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Vath Storyteller

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Vath Storyteller

"Without this sanctuary, there will be no new stories to tell, no storytellers to continue after us."

An elder amongst his kind, the storyteller is twelve summers removed from his departure from the Onemind. Upon escaping the reprisal reserved for those who have broken from the hive, the storyteller founded Loth ast Vath (Hive of the Nonmind) as a sanctuary for others like him. No longer gifted with the ability to communicate via thoughts, the storyteller seeks to maintain the history of his people through the oral passing of tales—hence the name he gave himself.

— In-game description

Vath Storyteller is a Gnath in The Dravanian Forelands.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Natural Repellent Sidequest 52 Vath Storyteller
Vindictive Vath Vendetta Sidequest 53 Vath Storyteller
The Naming of Vath Feature quest 50 Vath Storyteller

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Nonmind Main Scenario quest 52 Alphinaud
A Gnathic Deity Main Scenario quest 53 Ysayle
A Little Slow, a Little Late Main Scenario quest 60 Alphinaud
Thok Around the Clock Feature quest 60 Unukalhai
The Legacies We Leave Sidequest 60 Marcechamp
Who Was That Masked Man Sidequest 60 Master Mogzin
Awakened Sidequest 53 Nonmind Drone
It's the Thought That Counts Sidequest 53 Nonmind Drone
Adventurers Don't Get Cold Feet Feature quest 50 Vath Deftarm
An Acquired Taste Feature quest 50 Vath Deftarm
Your Enemy and Mine Feature quest 50 Vath Deftarm
Resistance Is Futile Feature quest 50 Vath Deftarm
A Symbiotic Friendship Feature quest 50 Vath Deftarm

Additional Information