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Where Everything Begins

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Where Everything Begins

Where everything begins.png
Quest giver
Dark-robed Voidsent
The Fell Court of Troia (Zone) (X:11.8, Y:11.8)
Quest line
Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
Experience 49,728
Gil 3,028
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestShadowed Remnants
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Main Scenario QuestGroping in the Dark

Main Scenario Progress: 819 / 968 (84.6%)


Endwalker Progress: 121 / 155 (78.1%)


The dark-robed voidsent regards you questioningly.

— In-game description


When speaking to Zero in the Seat of the Foremost: "...several cutscenes will play in sequence. It is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety." and a Solo Duty will begin. Both the cutscenes and Solo Duty total approximately 25 minutes.



  • The dark-robed voidsent regards you questioningly.
  • The dark-robed voidsent is willing to provide you with the information you seek─for a price. In this world, she explains, no one aids another unless they themselves stand to gain. The bargain is struck with an offer of aether, and you make your way outside the dungeon for a lesson on the void.
  • There was once Light here in the Thirteenth, but a terrible conflict known as the Contramemoria shattered the balance of aether, causing Darkness to engulf the world. Thus was all life transformed into voidsent. The dark-robed voidsent, however, is voidsent only in part, on account of having been touched by Darkness while still in her mother's womb, when the war had only just begun. Desiring a name by which to call her, Y'shtola suggests “Zero”─which the half-voidsent woman accepts with the disinterest of the damned.
  • Believing yourselves exposed, Varshahn suggests continuing the conversation inside the castle. Thus do you make your way to the throne room.
  • On arriving at the throne room, Zero demands her payment. But ere Y'shtola can provide it, Scarmiglione, whom you had believed slain, sets upon you once more. The archfiend reveals that death doesn't exist in the void, and you struggle to contend with his powers of regeneration─until Zero agrees to join the fray. All marvel as she uses her mysterious power to transform Scarmiglione's minions into crystals. With the odds made even, you turn to deal with the archfiend himself.
  • You succeed in overcoming Scarmiglione, with Zero delivering the coup de grâce and binding him in crystal. Taking the object in your hand, you experience a vision of the past─of a knight in black named Golbez, and those he proclaimed his four archfiends. Of greater interest, however, is the presence of what appears to be a wyrm...
  • From the memoria crystals and their part in the world-ending war to Golbez and his mysterious ambitions, you have been given much to consider─and doubtless have many new questions. Fortunately, as Y'shtola observes, Zero still owes you some few answers.


Dark-robed Voidsent: So, I doubt you came to the dungeon by pure chance. What is it that you're after?

Varshahn: We were looking for a voidsent with whom we could converse, in the course of which we learned of you.

Varshahn: We are visitors to this world, and know little and less of its workings and ways.

Varshahn: We would be grateful if you could tell us about it. About yourself.

Dark-robed Voidsent: So it's information you seek.

Dark-robed Voidsent: What do you offer for it?

Varshahn: ...I beg your pardon?

Dark-robed Voidsent: Voidsent do not give unless we stand to gain.

Dark-robed Voidsent: If you desire something, you pay the price. That is the sole rule in this world you call the void.

Varshahn: That makes sense. Pray forgive our ignorance.

Varshahn: But what would be acceptable as payment? I suspect that such coin as we carry has no value here.

Y'shtola: Voidsent crave one thing alone: aether.

Y'shtola: In return for information, I offer you mine. Just not all of it, mind you. I still have need of my life.

Dark-robed Voidsent: Very well. I will tell you no more than you can afford to pay.

Y'shtola: Then we have a bargain.

Dark-robed Voidsent: If we're to talk about the void, let us do so outside. Come with me.

“Where Everything Begins” accepted.

Troian Warden: It seems the clever one did for my fellow warden after all. I knew it was a bad idea to go in the cell...

Troian Gaoler: No one comes and goes from this dungeon without permission. For you, though, I'll make an exception. Go on, go.

Troian Manservant: Though there's only the one dungeon here, we call it the fourth. The mistress's orders.

Troian Manservant: But the mistress is gone, and her orders with her. Rats can infest this castle for all I care!

Y'shtola: You needn't worry for me. My life force is a small price to pay for her knowledge, and I will recover it quickly enough once we've returned home.

Varshahn: We cannot allow Y'shtola to bear the burden alone. When next the opportunity arises, I will offer my own aether.

Estinien: Their “one rule” is no different from that of many in our own world.

Estinien: It's those like Alphinaud who are a rare breed.

Dark-robed Voidsent: This is where I belong. My home. This endless darkness you call the void...

Dark-robed Voidsent: There was once light here, and it shone its warmth upon creation. The lands were green and the seas were blue. Life flourished.

Dark-robed Voidsent: Before the war. The Contramemoria.

Varshahn: It must have been a terrible war indeed...

Dark-robed Voidsent: It shattered the balance, causing Darkness to engulf the world.

Dark-robed Voidsent: All life was transformed into monstrosities─voidsent.

Dark-robed Voidsent: We are the natural order now.

Y'shtola: As Light begat sin eaters, Darkness begat voidsent.

Dark-robed Voidsent: The sun was driven from the sky as fleeting day yielded to endless night. In time, even land and sea lost their distinction.

Dark-robed Voidsent: And though the spark of reason had died in us, driven by memory's shadow, we formed factions and carved out domains.

Dark-robed Voidsent: This castle, for instance. Its erstwhile lord must have abided in such a place once upon a time.

Y'shtola: If I may... The Darkness in you is too much for any man to harbor; to my eyes, you are indeed a voidsent.

Y'shtola: Yet your knowledge of the past and your demeanor mark you apart from your brethren.

Y'shtola: You are different, that much is plain. But in what way, I am unsure.

Dark-robed Voidsent: As you say, I am voidsent. But only in part.

Dark-robed Voidsent: The Darkness touched my mother when the war had only just begun. When I was still in the womb.

Dark-robed Voidsent: As a child, I looked like any other. But Darkness coursed through me, and I ceased to age when I'd become a woman grown.

Dark-robed Voidsent: But that was then, and now...I may as well be one in full.

Dark-robed Voidsent: I prey on the weak and serve the strong. I live to survive. Nothing more.

Y'shtola: Forgive me, 'twas not my intent to pry...

Y'shtola: I realize, too, that I've neglected to ask your name.

Dark-robed Voidsent: As we say “mortal,” you may call me “voidsent.”

Varshahn: That is liable to cause confusion. If you are not averse, we would address you by your true name.

Dark-robed Voidsent: Then call me what you will. I care not.

Y'shtola: How about...“Zero”?

Dark-robed Voidsent: Meaning “nothing”? A name as fitting as any.

Y'shtola: No, not “nothing,” but rather a “beginning.” For it remains to be seen what you will become to us.

Dark-robed Voidsent: As I said, I care not. Zero, then.

What will you say?

> Here's to a fruitful partnership.

> I think it's a nice name.

Zero: Partnership...? Are you saying you wish to strike a bargain?

Varshahn: Well, Zero. While there is no end to the questions we could ask, 'tis only fair that we tell you our purpose in coming here.

Varshahn: We are searching for a dragon, one who came to your world long ago.

Zero: A dragon?

Varshahn: Yes. Azdaja is her name, and she is my sister. If you have any knowledge of her, I beg you share it with us.

???: Hissssss...

Varshahn: Did you say something?

Estinien: No...

Y'shtola: I thought I heard a voice as well. The keening of voidsent, perhaps...

“Where Everything Begins” objective fulfilled!

Y'shtola: No one else seems to be nearby. Perhaps it was just a trick of the wind...

Y'shtola: If naught is out of the ordinary, I should like to hear more from Zero. I can't imagine there are many part voidsent like her who remember the world as it was.

Zero: “Beginning”... A curious notion in a world where all has come to an end.

Estinien: We may have subdued the voidsent here, but I doubt they'll remain that way. Remain vigilant.

Varshahn: I must say, we are rather exposed here.

Varshahn: Perhaps we should continue the conversation within the castle.

Varshahn: The throne room is defensible, given its few points of ingress. Let us head back there.

Zero: Moving wasn't part of the bargain. I'll comply, but I expect my payment promptly.

Y'shtola: You shall have it as soon as we've arrived.

Speaking to NPCs:

Troian Guard Dog: Woof! Grrrrrr...

Troian Doorkeeper: Prey we caught are weakened in the dungeon before being served up to the mistress. “Tenderizing,” she called it, and that's the way she used to like it.

Troian Knight: I can't survive without someone to give me aether. But where, oh where will I find a new master...?

Varshahn: All appears unchanged here.

Estinien: I feel eyes on us. Stay alert.

Y'shtola: I will see to the payment, and then we may ask Zero what she knows about Azdaja.

Upon Talking to Zero:

Zero: This place is as good as any. Let me have the aether now.

Y'shtola: Very well.

???: Hissssss...

???: You're mine!

Scarmiglione: Ahhh, that I should miss my mark...

Estinien: That fiend again? But we struck it down─watched it die!

Scarmiglione: Fools. Death doesn't exissst in this world. And I─I am free to return whensoever I please.

Y'shtola: Death doesn't exist...?

Y'shtola: Of course. In the First, the power of Light─of passivity─prevents life from emerging in the Empty.

Y'shtola: But in the Thirteenth, the power of Darkness─of activity─prevents life from finding rest, even should soul be separated from flesh.

Varshahn: So unless one's essence is absorbed by another, 'tis possible to return again and again...

Scarmiglione: Hm... Your aether─it is reminissscent of that creature's. Ahhh, my mouth waters at the memory...

Varshahn: What?

Scarmiglione: I must devour you too. Yes, I must!

Scarmiglione: Ye drifting souls, by my power be reborn!

Estinien: If it's another death they want, I say we give it to them.

Y'shtola: If you could lend us a hand, we'd be much obliged.

Zero: That you would. But you already owe me a debt, and until you make good on it, I won't lift a finger.

Zero: We'll speak after you have won. But know that if you lose, I'll help myself to your aether.

Scarmiglione: That a bothersome duty should deliver to me this lavish feassst...

Battle Dialogue:

Scarmiglione: Come, struggle with all your might! It will make you that much richer and tastier!

Scarmiglione: Every soul in this domain ssserves me now.

Scarmiglione: Come, feassst upon their flesh!

Y'shtola: The castle answers his call...

Y'shtola: We'd do well to break up this feast quickly.

Estinien: Then let's see these guests on their way.

Scarmiglione: Behold the power of the archfiend of earth!

Varshahn: He means to resurrect them again!

Estinien: Hmph, let them come.

Y'shtola: A troublesome foe...

Y'shtola: He hastens their regeneration!

Scarmiglione: We are deathlessssss.

Scarmiglione: You cannot defeat that which cannot die!

Estinien: Get clear!

Scarmiglione: Struggle and slaughter all you like!

Varshahn: This bodes ill...

Varshahn: Our foe has too great an advantage...

Estinien: We need to drag him out of this damnable feast.

Estinien: Quickly, stand together!

Y'shtola: There's no end in sight...

Y'shtola: A retreat may be in order.

Scarmiglione: When will you learn? No matter what you do, you cannot hope to win.

Y'shtola: You never know until you try, and I'm always happy to experiment.

Estinien: Zero─is there no way to stop them from coming back?

Zero: There is. But I have no reason to share it with you.

Y'shtola: You know, Zero. You do owe us for one thing.

Y'shtola: Your name.

Y'shtola: You'll have your promised aether, but we are owed compensation for your name.

Zero: A name for which I did not ask...

Zero: But that I nevertheless did accept.

Y'shtola: They've been crystallized!

Estinien: Well now, that's quite the trick.

Zero: Satisfied?

Y'shtola: Completely.

Varshahn: Come, my friends. With Zero's aid, we can defeat him!

Scarmiglione: What is this!? What have you done!?

Zero: Now that I think on it, you owe me a debt as well.

Zero: You may have missed your mark...but I won't miss mine.

Zero: However incurred, a debt is a debt.

Zero: I will repay it here and now.

Y'shtola: She can turn voidsent into crystal...

Varshahn: What is this power?

Scarmiglione: You will tremble before my true ssstrength!

Scarmiglione: Go forth and smite my foes!

Zero: Attend to the minions first.

Zero: Begone.

Scarmiglione: More... I need more servants...

Zero: That's far enough.

Zero turns the voidsent into crystal!

Zero: Got you!

Scarmiglione: Trickery will not save you!

Scarmiglione: Prove your loyalty to me!

Varshahn: Reinforcements...

Zero: This will hurt.

Zero turns the voidsent into crystal!

Estinien: Hm, impressive.

Scarmiglione: Pathetic! Useless!

Scarmiglione: Enough! Enough!

Zero: Ugh!

Varshahn: We cannot win without Zero. We must help her!

Estinien: Zero needs our help!

Zero: Another debt to repay...

Scarmiglione: Hmph. If I must deal with you first... Scarmiglione: I'll kill you all myself!

Estinien: Finally getting serious, are we?

Estinien: Very well, let us return the favor!

Scarmiglione: This place will be your grave!

Y'shtola: This magick... We must stop him now!

Varshahn: Everyone, to me!

After Completing Instanced Duty:

Scarmiglione: Fools! Do not think you have defeated me! I will return, again and again!

Scarmiglione: What? My flesh... Why won't it heal? What is the meaning of thisss!?

Scarmiglione: To seal aether in crystal...

Scarmiglione: Memoria!? But how? How can you have this power?

Scarmiglione: Death has no place in this world. We are beyond it...and yet...

Scarmiglione: Ah, Lord Golbez! You have sent me to my doom!

Scarmiglione: Curse you and your wretched flattery, and this abominable fate!

[Start of Vision]

Knight in Black: You are well come, seekers of might.

Golbez: I, Golbez, have called you four hither...

Golbez: I who would see us triumph in the coming crusade...

Golbez: That I may entrust you with command of our armies.

Spirited Voidsent: Yes, yes, but what of the promised gift?

Shifty Voidsent: In exchange for our loyalty, we are to feast on the finest aether.

Golbez: And so you shall. For if you are to serve me, you must be strong.

Alluring Voidsent: Then honor the pact, and pray we are not disappointed.

Golbez: Very well. Behold.

Dignified Voidsent: The fiery wings, the savage horns...it pulses with life! Such vibrant aether!

Dignified Voidsent: This magnificent creature could only come from beyond the veil.

Golbez: Indeed. Feast, my friends. Feast, and arise as my four archfiends!

Golbez: As they are now, they can consume but a fraction of the dragon's aether.

Golbez: Just as well. The creature may yet serve other ends.

[End of Vision]

Estinien: Are you all right?

Y'shtola: The voidsent's essence remains.

Y'shtola: But it has been sealed away─transformed into crystal.

Varshahn: “Memoria,” Scarmiglione called them.

Varshahn: I take it they are connected to the war of which you spoke.

Zero: Aye─their use was central to the Contramemoria, hence its name.

Zero: And to my knowledge, the transformation is permanent.

Varshahn: I see. We thank you for coming to our aid.

Zero: I repaid a debt, and in doing so ensured that I receive my own due compensation. Which I shall have now.

Y'shtola: Yes, yes. I still have work to do, so I would thank you not to get carried away.

Estinien: Aether as the coin of choice. I appreciate the simplicity.

Y'shtola: That makes us even, I trust.

Y'shtola: Right, then─when you picked up the crystal, you experienced a vision, did you not?

Varshahn: A dragon resembling a great wyrm? I dare to hope that it was Azdaja...

Varshahn: Even as it pains me to think she has been made to suffer.

Estinien: For the ambitions of this Golbez...

Y'shtola: We've been given much to consider. Let us a take a moment to review what we know.

Speaking to NPCs:

Varshahn: If Golbez has Azdaja at his mercy, then we must find him. Hopefully Zero has knowledge that will aid us in our search...

Estinien: We've vanquished one of Golbez's archfiends, but three remain. As troublesome as this one, I expect.

Zero: There is nothing like the aether of a living mortal. I haven't felt so satisfied since my return.

Y'shtola: We should still be owed at least that much, I daresay.

Speaking to the present NPCs immediately after:

Y'shtola: From memoria to Golbez and his archfiends, we have more questions now than answers. But that is a sign that we are making progress.