Acquired by
Abigail Barding |
From Trimmed Sacks found in Palace of the Dead.
Barding of Light |
Acquired through Veteran Rewards, after subscribing to A Realm Reborn for a total of 360 days (12 months).
Behemoth Barding |
Acquired through the purchase of Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Collector's Edition.
Black Mage Barding |
Acquired through Veteran Rewards, after subscribing to A Realm Reborn for a total of 180 days (6 months).
Dragoon Barding |
Achieve rank 10 with your chocobo with all 10 skill points in your attacker skill tree.
Egg Harness |
Acquired through 2014 Hatching-tide seasonal event.
Eerie Barding |
Acquired during the All Saints' Wake (2014) Seasonal Event.
Expanse Barding |
Can be crafted by Armorer
Recipe: 2 Ice Cluster, 1 Earth Cluster, 1 Bismarck's Baleen, 4 Titanium Ingot, 1 Aurum Regis Nugget, 2 Holy Ramie Cloth
Far East Barding |
File:Fear east barding icon1.png |
Gambler Barding |
Obtained in Gold Saucer by purchasing it from Gold Saucer Attendant for 20,000 MGP.
Gridanian Barding |
Purchased from The Order of the Twin Adder vendor for 6000 Company Seals.
Gridanian Crested Barding |
Purchased from The Order of the Twin Adder vendor for 8000 Company Seals.
Gridanian Half Barding |
Purchased from The Order of the Twin Adder vendor for 4000 Company Seals.
Gridanian Saddle |
Acquired as the default barding when personal chocobo is unlocked with The Order of the Twin Adder as your Grand Company.
Highland Barding |
Can be crafted by a Level 40 Leatherworker
Recipe: 5 Earth Shard, 4 Wind Shard, 2 Blue Fox Hide, 2 Undyed Woolen Cloth, 3 Woolen Yarn, 1 Elm Lumber
Hive Barding |
Can be crafted by Armorer
Recipe: 2 Ice Cluster, 1 Earth Cluster, 1 Ravana's Forewing, 4 Adamantite Nugget, 1 Aurum Regis Nugget, 2 Dhalmel Leather
Horde Barding |
Can be crafted by Leatherworker
Recipe: 3 Nidhogg's Scale, 4 Eikon leather, 1 Griffin Leather Strap, 1 Eikon Iron Ingot, 2 Beastkin Horn
Ice Barding |
Can be crafted by a Level 50 Leatherworker
Recipe: 2 Earth Cluster, 2 Wind Cluster, 1 Diamond Tear, 1 Allagan Leather, 1 Cashmere Cloth, 1 Platinum Nugget
Ishgardian Barding |
Purchased with 350 Centurio Seals, obtained from Clan Hunts from Ardolain in Foundation (x12,y11).
Ishgardian Half Barding |
Obtained from Level 56 FATE Vedrfolnir Devoteth in The Churning Mists (x11,y36).
Levin Barding |
Can be crafted by Leatherworker
Recipe: 2 Earth Cluster, 1 Wind Cluster, 1 Levin Orb, 1 Saurian Leather, 1 Rose Gold Nugget, 4 Twinthread
Lominsan Barding |
Purchased from The Maelstrom vendor for 6000 Company Seals.
Lominsan Crested Barding |
Purchased from The Maelstrom vendor for 8000 Company Seals.
Lominsan Half Barding |
Purchased from The Maelstrom vendor for 4000 Company Seals.
Lominsan Saddle |
Acquired as the default barding when personal chocobo is unlocked with The Maelstrom as your Grand Company.
Mandervillian Barding |
Purchased from Gold Saucer Attendant for 150,000 MGP.
Noble Barding |
Awarded to the top 12 entries of the Hairstyle contest running from 27 July to 21 August 2015. One of 5 optional prizes awarded to the 20 finalist in the costume contest at the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2016.
Orthodox Barding |
Can be crafted by a level 56 Weaver
Recipe: 5 Lightning Crystal, 4 Wind Crystal, 4 Ramie Cloth, 1 Dhalmel Leather, 1 Electrum Ingot, 2 Larimar
Paramour Barding |
Acquired after completing the quests during the Valentione's Day (2015).
Paladin Barding |
Achieve rank 10 with your chocobo with all 10 skill points in your defender skill tree.
Plumed Barding |
Obtain the Breaking Bo achievement after training another player's chocobo companion 30 times in Chocobo Raising.
Round Table Barding |
Drops from The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign
Race Barding |
Acquired from Chocobo Racing?
Sleipnir Barding |
Exchange 5 Odin's Mantle, acquired by completing the Odin FATE, to Aelina in Mor Dhona (x22,y6).
Sophic Barding |
Level 60**** Goldsmith recipe.
Sovereign Barding |
Awarded after receiving 300 player commendations.
Starlight Barding |
Acquired through Starlight Celebration Seasonal Event.
Tidal Barding |
Can be crafted from a level 90 recipe by a level 50 Armorer.
Recipe: 2 Ice Cluster, 1 Earth Cluster, 1 Leviathan's Barb, 1 Gold Ingot, 1 Darksteel Plate, 1 Hippogryph Leather
Ul'dahn Barding |
Purchased from The Immortal Flames vendor for 6000 Company Seals.
Ul'dahn Crested Barding |
Purchased from The Immortal Flames vendor for 8000 Company Seals.
Ul'dahn Half Barding |
Purchased from The Immortal Flames vendor for 4000 Company Seals.
Ul'dahn Saddle |
Acquired as the default barding when personal chocobo is unlocked with The Immortal Flames as your Grand Company.
Wildrose Barding |
Veteran Reward for subscribing to FFXIV ARR for 960 days or 32 months.
White Mage Barding |
Achieve rank 10 with your chocobo with all 10 skill points in your healer skill tree.