
D'sadha Rhel
In-game, D'sadha is a Miqo'te ninja omnicrafter based in Limsa Lominsa on Cactuar. She is a member of a very small Free Company called Potatoes and Molasses, and in addition has risen to the rank of Storm Captain in the Maelstrom. She, like at least half the game's occupants, has a teeny crush on her Admiral and will cut you to ribbons if you hurt her perfect cinnamon roll Tataru even a little bit.
IRL, D'sadha's player is a forty-mumble ADHD-brained wife, mother, programmer, writer, artist, and dozens of other things who figures if she's going to make lists of stuff that the wiki isn't yet providing to her she may as well share that info with other people. She runs content with her conveniently party-sized and slightly untraditional family and prefers to hit things with other things while leaving the higher-executive-function roles to those who can better handle them.