man, but now I feel as though I am in my prime!
The Limits of Our Endurance
Tsuranuki: Bwahahaha! Who are these starry-eyed youths who stand before me? Tsuranuki: Ones who sing of rebellion? Of liberation? Hah hah hah! Surely they would not think to trouble me with such foolish dreams! Tsuranuki: Oh, go and say what you will. But do not take offense if I die from laughter! Bwahahaha!
Broken Steel, Broken Men
Tsuranuki: Eh? Say again? You would have me fashion armor for villagers who wish to fight imperial regulars? Tsuranuki: Bwahahaha! Mad fools charging boldly to meet their deaths! Bring me steel and I shall give them shells to shield their soft bellies. Tsuranuki: Yes, yes, plates of steel, all that you can carry. The better to shield them from blade and bullet!
Tsuranuki: Blind, deaf, and dumb you are, boy! We are awash in broken steel. Magitek, great cylinders come crashing to the earth from on high! Tsuranuki: Shatter them to bits with my explosives. They will not fail you, for I made them to kill imperials, heh heh! Bring me my steel, and you will have your armor.
(Optional) Tsuranuki: Of course, the imperials have explosives too, and there is no armor which can protect you from that. Bwahahaha!
Tsuranuki: Eh? Eh!? You have the many plates of steel I demanded? Show me! <Hand over Armor Platings> Tsuranuki: Bwahahaha! Then you are committed to your cause! Dressing villagers as soldiers and marching off to war... Tsuranuki: Stupid, stupid fools! Doma is dead, and so are her people! Tsuranuki: Lord Kaien, Lord Hien─all dead! Their blood is on our hands! Tsuranuki: 'Twas Lord Kaien who saved us. Who spared us the worst when the Garleans came. Tsuranuki: Every shred of pride and honor he cast aside, without a second thought! All to win their trust. All to serve as their puppet. Restored to his throne years later, a paper tiger. Tsuranuki: Such shame he must have felt, but no matter! He would suffer it for his people. A life as slaves is better than none at all, he believed. But not us. Tsuranuki: After my lady died, we began to whisper in his ears dreams of freedom and liberation. We pushed him to take action, if only a little... Tsuranuki: Ten years of preparation, of machinations. So careful we would be, and yet...and yet! Tsuranuki: Doma burned for our foolishness, not for that of Lord Kaien. Monzen, the enclave─they were razed for our sins! We murdered them all, don't you see? We murdered you all!
Tsuranuki: Lord Hien? Alive!? It cannot be. You lie. You lie!
Tsuranuki: Could...could it be? My lord Hien yet lives? Oh...oh... Tsuranuki: Bands of steel to bind the chest and belly, yes, yes! I must heat the forge and begin work at once! Tsuranuki: Ten? One hundred? How many do you need? All that and more you shall have!
(Optional) Tsuranuki: All the armor I can provide, you will have. I will labor until I can no longer lift my hammer!
The World Turned Upside Down
(Optional) Tsuranuki: 'Twas a year ago my lord Kaien died, and with him, the dream of Doma. Never again would we be free, I thought... Tsuranuki: ...Miserable old fool that I am. But Doma lives! Doma rises! Doma will stand tall again! Till the end of my days will I labor to make it so!
Doman Reconstruction: Mitsuba
40,000 donated
Tsuranuki: Why do you fret over such nonsense, girl? This is no dilemma! Doma shall stand proud and tall and alone! We will make what we need! Tsuranuki: Well met, warrior of the West. Too long has it been since you convinced an old fool to fashion armor for young ones! Tsuranuki: In search of a stiff drink did I come to these stalls, only to overhear a tale I could not ignore—and to cross paths with a bitter foe!
Tsuranuki: All talk and no guts! All the strength of a paper tiger! Or is that your clever plan? Convince these people to help you sell paper for iron!?
Doman Reconstruction: Tsuranuki
45,000 donated
Tsuranuki: Ah, there's the warrior! Heard you the good word? The Shazenkai has put their plans in motion. I will have my smithy once more! Tsuranuki: Never dared I dream that this day would come. Doma burned, Lord Kaien died—all because we were fools, and never again would I be a fool. Tsuranuki: But then you and the boy, Isse, and the girl, Lyse, you spoke sense. Better to risk death as a fool than suffer a life without dreams... Tsuranuki: Bah, what is this blubbering which consumes me! Enough—let us speak of the work! That is what matters, aye! Tsuranuki: The carpenters have claimed that site for their own. My blood may run with iron, but even I know Doma wants for lumber, so with wood we begin! Tsuranuki: Blessed are we to live at the mouth of the One River, in such a humid clime. There are few teachers better than rot and rust, bwahahaha! Tsuranuki: And here will be my smithy! A home for forge and anvil—but not yet, not yet. Tsuranuki: Much iron lies beneath Doma's soil, waiting to be claimed, waiting to be shaped. Tsuranuki: All that we need, she provides. Water, wood, ore—the materials are ours to command. To forge into tools for farmers, cooks. For all! Tsuranuki: ...Or so it once was. Imperial robbers and sneakthieves stole much of our mineral wealth. For the Empire! Pah! Tsuranuki: To other provinces they would send Doma's riches, and in return we received their refuse. Rusted pots. Broken plows! Tsuranuki: A travesty it was, and still is! Still we rely on inferior tools forced upon us by conquerors—but no longer! Doma knows what Doma needs, and she will make it with her own two hands! Tsuranuki: To this end I will give everything. I swear! But I should like to see it before I die, and to that end, we will need your help! Bwahahaha!
(Optional) Tsuranuki: Few glories does a fool at the end of his life have to look forward to, yet here I stand, here I stand! At the beginning of a grand new endeavor! Tell me you do not enjoy it too!
65,000 donated
Tsuranuki: Again we are graced by the warrior's presence, to whom we owe so much! Tsuranuki: Look, look! Is it not a thing of beauty? Glorious and splendid? Tsuranuki: Quick as a flash the carpenters work, putting my smiths to shame, but so be it! More time for them to finally use that which they have built!
Tsuranuki: By the kami! What sorcery is this!? Tsuranuki: The boy Hozan, here? But you were for the West, on Lady Yugiri's boat!
Tsuranuki: Much fire in the belly as always, boy, but you and yours need homes. Beds upon which to lay down and rest. I'll not see you sleeping in the streets! Tsuranuki: Take what you need from our materials, Kozakura, and have housing built for our brothers and sisters! It must be done!
(Optional) Tsuranuki: Far, far too long has it been since we saw off Hozan and the others. Yet more people means more hands in need of tools! We must redouble our efforts!
100,000 donated
Tsuranuki: Warrior of legend! Hold a moment. Duty calls! Tsuranuki: The kettles, man, the kettles! The ones from yesterday with mangled handles and twisted spouts—
Tsuranuki: Never mind the blades! I had the boy take them to be fitted for handles. Start on the cauldrons—but leave the big one for me!
Tsuranuki: Bah! The chorus of hardworking men going about their business as they should! What of it? Come to complain about the noise, have you?
Tsuranuki: Bwahahaha! The greater need was ours! A bitter loser, you are!
Tsuranuki: My love for Doma is all-consuming! What we do, we do for her! A hundred pots, a thousand hammers—tools we craft to put in our countrymen's hands! Tsuranuki: Without the bucket to haul water or the hoe to till the soil, what is a field but dirt!? What is a man without the means to better his lot?
Tsuranuki: Bwahahaha! Consider it done! You'll have your knife before your next batch of kozo has finished cooking!
(Optional) Tsuranuki: Busy, busy, busy! Everywhere I look, a man about his task! The way it should be—craftsmen should never be idle, never be quiet!
Doman Reconstruction: Araragi
60,000 donated
Tsuranuki: Bah! The paper tiger still has a competition in him, does he!? More fool him! Our work shall be finished far, far quicker! Bwahahaha!
110,000 donated
Tsuranuki: Gloat all you want, paper tiger! I'll best you yet! Tsuranuki: Eh!? Why the tears, child? My venom was for Araragi, not you!
Tsuranuki: Hear, hear! Do not go and pat yourself on the back just yet! The Shazenkai has a duty to Doma, and much of the enclave still wants for your attention! Tsuranuki: Our nation, our people, will rise to glory once more! You'll be with us when we do—am I right, [Forename]?
(Optional) Tsuranuki: What's next on the docket for improvement? Wait and see, warrior, wait and see!
Doman Reconstruction: Kozakura
120,000 donated
Tsuranuki: Bwahahaha! She likes it, she likes it! A surprise to commemorate the completion of the Ten Thousand Stalls and the Yard, for the girl who made it possible!
(Optional) Tsuranuki: Come to pay us a visit, or to learn our secrets!? Bwahahaha! By all means, observe all you like, or feel free to grab a hammer and set to work!
Lighting the Way
Tsuranuki: You have some nerve, paper tiger! And as I recall, you are the one that followed me!
Tsuranuki: The more there are and the higher they fly, the happier all of those souls will be! Bwahahaha! Our dead friends will have the time of their lives!
Tsuranuki: Yes, and I know just the place! The pavilion in the garden would be ideal, as it overlooks the One River. We wouldn't want any lanterns falling on anything flammable, would we? Which reminds me, where are we going to get all of our guiding lights?
Tsuranuki: Ha! It was about time you said something useful! Very well, I suppose you can be trusted not to botch this entirely. But make sure you finish this while we are still around to see it. Otherwise, those floating spirits will have two more travel companions! Tsuranuki: Kozakura, can we rely on the Shazenkai to spread word of the event?
Tsuranuki: The sooner we get the rest of the enclave on board, the more help they will be able to offer. [Forename], could you see if Mitsuba and Minazuki are interested? Tsuranuki: After that, meet us in the One Garden. In the meantime, we old men have work to do. Well, he does. I will see what I can do to drum up support. Both of you do your bit, and we'll do ours!
Tsuranuki: What's the matter?
Tsuranuki: Maybe they are, which is all the more reason not to cry. Tsuranuki: I hardly think our dead friends would come here just to see us blubbering! Tsuranuki: And besides, those paper lanterns will not be flying anywhere if you soak them with tears! Come on, now. Chin up!
Additional Information
- After completion of all Doman Reconstruction Quests, Tsuranuki will always be located at (X:7.6, Y:9.2).