User:Isabella Murahj

My favorite shows are Supernatural (pre season 10), Fringe, Bones, Lucifer, and Spongebob. (one of these things is not like the other....)
Silversun Pickups, King Gizzard, Carina Round, just to name a few. I LOVE music and have a huge, diverse favorites list.
FFXIV, Classic & Retail WoW, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Death Stranding, Peglin, Unpacking, Fallout 4 & 76, Path of Exile, Enderal, Witcher 3, DQ Builders 2, Planet Zoo & Tycoon, Nier (Both), Terraria, No Man's Sky, Cities Skylines and/or Sim City...There's more but those are what come to mind first as favorites :)
Isabella Murahj - Coeurl
, Michigan
IRL, I'm a homeschool teacher/mom, and a homemaker!
Iowa, then Nebraska, then Iowa again, and I finally found my forever home in Michigan!
Hiya! I'm Isa, I play on Coeurl! I'm an omni battler and omni crafter! I can't pick a main, so my mains are warrior, summoner, white mage and sage! I like to tank experts and older content, heal when I'm mentoring, and I am absolutely obsessed with using SMN in current content. Feel free to friend me!