When It Rains
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When It Rains
- Quest giver
- Manager of Suites
- Location
- The Crystarium (X:12.5, Y:16.2)
- Quest line
- Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 76
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Out of the Wood
- Next quest
Word from On High
- Patch
- 5.0
Main Scenario Progress: 606 / 960 (63.1%)
Shadowbringers Progress: 65 / 157 (41.4%)
“Judging by his countenance, the manager of suites has ill tiding for you.
— In-game description
- If the gauge representing Crystarium forces depletes, you will fail this instance and will have to start over.
- Throughout this fight, Alphinaud and Alisaie will fight alongside you. Later on, Y'shtola, Urianger, Thancred, and Minfilia will join you.
- Take note of allied AoE markers for swifter kills.
- When you reach a split in the path to the Ostall Imperative, Thancred and Minfilia will leave.
- Once you reach the Ostall Imperative, you have to protect 5 Crystarium Guards while fending off the enemies.
- Defeating the final enemy, Forgiven Hypocrisy will end the duty. But be warned, it will summon 3 adds that will make it untargetable. Kill them quickly when they appear. After that, a horde of enemies will appear. Alisaie will kill them off.
- Survey the Exedra.
- Activate the first anchor.
- Activate the second anchor.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- ※ Solo Duty will comence upon speaking with Alphinaud.
- Speak with Alisaie.
- Judging by his countenance, the manager of suites has ill tidings for you.
- You learn from the manager of suites that Lakeland is under attack by a host of sin eaters, though he assures you that the Crystarium will remain secure. Nevertheless eager to help, you agree to check on the citizens gathered at the Exedra in case any are in need of aid.
- The people of the Crystarium seem unaffected by the threat bearing down upon their city–by contrast to the recently returned Alisaie, who rightly finds the presence of sin eaters beneath the reclaimed sky rather unsettling. Any theories as to their provenance will have to wait, however, as Alphinaud arrives to inform you that several anchors around the city must activated before the protective barrier that serves as its primary defense can take effect. This process is best completed sooner rather than later, so you and Alisaie agree to assist.
- After wending your way through the city, you find the first anchor on a bridge above the Rotunda. You pull down on its handle, and the glow it emits indicates that it is now active.
- You activate the second anchor, and moments later, a faceted barrier weaves its way up from the array of devices to shield the Crystarium—and rebuffs a full dozen sin eaters in the nick of time. The Leveilleur twins, having arrived to witness the scene with you, indicate that your next destination will be the battlefiend in the Lakeland wilds, where Lyna and her people are already engaging the eater host.
- You take to the field with Alphinaud and Alisaie, and immediately set to aiding the beleaguered Crystarium troops, cutting down eater after eater as you make your way across Lakeland. Though your group is able to save many, you find yourself witness to death at every turn. You eventually encounter Y'shtola and Urianger, who join you in your rush to the Imperative, as well as Thancred and Minfilia, who split from your party in pursuit of a powerful eater.
- You reach the Ostall Imperative to find it beset by eaters, its defenders beleaguered and bleeding. After a pitched battle against manifold foes, you triumph, seizing an advantage that will make it possible for Crystairum force to reclaim Lakeland and drive back any stragglers.
- After the battle is decided at last, you speak with Alisaie. She confirms that procedures for ensuring proper care of the wounded are already well underway. As for the other casualties... the Crystarium will likely long be mourning not only those lost to death, but to the sin eater horde as well.
Quest Acceptance
Manager of Suites: Ah, I suspected that you might be awake. I could scarce imagine you sleeping through such a commotion. An entire host of sin eaters appears to be advancing upon the Crystarium. Emergency measures are being taken as we speak. Rest assured, however, that we are safe so long as we remain under the Crystal Tower's aegis. You may return to your quarters, if you wish. Manager of Suites: Yes, I thought you might feel that way. And I cannot say that your assistance would be anything less than welcome. I must remain here to disseminate information to the other residents, but you are under no such obligation─and thus free to aid any of the townsfolk who may be in distress. The Exedra tends to become a point of congregation in times of need, crowded with those seeking solace in companionship. You would have my personal gratitude if you would offer succor to those there.
Survey the Exedra
Few townsfolk are about, and you spy none who appear to be in distress. Alisaie: [Forename]! I've only just returned from Amh Araeng, yet I find the Crystarium moments from being beset by sin eaters!? Where are they coming from? This shouldn't be possible─we restored the darkness! Alphinaud: Well, this is a fortunate coincidence. Alisaie: Brother! Tell me you have some idea why this is happening. Alphinaud: I may─but for the moment we'll need to postpone such discussions in favor of action. The Crystal Exarch is preparing to deploy a barrier around the Crystarium as we speak. Ensuring that he is able to do so should be our first concern. There are a number of instruments placed about the Crystarium that function as anchors for the barrier. I'm on my way to activate them now. Alisaie: ...In which case, three pairs of hands would be better than one? Very well. I'll take the ones to the south. (Alisaie leaves) Alphinaud: I shall deal with the northern apparatus, then. Will you handle the western two? They're ensconced on platforms extending from the upper level of the aetheryte plaza.
Activate the first anchor
Despite having very little idea as to how it functions, it appears that you have activated the device successfully.
Activate the second anchor
the barrier is raised from the second anchor Distressed Townsman: Sin eaters sighted! They're coming!
Alphinaud and Alisaie arrive Alphinaud: Excellent. The barrier is holding. Alisaie: That's good news for the Crystarium, but what of the rest of Lakeland? Alphinaud: Lyna and the city guard have taken to the field.
Alphinaud: Thancred and the others have already joined them. Let us do the same.
Speak with Alphinaud
Alphinaud: We ought to join the vanguard as soon as possible. If the number of eaters we just saw is any indication, we'll be facing a formidable host.
===※ Solo Duty will commence upon speaking with Alphinaud
Alisaie: What lovely weather. Just what we needed. (it is raining) Alphinaud: It seems the battle has already begun in earnest. Make haste!
Crystarium forces are engaging the sin eaters at various locations across Lakeland. Assist them in defeating the eaters before they are decimated. Alisaie: I hear shouting! Come on! Alisaie: They need our help!
Alphinaud: More eaters. Don't let your guard down. Alphinaud: Those eaters...they're moving toward Radisca's Round. Alphinaud: We should follow─but we cannot neglect those in need of aid.
Alisaie: If it's this bad here, I shudder to think what it's like elsewhere...
Y'shtola: A timely arrival, Small. I have my hands full here. Urianger: Mine own magicks shall suffice to aid Y'shtola. I bid thee offer succor to the guard.
Y'shtola: The eater's aether swells. I would hate to find out what it intends to do next. Defend me─let none interrupt my incantation. Urianger: Draw the lesser eaters within the perimeter! (Y'shtola takes out all of the sin eaters nearby)
Y'shtola: Master Matoya has a few tricks up her sleeve. Allow me to demonstrate. Urianger: A most impressive trick indeed... Y'shtola: As if you've none of your own. Let's make for the Imperative, shall we?
Urianger: Someone hath made short work of these eaters...
Minfilia: [Forename]! You'll be glad to know that the locals have all taken shelter. Thancred: Nevertheless, we can't allow the eaters to gain any ground. With me!
Alphinaud: That can't be good... Thancred: Gods damn it all, we're too late... The enemy has the Crystarium guard on the back foot. Thancred: I'll follow the eater. You press on to the Imperative. Minfilia: I'm staying with you! Alphinaud: We've lost too many already. We must hurry.
Y'shtola: These eaters are too organized. They cannot merely be acting on instinct.
Mid-Battle Dialogue
Alphinaud: It is as we feared. But our task is as it ever was─turn the tide!
Alphinaud: I feel a swell of aether! Gather around me, quickly! Perhaps now is the time to put my research to the test. Alisaie: And yet more still come! [Forename], buy me some time. Alphinaud─I'll need aether. Alphinaud: Right. Everyone, channel your aether into Alisaie!
Alisaie: Forward!
Alisaie: We fight for those who cannot!
Minfilia: There are so many... Lyna: Godsdammit! (Lyna is hit) Minfilia: Lyna! Lyna, hold on! Lyna: They...they turned on me... (A sin-eater slashes at Minfilia and Thancred blocks it) Minfilia: Thancred! Thancred: This...one...is mine! (Thancred takes it out) Various battles continue as Ardbert looks on Crystarium Medic: We need only hold out a little while longer. Reinforcements are coming, remember? The captain said so. We're going to be all right... Ardbert: Run! Run, damn you! (Ardbert notices a specific sin eater) Crystarium Medic: The Warrior of Darkness has returned. The bloody night has returned! So stay with me, eh? You can't go dying now! Ardbert: Godsdammit! Please let this work, please let this work... (Ardbert tries to slash but nothing happens) Crystarium Medic: No! N-No, stay back! Stay back!(The sin-eater approaches) Medic: Help, help! Someone, anyone!
Ardbert: Why did you spare me? Why? What have I done to deserve this mercy!? Crystarium Officer: Forward! Forward! If you can still hold a sword, follow me! Wounded, to the rear! Weapons at the ready! Let's make this count!
(Narrator): Fight and struggle. Seek salvation by your own hands. Though the losses be grave, endure them. Though the victories be hollow, claim them.
Speak with Alisaie
Alisaie: It seems we've driven them back─for the time being, at least. The wounded have been collected and are undergoing treatment now. Once they're ready to be moved, we'll have them carried back to the Crystarium. The dead as well, of course. Those whose bodies remain, anyway...