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Wandering Dramaturge (Gangos)

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Wandering Dramaturge

Wandering Dramaturge (Gangos).png

Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
Gangos (6.6, 5.1)
Majestic Theater Company
Quest NPC

Wandering Dramaturge is a Hyur in Gangos. He provides additional lore about content relating to Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr.


Wandering Dramaturge: [Forename]! My, my, that I should find you here of all places. Though I suppose that's only right, considering I followed you. My well of inspiration has run dry, you see, and it is my hope that a change of scenery might offer the impetus my work requires.
Wandering Dramaturge: And time again you have proven a knack for finding fascinating locales, with equally fascinating stories unfolding soon after.
Wandering Dramaturge: If you've no epic tales to share, perhaps I can regale you with a story of my own.
What will you do?
(If Memoria Misera (Extreme) has not been unlocked) < Talk about Varis. >
< Ask to hear a story. >
< Ask to hear a story. >
What will you ask about?
< The holy blade, Save the Queen >
< The holy blade, Save the Queen >
Wandering Dramaturge: Ah, yes. The legendary blade, Save the Queen. I happened upon a most fascinating book on its history not long ago.
Wandering Dramaturge: It is said this blade, blessed by the gods, could only be wielded by she who would become queen of Bozja. As such, it was passed down through the ages, along with the title of Queen Gunnhildr, serving as undeniable proof of her sovereignty.
Wandering Dramaturge: A passage I'm certain you have heard repeated ad nauseam. What I read next, however, was a captivating account of how the queen single-handedly saved her people from certain destruction.
Wandering Dramaturge: The Fourth Umbral Calamity had come in the form of a great and terrible earthquake. The Allagan Empire quickly met its destruction, the earth rising up to swallow it whole. Alas, the destruction would not end with the fall of a single nation.
Wandering Dramaturge: The lands were ablaze with flame, the heavens marred with hues of bloody crimson. Death had come for the people of Bozja, and indeed would claim most as they fled to sanctuary within the castle.
Wandering Dramaturge: All hope seemed lost... It was then Queen Gunnhildr proclaimed that, if what remained of their homeland would be saved, the full might of Save the Queen must be brought to bear. A proclamation met with inconsolable tears and lamentations, for her people understood the meaning in it.
Wandering Dramaturge: Taking her blade firmly in hand, the queen quickly thrust it into her breast. Queen Gunnhildr was no more, but in her place stood a goddess, for Save the Queen had taken her body as its vessel.
Wandering Dramaturge: Her first and final act was to expend every onze of her strength to erect a barrier surrounding what few survivors of Bozja remained.
Wandering Dramaturge: The magick held true, but when the barrier fell, naught remained but lifeless, desolate landscape. Their only solace being the threat of the Fourth Umbral Calamity had passed.
Wandering Dramaturge: In time, the land would heal. Green found its way back to the soil, rainwater replenishing streams and rivers. Life soon followed.
Wandering Dramaturge: All that remained of Bozja was the castle, battered yet unbroken. A monument to Queen Gunnhildr's sacrifice.
Wandering Dramaturge: Thus ended the reign of Queen Gunnhildr. Though she and her holy blade were no more, they would live on in the memory of her people.
Wandering Dramaturge: Touching, is it not? A tale fit for the stage if I ever heard one. Would that I had the time to pen works worthy of her legacy.


  • The community has long theorized that Wandering Dramaturge is an in-game avatar of Yasumi Matsuno, the director and writer of Final Fantasy Tactics, which is notably the basis of the Return to Ivalice quests. Several hints have led the community to believe this NPC references Matsuno, such as a video he posted of his own handcrafted bacon bread and Bacon Bread featuring in one of Wandering Dramaturge's quests, a bottle of wine the NPC requests featuring the name of the main story location in Vagrant Story (another game Matsuno directed, produced and wrote), and various optional dialogue.